
The Purple Flash of Kumo

After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. Rated M for Sexual Content and Gore.

Drinnor · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Yugito Nii

Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and read the chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'


Chapter 5 (Two, Eight, and Nine), Chapter 6 (Training Starts), Chapter 7 (Meeting Samui), and Chapter 8 (The Academy) are already available for Patrons.

"Name's Yugito," The girl replied quickly as if trying to run away from him. Naruto noticed and felt the cold glares sent towards them, but not towards him, only at the girl who looked slightly uncomfortable by the stares, her body shifting slightly.

"Yugito, that's a good name; how about I treat you for some ramen for crashing against you," Naruto suggested with his broad smile; the girl was visibly taken aback by the blonde's words; she had expected him to glare or something, but not invite her to eat ramen together.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be-" "That's bull crap, come with me," Naruto said, interrupting her; grabbing her hand, she smiled slightly before following behind; both of them couldn't help but notice how soft each other's hands were.

"So, where were you going?" Naruto started the conversation, looking at her over his shoulder.

"I was just returning from the training, needed to go home," Yugito reluctantly explained, moving away a strand of her hair from her face.

"Training! You will join the academy after two years?" Naruto quickly asked excitedly. While he enjoyed spending time with his family, he wanted to have friends around his age. For a moment, there was no answer; Naruto wondered if he had said something wrong when she spoke.

"Yes, I will show everyone. I will become the best Kunoichi in the World!" Yugito exclaimed with literal blue fire in her eyes and a raised fist in the air. She didn't know where that power came from; she usually didn't speak like this.

Naruto's eyes sparked like stars. "That's amazing. I will become the best Kage that ever existed," Naruto announced immediately; many people stopped walking, looking at them confused.

Yugito smiled, thinking his dream was an amazing one; she noticed he said 'Kage' instead of Raikage. She felt happy to meet someone similar to her, but she figured he would soon find out about her secret; once that happened, it would be all over.

"So, where are we going?"

"We're having ramen at my favorite restaurant. It's not too far from here. Believe me when I tell you they serve the best food in all of Kumo."

"Sounds great," she said as they began to walk.

On the way to the restaurant, Yugito and Naruto talked about life in general. Naruto would listen to her and answer with jokes and compliments, as well as more serious answers when the topic they were talking about demanded it. Yugito found herself enjoying the conversation she was having with Naruto.

When they finally arrived at the restaurant, Yugito found out it was none other than Rom-Tom's. As they entered, Yugito was surprised by how warm and cozy the place was. It wasn't too big nor too small, just the perfect size.

The decorations were nothing fancy, but they certainly were interesting. They were quickly greeted by a waitress who recognized Naruto almost instantly.

"Naruto, it's so good to see you! How long have you been gone?" the waitress asked cheerfully.

"Hey, Yanra. Yeah, I know I've been missing for some time. How are things going?" Naruto asked with a grin.

"Can't really complain," she answered with a shrug before turning to face Yugito with a big smile. "Ohhh, who is the girl?" She asked with a teasing tone.

"A friend of mine," Naruto answered, embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head. Yugito expected the waitress to glare at her, but instead, she smiled.

"Well, any friend of Naruto is welcome here," she said softly.

"Thanks," Yugito said warmly. She was thankful for not being referred to as the 'Demon Cat' or something like that. The last thing she wanted right now was to have people surrounding them and interrupting her time with her new friend. They were both guided to an empty table in the corner of the room, where they sat down. Yanra handed them the menus and said she would return shortly to take their orders.

Naruto looked at Yugito and smiled. "So Yugito, what do you think of the place so far?"

"I gotta' say, it's really lovely. I can see why you like it." Yugito responded, still looking around, trying to remember everything about it, every little detail.

The blonde chuckled. "I'm glad you like it. I come here often with my family. I'm sure they would like you a lot." Naruto said with a broad smile; Yugito doubted that but didn't voice it out.

"Thank you, Naruto. I appreciate it, sometimes it is very tiring to train all the time, and I really need time to relax." Yugito said with a smile.

