
The path of forbidden cultivation

Yun is a boy who since childhood has been running away. The people do not persecute their father or their mother, the one they are persecuting is him, a young man who was born with a demonic physique, something that the heavens do not want to hear again is the word demon, so they will plow everything that is in his power to kill him. After years of persecution one day, Yun falls into a crevasse, one of the entrances to the demon realm, where he meets many people he can call family. But this is not a story of a boy who wanders into the Demon Kingdom, but of the one who opened the gates of this Kingdom and became so strong that the very decision of the heavens means nothing to him. .................................................................................... Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. the cover is not mine if there is any problem using it please tell me Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/Bizc8 Discord: https://discord.gg/BJUSVq2G

Leiva · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

10 Chapter - Blood Moon

"Mother, why haven't you left?" Feng Xi asked his mother.

"Are you ignorant or do you not realize what is happening around you?" Mrs. Feng commented seriously.

"..." a silence fell in the hall.

"Our brother isn't here so I guess the mother is looking for him?" Feng Li, who was also walking with them, asked doubtfully.


"Your brother is fine, simply the 3 kingdoms are uniting, thanks to your brother"

"I don't understand mother, where is Yun?" both commented

"Your brother will marry the 3 heiresses, he is in the lower heaven right now"

"That can't be..." Feng Li whispered since even though Feng Xi had told him about his brother, he hadn't told him all the stories they lived through.

"But my brother can't go through the hunter seal, since it classifies him as a mid-level devil."

"Mother, if he's out, do you think he'll be okay?"

"Hmmm, I taught that boy in the lower heaven everything, there is no being that can fight him, except if someone from the middle or upper heaven arrives, it would be a problem" Feng commented.

"He is also a Feng, don't doubt his brother" added Mrs. Feng.

The lady continued walking, she observed a medallion that had an image of the moon, but this treasure does not reflect the moon of the demons, but the moon that is in the heavens.

"I repeat again, do you want me to kill them?" a slight smile appeared on Yun's face, his red eyes giving a terrifying but sexy reaction to the body of the women who looked at him.

"Please save..."

"I'm not going to save anyone, when I say I'm going to kill them, it's everyone except you," he said, still with the same expression.

"The ones in your sect's uniform I'll kill gently and the others I'll give a slow death, do you think?"

The atmosphere was cold, it was something that made them feel bad.

"In return, I want them for myself" Yun commented ruining the cold and serious moment.

They all agreed but the sect leader still hadn't made a decision, all her work and time forming this sect was going to be lost, but a small feeling told her that it was better that they die at his hands than by that of their enemies.

"I agree, Meng Xing accept your requirements"

"Perfect" A slight cut was made on the wrists of the four cycads and blood was visible on Yun's fingernails.

'That's a dual cultivation technique,' Meng Xing recognized the technique upon seeing what Yun was doing.

Yun started to walk away while drinking the blood he took from them.

"Sect leader, do you agree? for us there is no problem but for you…" commented Luo Ji

For the three who have spent a lot of time seeing his smile, his cold side, and his kind side, even seeing his kind side they could see an innocent child who gets excited to experience something new, in conclusion, they were sure that they liked Yun. and that they would take their relationship a step further by being cultivation couples.

But the sect leader never participated, she always stayed ahead as if avoiding the environment they were in.

"Sure…" Slight suffering could be seen in his smile.

A slight heat began to sprout in the burnt pelvis and put a mark, a simple one forming the word Feng, the 3 began to sweat because of the heat they felt they had never experienced.

"The technique I use is a dual cultivation technique to raise a family."

"To the point, this hurts awful" Han Min

"You could say that we are his cultivation partners now, if he didn't like us, this technique wouldn't work."

"Simply put, Yun has feelings for us?" Luo Ji

"Yes, it can be simple carnal desire, a little affection, or love" Meng Xing concluded.

"What a relief," Xie Yan whispered.

Even though Mrs. Feng taught this dual cultivation technique to Yun, Mrs. Feng did not teach it to him in order to have mates but in order to have servants or trustworthy human companions.

Mrs. Feng in an indirect way always told him things that he would have to take into account if he returned to heaven, and she more than anyone knew that with the subject of demons she could not trust anyone, not even if the woman next to him Yun was of the utmost trust.

If they were demons it would be a different matter since even though Yun didn't love him or rather still didn't accept his new last name, he is a Feng.

Who would dare to challenge Mrs. Feng? the answer is simple.

No one, only a demon would be able to challenge her and that demon was no longer in this world.

In the same way, this technique has its consequences for the people belonging to the family, if they tried to betray the head, their cultivation would be suppressed and they would die in one of the worst ways, it may sound cruel but that is the way this world is.

Besides Yun is still innocent in obscene matters he has no knowledge, he wanted to take care of them because of the warm feeling it made him feel and he didn't want to lose that warm feeling so the best way to preserve it was with this dual cultivation technique.

