
The President and the nut-job

Oldman MayHill and Master Harper sat opposite of each other- measuring each other in every aspects. Both men had lot of things in common. Both had five stern looking bodyguards standing behind them. Both were number one in their respective business world- MayHill groups controlled the business while Harpers controlled the underworld. Both were ridiculously rich with estimated fortunes of billions of dollars. Both these old men commanded respect wherever they go. They knew each other since they were kids themselves. But both of them hated each other’s gut. Now, you might be wondering what they are doing together then? Well these men had one problem in common- their grandchildren. Oldman MayHill and Master Harper both thought of their grandchildren at the same time. Both were turning out to be too handful for the elders. Ashton MayHill was Oldman MayHill’s oldest grandchild and the President of MayHill groups. He was the perfect grandson until he refused several influential marriage proposals. Then again such refusal never seem to stop women from wanting to grab his attention. Recently to show his rebellion against the family for bringing in the marriage proposals, he has been on the front page of national newspapers too often- almost every single day with a different woman. Oldman MayHill just wanted his grandchild to get serious and settle down. He wanted to see his great-grandchild soon. But it was becoming near impossible now. On the other hand, Master Harper had completely opposite issue with his only grandchild. They were the boss of the underworld but his only granddaughter has turned out to be a nerdy computer geek. On top of that she had such a sharp tongue. She refused to go out and even if she went out- she only went to the company’s training ground to check out the half naked men. She was caught staring at them too often that the men have started to complain to Master Harper about it. He just wanted her to get married- maybe he can then have a great grandson who can take over the family business. Both elders shook their head as they thought about their grandchild. To solve the issue, the elders decide to cooperate and devise a plan to get their grandchildren marry each other. For both the elders, it was not a bad deal. But they needed a solid plan to make sure their grandchildren agree to this. After three hours of yelling, cursing and throwing tantrums, the elders were finally able to devise a plan to get their grandchildren to marry each other. “Well, it seems like we are going to be in-laws now”, Oldman MayHill as he stood up from his seat. “Seems like it”, said Master Harper as he grinned at the old man.

Silver_Gal · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 Out with it!

The black Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the MayHill head office during the busy lunch hour.

Employees who were going in and out of the office eyed the car suspiciously. They knew whom the car belonged to but they just didn't understand why the car was there at that time.

The president of MayHill Groups, Ashton MayHill was supposed to be attending a live press conference outside the office today. The employees were even planning to turn on the tv for the live program.

As the driver opened the door of the car, the people nearby left a collective gasp- their President was definitely loved by god. His tall stature, well maintained body, his dark eyes and that intimidating look with his outstanding business skill had made him the most eligible bachelor and businessman in the country.

No wonder, women didn't leave him alone.

As he walked towards the office, he was followed by his secretary, Oliver Scofield, who was busy whispering the schedule to him.

"Not now, Oliver," Ashton was heard saying as they made their way to the direct lift to the President's office.

"Yes, Sir", Oliver said as he followed the President quietly.

Once inside his office, Ashton turned to Oliver- as if he was waiting for Ashton to answer the questions that were not asked.

Oliver looked anywhere but at his boss. But the more he tried not to look at the boss, the more Ashton's stare pierced him.

At last he turned to look at his boss.

"I had no idea that the Oldman was planning this one, boss", he finally answered.

"This is your marriage certificate and this is Mrs MayHill's appointment letter in the IT Department".

Oliver handed the documents to Ashton, who refused to take them. They kept on staring at each other and Oliver could see anger veins starting to pop on Ashton's face.

"Boss, I swear, I didn't know this would be taken care of so fast", Oliver was almost pleading to his boss. "And, you know I couldn't do anything about the appointment of Mrs MayHill".

"Will you stop calling her Mrs MayHill?" Ashton's deep voice was cold and sharp. Oliver wanted to stop but couldn't help himself saying, 'but she is Mrs MayHill' which earned him another cold stare from Ashton.

After five minutes of pin dropped silence in the office, Ashton took a deep breath.

There was nothing he could gain by venting his anger on Oliver. It was all that Oldman's doing anyway.

He just couldn't believe within 24 hours, he had gone from being the most eligible bachelor in the country to marrying a nut-job. And he was supposed to have a dinner date with one of the famous movie actress today.

Although she was pretty and had a sexy body, he was going out on these crazy dates and let the paparazzi photograph him so that he could make his family stop nagging him about marriage proposals.

Now they went a step ahead and prepared marriage certificate for him.

"Damn!" Ashton cursed at no one in particular. They were definitely his family- always with some weird-ass plan!

Ashton grabbed the papers from Oliver's hand and threw it on the big desk as he sat on the big chair behind the desk.

"Make sure I don't run into her in the office," he almost yelled at Oliver. "I don't want to see her anywhere near me."

He looked as if he was going to go berserk.

Oliver was a bit hesitant.

"Now what?" Ashton asked as he saw Oliver's reaction.

"It's just that….", Oliver didn't know how to inform his boss.

Ashton's was getting irritated by his secretary's behaviour.

"Out with it, OLIVER," Ashton yelled his name at the top of his voice.

"It's just that Miss Harper has already moved to your villa today, boss. The Oldman ordered it to happen in the morning."

As Oliver informed his boss, he knew he was in a deep shit.

Ashton was left speechless!