Yanra came back and took their orders. Yugito ordered sushi while Naruto asked for ramen he was so fond of. The waitress took off and came back 15 minutes later with the food. When Yugito tasted her food, her eyes turned to stars at the delicious taste. When Naruto told her this place served the best food in Kumo, she thought he was exaggerating a bit. But now she realized... that it was an understatement! This had to be the best food she had ever tasted in all of her life, hands down.

Twenty minutes and ten packs of Sushi later...

"Ahhhhh, that was the best meal ever!" Yugito shouted as she rubbed her belly.

"I told you this place was the best," Naruto said with a smirk. "Do you think you have room for dessert?"

"Mhhhhhhh, that is tempting," Yugito responded humorously. Then something caught her eye. "Hey Naruto, what's that guy's deal?" she asked, pointing to a certain individual.

Naruto turned his head back and saw a guy with two girls, one in each of his arms, followed by two other guys. The guy Yugito pointed at had the weirdest haircut Naruto had ever seen in his life, as all of his purple hair was inclined toward the right part of his face. He had pale skin and a disturbing smile that went along with glaring eyes. All in all, he basically was the living definition of creepy. "I don't know what his deal is; just ignore him," Naruto said with a little shrug.

"Why is he looking at us?" Yugito asked with a dirty face, still looking at the man.

"Beats me."

The man then made his way to Naruto and Yugito, followed by his two nameless teammates. Instead of talking right away, he stood there just smirking in a way that could unnerve anyone just by looking at him. After a minute of awkward silence, Naruto decided to figure out what that guy wanted.

"Is there a reason you are staring at us like that or are you just plain weird?"

The purple-haired weirdo chuckled a bit before starting to talk. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Demon Cat chick and her boyfriend." the man said; Naruto noticed how he addressed Yugito, and the latter's happy face suddenly paled.

"What I would like to know is how you expect me to take you seriously with that haircut." Naruto retorted, earning a chuckle out of Yugito.

The man stared at Naruto for a moment with his eye slightly twitching but regained his cool. He then approached Yugito and leaned very close.

"What is a brat like you doing here, spoiling everyone's fun?" He questioned; Yugito closed her nose, looking disgusted.

"You smell; how about you wash your teeth before talking to anyone," Yugito said with a glare of her own. The man clenched his teeth together, looking ready to strike when Naruto decided it was enough.

"Touch her, and I will beat your ass," Naruto threatened. The man threatening Yugito was a civilian, not a Shinobi; Naruto knew he could beat him easily.

"Tch, like it would make a difference. Fine, try to touch me, you loser." Tahno said, lifting his arms in a 'come-at-me' sort of way. The man was a little disappointed that his previous strategy didn't work, but it was unimportant. The brat in front of him was nothing more than a toddler. He, on the other hand, was a grown man much stronger than him. He would show everyone how strong he was by beating a toddler.

"Deal," Naruto said with a smirk. Before the man could react, Naruto's fist greeted the man's left eye. The man fell and landed butt-first into the ground, both of his hands covering his left eye while growling in pain. His friends tried to help him stand up, but the man shoved them back as he stood on his feet. When he retrieved his hand from his face, he revealed a very darkish eye. "Listen to me, clown, you and your weak friends can either scram or get beaten. Final warning." Naruto said with a face that meant business.

The man glared angrily at Naruto, who didn't feel threatened at all. He scoffed and left the restaurant, trying his best not to feel humiliated, which he miserably failed at.

Naruto sighed before turning to face Yugito. "Sorry about that."

Yugito was anything but angry. "Are you kidding me? That was hilarious! Did you see how embarrassed he was?" she pipped up.

And so the rest of the dinner went on without further interruptions. Naruto and Yugito chatted for a long time, laughing and enjoying themselves. Yugito had nearly forgotten what it felt like to have a good time like this, not thinking about her training nor the fact that she was a Jinchiki... Whatever I'm called, she thought, annoyed, mentally rolling her eyes. Why couldn't people come up with easier names to remember?

Time seemed to slow down for her when she stared at those blue orbs of her new friend; she had noticed that Naruto didn't react to the man calling her a Demon Cat; she just hoped he wouldn't abandon her if he found out later the truth, either from his family or his other friends.

