
The Purple Flash of Kumo

After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. Rated M for Sexual Content and Gore.

Drinnor · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Meeting Kyuubi

Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and read the chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'


Chapter 4 (Yugito Nii), Chapter 5 (Two, Eight, and Nine), and Chapter 6 (Training Starts) are already available for Patrons.

Drip Drip Drip

He closed his eyes to focus harder... the sound grew louder still.

It started to sound like it was right next to him when he opened his eyes and found himself somewhere unfamiliar.

It was an enormous and very dark hall. The floor was only slightly flooded, but the water came up above his knees since he was so small.

He pressed his lips together, feeling afraid. Only slightly, though.

He began to walk, his curiosity growing as he did so. He recognized that he was not alone here.

He walked till he came to an enormous gate that was locked tight. The type of which he thought was supposed to keep him out until he heard a raspy breath from within the darkness.

Then it seemed more likely it was to keep something from getting out. The blonde peered into the darkness behind bars looking for the source of the breathing.

Two enormous red eyes slowly appeared from the darkness, looking down at him. The eyes were red and slit like that of a cat.

"What are you?" Naruto questioned, his voice almost a whisper.

The creature grinned, showing his sharp teeth, each larger than Naruto.

"It seems my warden has honored me with his presence. I'm Kyūbi no Yōko,"

Naruto looked at the giant fox behind bars. The Kyuubi had orange, silky-looking fur, with black markings around his eyes connected to his, funnily enough, rabbit-like ears. The upper body was humanoid, including the hands. The lower body was just like a fox, barring the nine long swaying tails in the back. The fire was the closest thing they looked like.

The red, slitted eyes looked at him closely with a hint of malice and curiosity.

"You're The Kyuubi!" Naruto shouted, amazed, and couldn't help but be perplexed by his sheer size. He knew who Kyuubi was. A year ago, after Jiji taught him how to read, he gave him a book about all the Bijuus of The Ninja World. The book had detailed explanations of each Bijuu, and the strongest was clearly The Kyuubi. Still, his Jiji also explained not to tell anyone about this book, these books were forbidden to read for those of Rank Chunin or Genin, and he wasn't even a Genin yet. Naruto, of course, had asked why he needed to read the book, and his Jiji told him that he would understand it one day. Now, looking at the Kyuubi, he believed he understood why!

"Why are you sealed inside me?" Naruto questioned, looking at Kyuubi with no hint of fear in his eyes. Sure the creature was huge, but he doubted Kyuubi was as scary as Jiji when he got angry.

"You're what they call A Jinchuuriki, a human who has a Bijuu sealed inside them," Kyuubi explained with a huff, looking down at the little brat who was simply a toddler.

"A Jackass!" Naruto said, feeling offended to be called that.

"A JINCHUURIKI BRAT. LISTEN CLOSELY, A Jinchuuriki!!" Kyuubi screamed with such strength, sending a wave that made Naruto stumble back, falling on his butt.

He closed his ears with his hands at the loud noise. Moving his hands away, he stood up, glaring at the stupid fox. "Hey, Don't yell at me, you Stupid Fox. I will beat the crap out of you," Naruto yelled, pointing a finger at Kyuubi, who grinned, amused.

"Beat Me! A brat like you who needs help to go to the bathroom? Yeh, never in a million years will you beat me. A gust of wind is enough to knock you down," Kyuubi said with a grin. That was really annoying Naruto, who, to show either bravery or foolishness, he walked right in front of the giant gate.

Planting his foot firmly on the floor, he glared up at Kyuubi with the scariest look he could show on his face, which was a bit ridiculous when you consider that Naruto was a four-year-old trying to look intimidating to a Giant fox.

An intense staring contest ensued, and both competitors weren't backing down. Naruto furrowed his brows, trying to look even more threatening; Kyuubi leaned a bit closer, his eyes almost as large as Naruto, but the blonde didn't back down from a challenge. He would show he was strong and fearless as his Jiji. The air itself around them started getting colder; Kyuubi narrowed his eyes in curiosity as purple bolts of lightning were dancing around the brat's fingertips and the atmosphere getting colder wasn't something Kyuubi was causing.

All his attention was on the staring contest, Naruto didn't notice the water getting colder, and the surface started freezing around the blonde.

"Bahahahahahawahaha," Kyuubi suddenly burst out laughing, breaking eye contact; Naruto looked confused and annoyed that the giant fox was laughing at him.

