
✨Chapter 1✨



... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....

Avery "Here drink this" Dorothy placed a clear glass on the table in front of me. From the way it spelt it smelt like whiskey.

It was one of her test. She's my therapist and homeschool teacher. Everyday during lessons she would put a glass of some sort of alcohol in front of me

The thing is I was addicted to it, when I mom saw the uprising problem they got me a therapist for this and many other mental health issues.

I narrowed my eyes down at the glass, tempting. Very tempting. It stood still but still I felt it welcoming me to take a sip but I knew better and had to fight the urges.

I closed my eyes and opened them again slowly pushing it away. Dorothy had her eyes fixed on me and watched my every movement.

Then I heard the click of her pen and she started writing.

"Good, looks like you are improving" she smiled and put her notepad down. I moved my eyes away from the glass and met with her gaze. "Shall me continue"

I nodded my head and listened while she read the opening introduction to a new chapter we were learning towards

"You should of seen me on the court" My brother, Justin, walked into the house making a noise.

"Dude you were awesome" that's my brother's best friend. The Blake Castle. The hottest boy I have ever seen, the only boy I have ever liked.

"Let's go watch some TV" my brother said and I heard there footsteps coming towards the living room.

"Stop right there gentleman" Dorothy stopped them.

"Oh shoot" Justin blabbered.

"The time right now is 3 o' clock. That means you aren't allowed to enter this part of the house until 4" She walked up to them and folded her arms over her chest. "What are you doing here"

"C'mon the Lakerys are playing" Justin whined.

I slowly lifted my head to see what was going on. I met with Blakes emerald green eyes. He smiled at me showcasing his perfectly lined white teeth.

My cheek flashed red and I looked away not wanting to make the eye contact proceed.

"See you at 4 then" Dorothy pushed them away. They both frowned and made their way to the stairs, probably going to do something in Justin's room.

"Shall we continue" Dorothy turned on her heels and walked back towards me. Continuing the introduction.

My mind wondered off else where. I always wondered what it was like to go to public school with other teenagers my age. Mom always said no, she wanted to keep me safe.

I don't blame her, sometimes I am like a 5 year old in the body of a 17 year old. I can't say much only that I was scarred for the rest of my life.

My innocence was taken away from me at a young age. I found comfort in my mothers arms when ever I got scared. No body would understand the way childhood trauma would impact you for the rest of your life.

I hated my life, I hated that I fell victim to it. But you grow to learn. Everyday it's a challenge. Trying to manage myself and everything around me.

"Avery are you OK" Dorothy snapped her fingers in front of me.

"Yes yes, I think I just need a break" I smile and got up from the chair.

I walked up to the bathroom upstairs to rinse my face. I opened the cabinet and took out my pills.

I popped the lid open and as I threw some into my hand the door opened. I got so frightened I spill some of pills.

"Shit" I breathed out trying to gather as much as I could.

"Sorry if I scared you" his voice was like music to my ears

I didn't turn to face him, incase I looked like a hot mess.

"No no it's fine" I shook my head

"Let me help you" he walked over and stepped down on one knee picking up the ones that fell onto the tiles.

I watched him pick them up. Once everything was pick up and stood up and handed them to me.

"Here you go" he put them in my hand. "Sorry again Aubrey..?"

"Avery" I smiled, throwing two pills into my mouth and filing the cup with water. I swallowed the pills and walked out closing the door behind me.

God, he doesn't even know my name.