Little did she know, Naruto had the same feeling when he looked at Yugito's dark pearls she had in her pretty face. One thing Naruto absolutely enjoyed doing was making Yugito laugh. He didn't care if it was a full-blown roar kind of laugh or a faint giggle she tried to hold; her laughter, along with her cute smile, was enough for Naruto to feel almost hypnotized.

Eventually, they decided to finish dinner and take a walk. When Naruto paid for the food and said his goodbyes to Yanra and her father, who apparently wasn't angry for the 'fight' Naruto had earlier, the new friends left Rom-Tom's and made their way to Kumo's Central Park.

As they arrived, Naruto saw a small ice cream post and bought a strawberry ice cream for Yugito and a raspberry one for himself.

The friends visited some of the city's most famous attractions and sightseeings before calling it a night. It was getting late, and both of them felt it was time to go back to their own homes.

"So, did you enjoy our time together?" Naruto asked her, walking around the park.

"It was amazing. You really know how to show somebody a good time." Yugito said with a bright smile.

"I aim to please. Especially being my first friend and all."

To say Yugito was shocked was an understatement. "What? I'm your first friend?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Yeah, well. I mostly spend time with my uncle, who loves annoying my father with his weird way of expressing himself with his awful singing voice," Naruto said, with a burst of laughter, remembering the many times his father had gotten angry with Bee.

Yugito didn't know why but for the first time in her life, she felt special; to think that she was Naruto's first friend was something she liked. "Thanks, Naruto-kun,"

"You're welcome. Maybe you would be interested in hanging out again?" Naruto asked as if challenging her.

And Yugito was not one to back down from a challenge. "You better believe I'm interested," she said with a smirk.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning."

One week later

Naruto and Yugito are sitting comfortably on a park bench together, enjoying the lovely warm sunny day with a couple of sticks of Dangos.

They stopped by the Dango Shop first to get some sweet treats, but Naruto noticed something very odd when they made their way between there and the park.

Curiosity overcomes him, and he then decides to ask his fellow blonde a question.


"Yes, Naruto-Kun?"

"Why are the villagers always glaring at you, like you insulted them or something?"

Yugito knew this moment was coming, as she, too, noticed the hateful glares she was receiving from the villagers earlier. But now she fears her 'burden' will drive her new friend away. So she decided to be the ignorant one for a change.

".....Who knows. They always look at me like that." Yugito says nonchalantly.

But unfortunately, Naruto could tell that she was not being honest.

"Don't lie to me, Yugito-chan, my father always told me how to tell when someone lies, and I can feel that you're being dishonest with me. Do you not trust me?" Naruto questioned, feeling hurt, standing up, and looking down at Yugito, who avoided his eyes. She looked at the blink of crying, and for a brief moment, she wondered what he meant by 'feeling that she was lying,' but she ignored it for now.

After a minute of total silence, Yugito felt her lower lips trembling.

"I-is better for you not to know it, Please," she begged, looking at her hands on her lap, her lower jaw trembling; she felt her eyes welling up with tears when she felt his hand touching her shoulder.

"Why? You can tell me everything; there's nothing you can say that would make me not want to be your friend," Naruto said, encouraging her with the softest voice he could muster. He could feel her emotions and figured she feared him not wanting to hang out with her anymore. He didn't know why she would have that fear, but he would never simply abandon her for no reason.

Yugito wondered how he could tell her emotions. This wasn't something one was supposed to be able to do, opening her mouth to speak when she heard heavy footsteps approaching them.

Yugito turned around and saw a group of kids, who were slightly older than her, slowly gathering around them.

"Look at the Demon Cat!"

"Why are you even still breathing? Who is he, your next meal?" The bullies taunted her sending her dark and disgusted looks until Naruto put himself between them and Yugito.

"LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU JERKS!" Naruto yelled out loudly to the group in front of him.

"What the?! Get out of the way, Blondie! This is between us and the freak with the Demon Cat." The group's supposed leader called out to the 'would-be hero.'


"Why you! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S STUPID, YOU SHIT!" The elder boy tried to push Naruto.

Yugito prepared to fight them. Not the first time she had beaten them to a pulp. She wouldn't allow them to beat up her first and only friend, the leader sent a punch toward Naruto, but it never reached him.