"Why are you laughing at?" Naruto shouted, spreading his arms, unconsciously sending a bolt of purple lightning right at Kyuubi. Still, the latter moved his paw away before it could hit, instead hitting the floor, the lightning melting the floor, creating a small hole that was smoking.

"That brat is interesting, but where is that cold feeling coming from?! Kyuubi thought with a hint of curiosity, and he hated himself for being interested.

"Brat, what were you even trying to do? You're nothing but a four-year-old. You're nothing compared to me," Kyuubi taunted him, hoping to rile up Naruto in hopes of making him angry and using his lightning again.

"I'm Not a Brat. I'm almost a grown-up! Two more years, and I will join the Academy, and I will be the best," Naruto shouted, looking up at Kyuubi. He hadn't noticed his purple lightning yet, too busy getting angry with the stupid fox.

"So what? You will still be a brat; two more years won't make a difference. Hell, you will still be a brat to me even a hundred years later." Kyuubi replied with a mocking chuckle at the end that had the desired result.

"Oh, Really!! How old are you then?" Naruto questioned with a dangerous tick on his forehead, folding his arms across his chest.

"Three thousand years old, brat," Kyuubi replied right away with a grin, and he definitely enjoyed the look of disbelief splattered across his stupid face.

Naruto's jaw hangs open upon hearing that. "Jeez! that means you're an old hag!" "What Did You Say, Brat!!" Kyuubi shouted in anger, his claw almost reaching him through the small openings of his cell. This time Naruto stood his ground, not wanting to show fear.

"Why are you getting angry? You're old, hell, even older than Jiji!" Naruto said with a challenging look on his face.

"I'm a mass of Chakra, little brat. The concept of old and young doesn't apply to me," Kyuubi said, growling at the brat. He couldn't believe he had fallen for a cheap trick like that.

"Oh really! I'm sure every old hag says the same about themselves to feel better," Naruto said with a nasty smirk, especially when Kyuubi slammed his forehead at the gate, his eyes glaring down at Naruto. Still, the blonde could tell there was no malicious intent behind his eyes.

"Cheeky brat, what do you want?" Kyuubi questioned, wanting this to get over so he could sleep. He couldn't believe he had lost his cool because of a brat who called him old. The last time he got angry was when he faced the second strongest Shinobi of his time and now with a toddler.

Naruto tilted his head to the side, and now he was confused. "What do you mean? I don't know how I got here. If this is a dream, then it is a smelly one," Naruto said, closing his nose as if blocking the smell from Kyuubi, who growled at him.

"Well, brat, you unlocked your chakra. That must be the reason you are here right now. This is your mindscape, after all," Kyung explained with an amused smile. He hated that he liked the discussion with the toddler.

Naruto had a deadpan look on his face. "So my mindscape is a sewer and a smelly one. Can I change this?" Naruto questioned, looking around at the nasty place before looking up at Kyuubi, who was now resting his head against his paws, his red eyes looking back at Naruto with curiosity.

Naruto could feel his emotions, and he was a little glad that the giant old hag was interested in him.

"Sure, just imagine the place you want it to be," Kyuubi replied lazily, only his right eye open, watching the brat as he closed his eyes, trying to picture the place in his mind. For a good minute, nothing happened. For a moment, Kyuubi thought that brat was doing it wrong when grass and trees started growing around the place. Kyuubi had to admit that he was a little impressed, even if the brat had a big mouth.

"Impressive brat, now, can you leave me? I want to sleep," Kyuubi requested, closing his right eye, he knew he could force Naruto out of this place, but since the brat proved helpful, he decided to let him leave on his own.

"First, how are you sealed inside me? Why, and how do I even get out of here?" Naruto questioned, raising three fingers from his right hand as he did.

"You read your books. I'm sealed inside because you humans desire to use my power; it is as simple as that," Kyuubi spoke angrily, his tone changing to a more serious one, letting out a bit of KI that made Naruto fall on his knees.

His breathing was rapid, his hand grasping his chest; he tried to fill his chest with oxygen, but the more he breathed in, the more he needed. His chest tightened, he felt like something was slowly crushing his heart, his knees feeling weaker with each passing second, his heart felt it would come out of his chest, his ears hearing nothing but his heart pounding on his chest like it wanted to come out. Suddenly it disappeared; Naruto fell flat on the ground, lying on his stomach, and relief spread over his entire body. Inhaling as much oxygen as he possibly could, he felt like he couldn't get enough of it. After five minutes of trying to calm himself, he forced himself to stand up, his eyes glaring at Kyuubi, who looked a little surprised.

