
The President and the nut-job

Oldman MayHill and Master Harper sat opposite of each other- measuring each other in every aspects. Both men had lot of things in common. Both had five stern looking bodyguards standing behind them. Both were number one in their respective business world- MayHill groups controlled the business while Harpers controlled the underworld. Both were ridiculously rich with estimated fortunes of billions of dollars. Both these old men commanded respect wherever they go. They knew each other since they were kids themselves. But both of them hated each other’s gut. Now, you might be wondering what they are doing together then? Well these men had one problem in common- their grandchildren. Oldman MayHill and Master Harper both thought of their grandchildren at the same time. Both were turning out to be too handful for the elders. Ashton MayHill was Oldman MayHill’s oldest grandchild and the President of MayHill groups. He was the perfect grandson until he refused several influential marriage proposals. Then again such refusal never seem to stop women from wanting to grab his attention. Recently to show his rebellion against the family for bringing in the marriage proposals, he has been on the front page of national newspapers too often- almost every single day with a different woman. Oldman MayHill just wanted his grandchild to get serious and settle down. He wanted to see his great-grandchild soon. But it was becoming near impossible now. On the other hand, Master Harper had completely opposite issue with his only grandchild. They were the boss of the underworld but his only granddaughter has turned out to be a nerdy computer geek. On top of that she had such a sharp tongue. She refused to go out and even if she went out- she only went to the company’s training ground to check out the half naked men. She was caught staring at them too often that the men have started to complain to Master Harper about it. He just wanted her to get married- maybe he can then have a great grandson who can take over the family business. Both elders shook their head as they thought about their grandchild. To solve the issue, the elders decide to cooperate and devise a plan to get their grandchildren marry each other. For both the elders, it was not a bad deal. But they needed a solid plan to make sure their grandchildren agree to this. After three hours of yelling, cursing and throwing tantrums, the elders were finally able to devise a plan to get their grandchildren to marry each other. “Well, it seems like we are going to be in-laws now”, Oldman MayHill as he stood up from his seat. “Seems like it”, said Master Harper as he grinned at the old man.

Silver_Gal · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Isn’t 20% share enough?

"You cannot be serious, grandpa?" Ashton raised his dark eyes and questioned his grandfather.

Oldman MayHill had just told him about the marriage proposal with the Harpers.

"Do I look like I am joking to you?" Oldman MayHill said as he sipped a cup of tea in Ashton's grand office.

"It's more than a proposal, Ash", Oldman MayHill continued as he looked at his grandson. His eyes almost teary. "Your mother and the previous lady of the Harpers were best friends.

They wanted their children to get married, so that they can honour their friendship. Although, they are no longer…no longer here," the Oldman said as he struggle to stop his tears from falling.

"Although, they are not here anymore, I want to honour them".

The Oldman looked at his grandson as he wiped the tears away.

Ashton did not answer his grandfather but continued to stare at him with those dark eyes.

His grandfather knew that he was judging him. This grandson of his, Oldman MayHill almost cursed him- why does he need to be so picky- he thought.

"And you know Alina Harper too", the Oldman was trying his best to pursue his grandson. "You guys used to be so close to each other when you were small."

Ashton rubbed his face on his hands.

He tried to remember that small girl running around him when he used to train with Master Harper as a child. All he could remember was a girl dressed up completely in a pink dress and chasing him.

Every time he saw her, he was blinded by the pink dress.

Thinking about it made his head ache bad. There was no way he was going to be with that crazy boy-chasing nut job.

"No, grandpa," Ashton looked at his grandfather who was pretending to wipe his non-existent tears. "I am not going to marry her."

His tone was final.

Oldman MayHill stared at his grandson with his grey eyes. The grandfather and grandson duo were both stubborn and no one was going to back down.

The Oldman knew he still had a trump card to play.

He stood up and was handed his walking stick by his bodyguard.

As he turned to leave, he signalled his bodyguard. The guard placed a document on the desk in front of Ashton.

Ashton was confused.

"It's either the marriage or you are not going to get the 20% share of MayHill groups that was put aside by your mother to be given to Alina Harper", the Oldman said without looking at his grandson.

"WHAT?" Ashton was surprised. He knew his mother had the shares and always thought it was left for a charity in her name. But it was left for that nut job?

The Oldman know that the game was won. He knew his grandson would do anything to keep his mother's share within the company.

He wanted to make a final impact on his grandson. So, he slowly turned and looked at his grandson.

"Isn't 20% share enough? Isn't your mother's share of this company worth it for a marriage?"

But the Oldman did not wait for his grandson's answer and left the office in a quick yet subtle steps.

Ashton was left wondering what game his Oldman was playing. But he knew whatever the game it was, this round was his loss.