Naruto stopped his punch with his hand before grasping his fist with his fingers. The leader of the group let out a scream of pain, falling on his knees as Naruto simply tightened the grip around the fist.

"You're all grown, man, and you spent your time bullying my friend. Do you not have a life of your own, or are you all that pathetic that the only life you have is whatever or not you can find my friend and bully Her?" Naruto questioned with cold fury, his blue eyes turning icy. The leader's friends paled, falling on their butts at the Killing Intent Naruto was showing.

His grip tightened, and SNAP, the leader, cried out in pain, holding his broken hand. Naruto then kicked him in the chest, sending him flying in the air before falling down unconscious, the other three wanted to run away, but Naruto's cold eyes made them freeze where they stood; Naruto's chakra started spreading violently around Naruto, and the grass and every bit of liquid froze, turning to ice as Naruto marched towards them, they all wanted to desperately run away, but their bodies weren't moving.

"You Touch My Friend Again. I Will make you Regret The Day You Were Born," Naruto promised. The three bullies mustered enough strength to nod; their mouths just weren't moving.

Naruto's icy eyes turned back to normal blue ones, turning around to face Yugito, who was looking at him in complete shock. This was the second time someone had defended her from bullies.

Without saying a word to each other, they both walked away, leaving the bullies behind, who quickly helped their leader to the hospital. Naruto decided to walk her back to her home, just in case someone decided they wanted to bully her.

Reaching her house, Yugito stopped walking and turned to face Naruto, who gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry about what happened. I lost control," the blonde apologized, knowing he could have scared her but was surprised, and his face turned bright red when Yugito instead kissed his cheek with her soft lips before winking at him.

"Naruto-Kun, I'm happy you stood up for me, but you heard what they called me; why are you still my friend?" She questioned, looking directly into his eyes, wanting to know right now if Naruto would still be her friend even if he knew the truth.

"You mean when they called you the D word, then don't worry. I don't give a crap about what you have sealed inside you. To me, you're my friend, and always will be," Naruto said with sincerity, getting a big hug from Yugito, who was crying.

"You're my friend too, Naruto-Kun!"


After their conversation last night, Naruto returned back home, and his father demanded to know where he had been. Still, The Blonde dodged the question and simply distracted him by saying something about training and Bee wanting to teach him how to sing, which had the desired reaction of his father punching Bee and sending him flying through the window!

As the sun rose up over the Kumo Village, Naruto fought the everyday struggle. The brawl he was cursed to engage in for the rest of his life.

His greatest opponent a threat bigger than anything someone had ever faced.

Getting out of bed?!

As Naruto relentlessly tried to stand up, he could feel it. He was winning. When his feet touched the wooden floor, he used all his strength to move. If he failed to get up, he knew he would be doomed, and the dark forces of laziness would stand tall at the very end.

It was now or never.

Using all of his might, he jumped out of bed and took a minute to regain his balance. It took a while, but it was done. He looked back and glanced at the corpse that was his bed, sheets completely out of place. A reminder of the grand battle he fought every day.

'Once more, I stand victorious against you. We will face again tomorrow, but be certain that I shall be your downfall like every time we have fought,' the fearsome warrior thought dramatically as he exited his room.

It was finally over.

Walking towards the dining room, Naruto was thinking about what he would do this morning. It had been a while since he continued his workout sessions, so he decided that he should make up for it by extending them temporally with longer and more exhausting exercises. Occasionally, Naruto would pack a few things and go to a secluded area where he could try out new techniques in peace.

Talking about Naruto's training, he never showed his true abilities to his father. He wanted to surprise him when his father sent him to the academy. His father had told him that he would test his abilities a week before entering the academy, and that's when Naruto would show his true strength.

Naruto escaped his thoughts, Now it was time for breakfast, and when it was time for breakfast, it was time for breakfast and nothing more.

Hearing his uncle's voice, he paid it no mind until he heard a different voice that he had definitely heard before and wondered why she was here. Opening the door, he was surprised to see Yugito and his uncle talking.

Hearing the door open, both of them turned to see Naruto.

"Good morning, Naruto," Bee greeted him first, but the blonde didn't answer; instead, he looked At Yugito, who was just as surprised as he was.

"What are you doing here, Naruto-Kun/Yugito-Chan??"