"What Was That For?" Naruto shouted in anger, a burst of purple lightning spread from his body, and every inch of grass froze immediately; Kyuubi's eyes widened in shock as the bolts of purple lightning were directed at him.

Wanting to know how strong they were, Kyuubi made no move to either dodge or block them. The moment it struck him, he felt the entire electricity spread around his body, but it barely hurt. For a moment, Kyuubi was disappointed when the electricity spread throughout his whole body and suddenly started spreading pain; every bit of his body was getting electrocuted.

So that's how it works! It doesn't just damages the area it hit, but spreads like a virus and strikes my organs, Kyuubi thought, impressed; he had been attacked by lightning before, especially when he fought the two fools from Kumo; he remembered their Lightning Jutsus didn't spread like this, they simply barely damaged the area of his body they hit.

Looking back at the brat, Kyuubi could see the frozen land around him, he wondered what that was about, but he figured he would find out eventually.

"Excellent, brat; it seems your thunder is quite dangerous, even for me," Kyuubi praised with a grin. Actually, damaging him was quite a hard thing to achieve. If the purple lightning could do that, then the brat could become powerful one day.

Naruto looked at his hands, confused and mesmerized. His frown soon turned into a bright smile. "Yataa," he celebrated, jumping in the air.

"I knew I was awesome," he shouted, jumping up in the air in joy; he turned to Kyuubi, whose eyes were closed as if trying to fall asleep. Naruto wanted to ask if he knew anything about this purple lightning, but he could ask his Jiji and father about it; right now, he wanted to ask him something else.

"Why are you still here, brat? To leave, you just need concrete in the real world, and you will kinda wake up," Kyuubi explained with clear annoyance, closing his eyes. After waiting a minute, he could tell the brat was still there.

"Do you want to be friends?" Naruto asked abruptly with an innocent smile that made him look cute but not to Kyuubi, who released a growl; opening his eyes, he stood on his legs, glaring down at the brat.

Kyuubi looked at the little brat after he answered why he was still here. He growled, baring his teeth, and started releasing KI at the brat. The effect was immediate. The brat fell on his knees, finding it very hard to breathe. He was sweating heavily.

"Why do you think I would want to be your friend, Brat?" Kyuubi questioned furiously, showing his teeth before releasing a roar that sent the brat flying before slamming against the wall. Cracks like spider webs spread across the surface of the wall.

The little boy was panting. It took a whole minute for the brat to catch his breath and slowly stood on his legs, finding it hard to even stand on his legs. Naruto eyed the Kyuubi. He took a huge breath.

"Because you're here all alone, I still don't know much about Jinchiriki, but I know you're sealed inside me for as long as I live," Naruto explained with a sad smile; Kyuubi narrowed his eyes. The Giant Fox didn't understand what the brat was trying to achieve with this.

"I know it can get really boring. That's why I'm offering you my friendship. You're not going anywhere, so why not make this enjoyable for both of us?" Naruto questioned, with a broad smile, spreading his arms wide at the end.

"You don't understand, brat. You're still a kid and nothing else. You and your kind caused me pain," and to my siblings, Kyuubi wanted to say but held that one for himself.

"You hunt me, you caused me pain, your kind imprisoned me, you used me as a weapon for your own benefit. Why would I want to be your friend, someone who will sooner or later use my power and don't lie to me. I know one day you will want to use my power," Kyuubi spoke, his voice full of malicious intent.

Naruto looked down, understanding his point of view. He understood that Kyuubi had no reason to trust him or anything else. Suddenly he came up with an idea, looking up at Kyuubi with the brightest smile he could muster.

"Then I swore to you that I will never use your power unless you give me permission, Kyuubi-Sama," Naruto swore with a bow of his head; Kyuubi growled loudly at the stubborn brat, his eyes looking at the figure standing just behind Naruto. He wondered how could a toddler like him be so convincing; it wasn't normal.

Why is the brat reminding me of 'him' of all people, Kyuubi thought, getting annoyed by his own memories. A flash of a man with a beard and a kind face passed through his eyes.

"It hurts doesn't it" The brat whispered, but Kyuubi heard him. He narrowed his eyes, showing his teeth again, and released a furious sigh.

