
The Peters

race of the Peters was enslaved by the king of Naples called Zezés, the people of O Peter were enslaved for years but a prophecy said that a liberator would free them from slavery and take them to the land of peace

senhor_do_gamer1 · Thành thị
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The Peters were enslaved by the reign of Napoliry,All race Peters were forced to work until nightfall, children, pregnant women, and old people were forced to work too, anyone who didn't want to work would be tortured to death, everyone knew this rule by heart and most avoided working if they could help it, but there was nothing anyone could do about it, the rule was absolute and the slaves had no other choice but to comply.

It started out like any other day at night in this hellhole where you had to work until your back hurt from lifting heavy boxes or carrying buckets of coal, the only difference with the Peters slaves was their numbers, when all slaves had been around one hundred fifty when their master took over this hellhole, now they were only around one hundred sixty, most died before their eighteenth birthday and many never reached adulthood.

Some lived on in small homes in the outskirts of town, where the king lived in isolation as he worked his kingdom; the rest either stayed behind in the mines or went out into the fields trying to survive on whatever food or other supplies could be found in the forest and fields nearby which is why many Peters' survived, some went to the city for medical assistance;

one day the king of Naples called Zezé gave the order to kill all the female babies of the Peters people.

It didn't happen immediately, they tried everything first but when that failed, the slaves started running through the woods and fields, trying to get away while there was still time. A few managed to escape and made it to the city, but not one escaped the slaughter that was to follow.

it was no use for the people, the peters, to flee to protect their baby girls, all the Guards of the Napoliry kingdom began to take the baby girls from the slave families, the Peters tried to fight but the guards beat them down and raped them, taking what they needed from them. Some of these Peters were taken to the palace and forced to work for days on end without even being given water. Many peters died, starving, beaten, shot in the back.

soon a woman from the people of the Peters took her child in a crib to save him, the mother put the crib with the baby boy lying in it sleeping, the mother pushed the crib with the baby into the sea, and prayed to Peterk the god of all creations in the world, mother prayed and asked to save her child so her son could grow up to be a good man, he promised she'd meet again when the Peter's people have been freed and the Peters were reunited.

The god Peterk also says that her son would be called Ivan and he would be the liberator of the people the Peters is soon he would launch the 5 plagues to force the king of Naples to free the people the Peters that was his promise to his mother praying the gods will allow his child's name to be Ivan. The queen of Peters believed in her son's name and hope, her child Ivan will be free.

The Peters' family is now living on the outskirts of Napolery in a house, their lives are very difficult, everyone works to keep their family alive.