"It's ready…" Yun said loudly as he felt the cultivation technique take effect.

A black sphere appeared on his shoulder, this sphere was trying to take shape but not until Yun decided how he would fight. Not that he had much of a choice either. He only trained with swords, but specifically with the big, heavy swords that were his mother's specialty.

Yun approached his orb and a hilt formed from it as he stretched it out the greatsword began to take shape until a black metal with red tones appeared, it was as big as his body and extremely sharp.

'Chaos of War', the soul weapon that his mother kept for many years, was a spoil of war that he took from one of the families that support the Heavenly Emperor. Mrs. Feng destroyed many of the family weapons that belonged to this family but found this one extremely interesting, so she kept it in her collection.

Yun couldn't use the full power of this weapon due to his lack of cultivation, in numerical terms he could only use 10% of the strength of this weapon which is nothing compared to the true potential of this weapon.

Yun got closer and closer to the sect, several noticed him but ignored him because they were fighting.

When he was already less than 5 meters away, his entire demon aura exploded making each and every person in the sect feel nervous, but those with a higher rank only saw his body tremble uncontrollably.

Yun wanted to use his mother's techniques even though he couldn't use all her power due to lack of understanding 'The 3 terrors', could be said to be separate techniques but if you don't master the first part you won't be able to use the second part and not even what. say the third.

"Blood Moon," he said seriously.

In the distance, in the opposite country, from the Celestial Kingdom, an old man once again saw the sky tremble.

He hurriedly ran to his room to grab his golden armor, and at no time did he stop shouting:


The ancestor of the Silver Kingdom, he went mad.

His son ran, hearing the commotion he was actually the King, and although he looked at the sky he did not understand what was happening.

"Dad! What's up calm down?" try to calm his father

"TAKE OFF! This is not a fight for children" he pushed his son causing him to fall to the ground, the old man took his armor and put it on

"Father explain, please"

"She... she's already here, you have to prepare a great war is going to start and we have no chance of surviving..." he said hopelessly to the last one.

This same commotion also happened in the Bai family's palace in the Celestial Kingdom, only this time the ancestor took his own life.

Yun knows that his mother is an extremely strong demon and he knows several of her deeds, but he never knew the terror that she represents in the world.

The blood moon, not a technique that helps fight, was a way to make the sky look like the demon realm.

Before when the Demon King was alive there was a cycle of day and night, the day was red and the night was dark and cold we all know when dying it was as if they lost the sun of the demon kingdom and it always remained dark and they began to use the cycle of the moon to differentiate day from night, but you will never forget this red sky.

They will never forget the light of their home.

Yun lashed out at each and every person from the Pink Jade Sect, simply killing them, in such a way as to prevent them from suffering.

And to the people of the organization of the red snakes, he froze them by cutting their tendons and devoured them while they were still breathing, they took them by the legs and devoured them little by little, enjoying each piece of meat.

"HELP ME! DON'T BE LOOKING! HELP ME!" a man yelled as he watched as pieces of meat were ripped from his back.

Yun did not stop torturing and tearing every piece of meat, from each of the cultivators.

Nobody could do anything, they were disconcerted by the red moon and the fear that they did not know how to defend themselves, even the strongest could not harm Yun, his physique was essential.

The ones who tried to run away had their legs crushed and it was a lot but Yun obviously couldn't eat all the bodies on the scene so he just put them away.

Yun waved his sword from side to side approaching and cutting them, without synchrony or pattern he just swung the sword, and even for a moment, they had no hope of escaping. all was in vain.

Amongst the ranks of the red snakes was a sword master, who used Sword Qi but it was useless.

"Take this!" The older man cut Yun's leg with all his might, causing him to lose his balance a little, but he supported himself with his sword, which he kept on the floor so as not to fall.

"Ha… haha, you see guys, it's nothing to write home about! Let's kill him and we can continue this."

"But but, but how is this possible?!" Yun's leg started to slowly regenerate for a few milliseconds, but then within seconds, his leg returned to how it was.

"Uuuu now you have made me angry" Yun commented

It was an extreme massacre, and among all the hearts that were infested with fear, his body was already ready to have a breakthrough, it was even reflected, but since he had not yet consolidated that spiritual energy, that breakthrough was not yet reflected.

Xie Yan and the girls looked at him from afar and wondered several times.

'How is someone who has such a gentle and handsome face capable of making such bloodthirsty expressions and actions?'

Those ideas wandered through their minds and they felt guilty, and the one they felt was the sect leader, she is a Great Spiritual Master, and by using divine sense she was able to see several of the conversations they had between them.

Meng Xing more than once wanted to walk with them, but she could see the slight charm in their eyes and their childish way of being, seeing their curiosity and the charm reminded her why she wanted to be a sect leader.

But his age gap is too much so he preferred to leave it to young people.