"What are you saying, brat?" He asked with a firm tone and showing power in his voice. The water on the floor was shaking because of his voice and power. He was still leaking a small amount of KI, which made the brat sweat heavily.

"I know none of us wanted this, I didn't want you to be sealed inside me, and I'm sure you would want the same. But I know that you're not just a creature of hatred. You have feelings like everyone else, so yes, I want to be your friend. We are stuck together, so it is better if we become friends instead of hating each other," Naruto finished with a grin. That reminded Kyuubi of both Kushina and Mito Uzumaki. He was sealed in both of them, but they didn't want his power. They never tried to control him; that was something Kyuubi respected in the Uzumaki clan. They were peaceful people.

Kyuubi couldn't remember the last time he felt anger and little happiness simultaneously. He felt angry because he hated humans and happy because the kid in front of him looked at him as a living creature. He could feel Naruto meant what he was saying and not just saying empty words like almost everyone else. Kyuubi could feel his emotions and knew the brat meant every word.

Kyuubi stood up on his fours and strolled to the end of his cell. His whole figure was visible, and Naruto looked surprised to see how large he was. Now he understood why people said a single tail of the Kyuubi was strong enough to destroy a mountain.

Father, you said We should help the humans. I will give this brat a chance, Kyuubi thought with a sad smile on his face remembering him, much to Naruto's surprise.

Naruto was still looking up at Kyuubi; he could feel and see different emotions flashing through his red eyes. It reminded him of Jiji when Naruto had asked him why he didn't have a grandmother. That happened a year ago, his Jiji hadn't answered, and for the first time, he had seen tears in his eyes, a man who could fight entire armies and not blink, yet, the memory of his dear wife was the only thing that made him tear up.

"You swear you won't use my power without my permission?" Kyuubi questioned, wanting him to understand he was walking a fine line right now.

"Yes, I won't use it without your permission," Naruto quickly confirmed with a bow of his head, his blue eyes looking back at his red ones, Kyuubi could tell the brat truly meant it, but only time would show just how much he actually means it.

"Very well, brat, from now on, we are friends," Kyuubi accepted. The brat started jumping around like a toddler with a big smile.

Soon he stopped jumping and turned to face Kyuubi. "What about your name? I mean, Kyuubi simply means Nine-Tails. What is your name?" He questioned, expecting an answer, but instead, Kyuubi shook his head.

"Not yet. I want first to see if you keep your word if I see that you do. I will tell you my name. Now leave me alone to sleep," Kyuubi spoke before forcing Naruto out of the mindscape.

After he disappeared, Kyuubi lay down, his head resting on his paws, thinking about the one person he thought about whenever he was alone. Damn you, Father...

Naruto - One Month Later

The blonde was currently walking around the village. His father had told him yesterday to prepare.

Naruto asked him to prepare for what exactly, but he got no answers; his father simply gave him a smirk that he had grown to be wary of...

"Why ruin the surprise? Is much better to find out for yourself,"

While Naruto knew his father made a good point, that didn't really help with his feeling of excitement and anxiety. Despite being a month since he met Kyuubi, he had yet to tell his family about him. He wondered if they knew about it, but he figured his Jiji, who was also the Raikage, definitely knew about it. Naruto had thought of perhaps telling his Jiji about his purple lightning, but he wanted to surprise him the next time they fought each other. Now, he was running, trying to find a shop with gloves, swords, and other items needed for fighting.

Turning around a corner, he slammed against someone; both fell down with a huff; Naruto opened his eyes, and standing up, he looked down at whoever he had hit.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking," Naruto quickly apologized, extending his hand to help the girl. The blonde expected the girl to grab his hand. Instead, she looked at his hand before looking up at his blue eyes.

"This wasn't intentional?" She questioned, doubtful; this made Naruto raise an eyebrow. He had expected many things, perhaps an insult or simply slapping his hand away but not that question.

"No, of course not. Why would I want to do that?" Naruto asked, genuinely confused; looking at her, he couldn't notice anything odd about her; the opposite, she looked like someone he wouldn't mind calling a friend.

"I see," She reluctantly said, accepting his hand; he helped her up, now having a better look at her, one of the first things he noticed was her blonde hair.

Her hair was bound with taut bandages, and she had dark eyes. She wore a short-sleeved black and purple blouse and black pants, both of which had a design similar to clouds on them, purple fingerless gloves, and a chain of blue beads wound around her left hand.

"My name is Naruto Yotsuki,"

"Name's Yugito,"