
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Testing your motivation

Kawata always tries to uphold his public appearance as a light-hearted and optimistic hero. He smiles when he talks to his fans and makes frequent interviews with well-established networks.

Everyone knows him as a gentle hero. But behind closed curtains, he's a strict father, because he wants the best for his children and he also doesn't want them to ruin the family name "Yano".

The name he revived with his dedication and hard work for years, the countless sacrifices he had made. So he thinks that by being harder on Katashi, he's helping him grow his confidence and giving him the drive to prove his father wrong.

Even if it means hating him.

After 15 minutes, Kawata remained untouched. In front of him stood Katashi, drenched in sweat and covered in bruises and small cuts.

Relentlessly, he had tried to land even a single hit on his father- to no avail. Despite his exhaustion, he refused to give up.

"I- I can still fight," Katashi panted, forcing himself to stand straight. Earning a sneer from Kawata

"I admire your determination, but surely you didn't think I'll stop with just this? Come at me!" Exclaimed Kawata.

Katashi lunged at his father. Striking multiple times to no avail, as Kawata kept deflecting his strikes. Katashi dropped to the ground and kick his father's foot.

But Kawata figured out this strategy before Katashi could even think of it. He jumped and kick Katashi in the stomach. Launching him multiple meters away.

They were now out of the kitchen and in the living room. Katashi heard Kawata's footsteps which made him shake in fear.

"Had enough yet?" Asked Kawata, looking at his own son as if he was trash.

Katashi became angry and forced himself to stand, with every ounce of power he had left, he threw a punch with all his power.

But it proved to be futile as Kawata effortlessly deflected Katahi's full-powered punch and redirected it to him with his own punch. Punching Katashi on the face and launching him on a wall at great speeds

**Katashi's Pov**

"W-what was that?" I asked myself, I mustered up everything I had into that punch and in an instant, I was in the wall.

"That's called the redirection of one's power, it's a technique you'll learn once you're ready. I admire your determination so never forget our fight, use this as your motivation in training." I heard my father say before I fell unconscious.

**Kawata's Pov**

My fight with Katashi was relentless. No matter how much I hit him he never stopped coming at me, in a way, I find this both a good thing and a bad thing. He must know when to take a fight or when to give it up, If not he'll die early as a pro hero.

But he's had enough for today, if his training in martial arts is successful, my master will take him under his wing: He only taught me a few techniques because he thought I was unworthy, but lately, he's been desperate to find students. no matter how hard he tries to hide it, I can see right through him,

I just hope Katashi will be okay under him.

"Dear, is he okay?" I hear my wife worriedly ask, I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Yeah don't worry, he passed. We'll sign him to a karate dojo first" I said after pausing for a little bit.

"For now let him rest." I then looked at my son, I'll admit I went overboard with my 'Teachings' but he'll remember this fight and hopefully, it'll motivate him to become a better hero in the future.

My teacher isn't exactly what you'll call generous, so he has to learn to stand up for himself, and break off from him as early as he can.

Sometimes I confused Kawata *the father* with Katashi *the son* sorry bout that.

But if you noticed some unfamilliar phrases during a paragraph, that was the help of a friend. As I said I'm learning as a writer.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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