
✨Chapter 2✨



Bound together


"Hey mommy" I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottled water.

"Hey Ava, how did you lesson go today" my mom asked boiling the kettle.

"It went well. Dorothy says I am improving so that's a great start, how about you? How was work?"

"Work was eventful. A guy walked in with a cut toe, there was a lot of bleeding" she laughed.

Mom was a doctor and Dad worked in the Navy. We never saw dad that much. But we loved him whole heartedly.

"Avery guess what" Amelia walked into the kitchen.

She was one of my best friends, she and Daniel.

Amelia had beautiful golden brown locks. She loved her hair always making sure it looked good. She had brown eyes and was just thoughtful and kind. Always going out of her way to help others. But sometimes she could be mean.

Daniel Carter was like our big brother. He had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, charming and kind hearted. Could never hurt a fly.

"Hey Amels" I turned around on the kitchen stool chair.

"So today at school there was a food fight" She cheered. "Oh my God you should of seen it. Ava you would of loved it"

"Unfortunately I don't go to public school" I looked at my mom.

"Hey don't look at me. I am only doing this for you" my mom put her hands up in defense.

"Mom can I go to public school, please" I begged. I have been begging for the past few weeks now.

"No" she laughed.

"Why" I pouted

"School isn't a place for teenagers like you. I like having you close to me" she passed on a muffin.

"Aunt, high school ain't that bad" Amelia said.

"Can I please go" I pleaded.

"Can she, I would love to have her close to me" Amelia frowned.

"Pleeeeaaassssseeee" we said in unison and pouted.

My mom looked at us, fighting every urge to give in.

"Fine" she gave up.

"Yessss" Amelia shouted.

I was so happy, I am going to high school. Finally something good.

My moms phone rang and she picked it up.

"OK, on my way" she put the phone down. "That was the hospital. It was an emergency see you tomorrow morning"

We watched my mom grab a few things and ran out of the house.

Then Amelia turned a faced me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"What do you want" I asked fear evident.

"There's a party tonight, down at the beach. You should come" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"No, teenage parties means alcohol and alcohol is a no no" I hopped off the stool.

"C'mon it's the beach, you love the beach. And there is going to cut surfer dudes" She tried convincing me.

I looked at her. Should I go. It's a risk, not a safe one. But I am willing to. Anyways it is Friday night

"OK" I said in defeat.

"Let's go get ready" She pulled my wrist and we went up to my bedroom.


We going through a few of my swim wear. She pulled out so much but she didn't like one because it was sexy enough.

"Here" she threw one.

It was a black sleeveless two piece.

I looked her then at the costume.

"Go on, wear it" she pushed.

I rolled my eyes and changed in front of her, while she went through other ones I owned.

I grabbed my booty shorts and a jacket to put over. I slipped on some of my flip flops.

"I am done" I sat on my bed and waited for her to get down.

"Let's go" she put on her shoes and grabbed her keys.

I closed my bedroom door behind me and we walked out the house and to the car.

She got into the driver seat and I in the passenger seat. She started the car and drove off. I switched on the radio. And stared out the window. As soon as I saw the palm trees I knew we made it.

The sun hadn't set yet. And the party already started. Everyone parked there cars and there was a barn fire pit already burning.

Music was playing loud. I got out the car but Amelia stopped me.

"Take off the jacket and leave the flip flops. You can keep the booty shorts on" she put her hand out to take the clothes. I stripped them off and handed it to her.

We got out and we ran down to the barn fire

"Hello guys" She shouted and everyone greeted her back.

I sat on a rock as the flame heated my legs.

"Whose the new chick" a guy with ginger hair winked at me.

"No Jason" she covered his eyes. "Don't perve on her" she kicked him away, literally

"Stay away from him, his a jerk." she whispered. I didn't talk about everyone else was socialising. I should of stayed at home.

I knew no body.

Amelia handed me a stick with a marshmallow on the end.

"Make you a smore while I get us sodas" she walked away.

I stared at the blazing flames. One touch and everything that crosses it will be destroyed. I looked pass the flames and saw Blake drinking from a  can.

He seemed in a world of his own. Then he got up and walked away. I followed him with my eyes but then Amelia came in front of me.

I internally groaned.

"Staring is rude" she said handing me a can.

I open it up mumbling a thank you. I took small sips and watched the marshmallow roast in front of my eyes.

I handed the stick to Amelia.

"I am gonna take a walk quick" I stood up

"Don't be to long" she shouted after me.

I walked down the shore my feet sweeping in the ocean. The sun had already set.

The further I walked the more the music faded away. I saw a figure sitting on the sand watching the waves.

I walked up to him and stood over him.

"Am I interrupting" I asked him and he looked up at me.

"No, you can take a seat"

I sat down on the sand, next to my crush. It was a bold move.

"It's beautiful isn't it" I mumbled.

The waves flowed back and forth effortlessly. The  moon glowed through the clouded sky.

"Yes" he shifted himself on the sand.

It was quiet , but a comfortable quiet

"So Blake how have you been" I asked looking at the ocean

"Not well, my girlfriend broke up with me" he ran the rest of the liquid in the can into the sand.


Ouch, that kinda hurt me.

I just nodded my head acknowledging him.

"So Aubrey-"

"It's Avery" I corrected him again.

"You ever been in a relationship with a boy, or at least talk to someone of the opposite sex"

"I am talking to you right ain't I" I laughed.

"Yes you are" he turned to face. "Can I show you something"

I nodded my head. He moved closer to me. My hands started sweating. What was he going to do.

Then he leaned in closing the space between us. His breath fanned my  face. And I could smell the alcohol.

He was drunk.

My breath hitched by the closeness

The only question remained, what was he going to do next?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

fatima_bakalicreators' thoughts