
The path of forbidden cultivation

Yun is a boy who since childhood has been running away. The people do not persecute their father or their mother, the one they are persecuting is him, a young man who was born with a demonic physique, something that the heavens do not want to hear again is the word demon, so they will plow everything that is in his power to kill him. After years of persecution one day, Yun falls into a crevasse, one of the entrances to the demon realm, where he meets many people he can call family. But this is not a story of a boy who wanders into the Demon Kingdom, but of the one who opened the gates of this Kingdom and became so strong that the very decision of the heavens means nothing to him. .................................................................................... Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. the cover is not mine if there is any problem using it please tell me Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/Bizc8 Discord: https://discord.gg/BJUSVq2G

Leiva · Fantasy
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20 Chs

9 Chapter - The sect

While Yun was clarifying what he wanted, Xie Yan was heading to a large red building where various sects were gathered.

The great city of Gold is one of the 3 main cities of the Celestial Kingdom, led by the great Bai monarchy, which was not present at the meeting even though they should be, but that was not the case.

"XieYan! Where have you been dear? I and your sisters have been waiting for you" commented an older woman of almost 35 years who maintained her figure and her resplendent skin, silky brown hair, had a large bust that is marked in her clothes.

"Sect leader you see..." Xie Yan told him everything that happened, from the moment he left the city he was into when he ran into the red snakes, he also commented on Yun but excluded the fact that he ate the red snakes. hearts since it seemed very cloudy and she thought it was a strange taste, she could consider Yun someone evil but she did not have that idea.

"I knew I didn't have to leave you behind, if it wasn't for that unknown young man you might not even have arrived" commented his sect leader while rubbing his temple.

"Anyway, did you get what you wanted?"

Xie Yan took out a tech from his storage ring with a big smile.

The sect master took it and looked at it for a brief moment before returning it.

"This technique is interesting, I can't wait to see you apply it," she said with a warm smile, then crossed her arms and unintentionally rested her bust on top of her arms.

"Well let's not waste time and go to the recruitment, maybe we will find a promising talent in this recruitment" he commented and then went inside the building.

In the meeting there were 5 tables of different sects in which one of which was the pink jade mushroom, this recruitment was not a normal recruitment unlike normal recruitment here it was a selection of talent.

Several young people approached and would show their cultivation and their age, the sect that is interested in the student would give him a metal plate that would have "selected" written on it, with this plate they would have priority for the official recruitment that is done every year.

This selection of talent is done twice a year, and a maximum of 2 plaques per sect are given, since they are quite demanding, since in normal recruitment almost 5000 new disciples are recruited.

Several hours passed and there weren't any promising talents for the Pink Jade Sect, disappointing as it seemed, it was already an expected result.

"Another year without giving a single medallion" whispered one of the disciples

"What can you expect? none of the Men had good looks or anything to contribute to our sect."

"Not to mention that being a dual cultivation sect we are more demanding in appearance" commented another female disciple.

"Enough Han Mi, Luo Ji, there will always be another chance to see a promising talent," the Sect Leader commented.

Han Mi, a tall girl with a moderate but voluptuous body that could be seen in her clothes, emerald eyes, and a fine face, a beauty in all its splendor, represented the core disciples.

Luo Ji, another beauty with a fan that covers her beautiful smile, leaving only the possibility of seeing light blue eyes, had a slimmer body than Han Mi, allowing only her curves to be seen slightly in her clothes.

They all started heading to the Golden Bowl, discussing what they were going to do when they got back to the sect.

But there is an insignificant problem Xie yan told the sect leader about Yun saving her and that he owed her a bigger reward, but he never told her about the fact that he is now in his hotel room, and it just so happens that he was lazy to go to their respective rooms to talk they went to Xie Yan's room.

"I have some alcohol so we can have a drink," the Cult Leader commented.

"Oh don't bother too much either" laughed Luo Ji with her fan covering her mouth.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something' thought Xie Yan

When they opened the door they saw Yun's naked body, his body well toned and slim, but something stood out something that made every one of the girls blush.

"This is real?" said Luo Ji widening his eyes

"AND A!" Xie Yan closed the door.

"I-I'm sorry Yun I forgot you were here!" She commented with a big blush on her face and a little nervousness.

"Come in I don't care" commented Luo Ji, it's not that Yun didn't feel ashamed, but seeing him naked was not something that affected him.

They all stood for a few seconds, then looked at Xie Yan.

The sect leader knew who Yun was and she had an idea of why she brought him, seeing his body I think it was even more than clear what reward she could give him in gratitude for saving Xie Yan.

"Sister Xie Yan…" Han Mi was about to comment but was interrupted by Luo Ji.

"Is he your cultivation partner?"

"And a? We just met…" Xie Yan commented.

'It's still too early for that' Of course, the time they spend together doesn't matter for dual cultivation, if they want to do it, they do it and that's it, besides, since he saved her, it would be necessary to offer him to cultivate.

"That's right, I want it! He said we can come in. What are you waiting for?!" Luo Ji energetically said.

"That? No, he's still changing!" He tried to stop Luo Ji.

The sect leader and Han Mi were deep in thought.

"Xie Yan told you to come in, or did I tell you to make me wait?" said

Yun as he opened the door.

They all admired the domineering aura Yun emitted, which made them swallow a bit of saliva, sadly for them he already had his red robes on.

"I'm sorry…" Xie Yan said softly as he looked at Yun.

'He didn't look like that. Did I never see that beauty of him? They all entered the room.

The room was completely silent, only Luo Ji could be heard moving his leg desperately.

"Master Yun, are you a Dual cultivator?" asked Luo Ji bluntly.

"Dual cultivation? I am not a practitioner"

"Sect leader recruits lo," he said excitedly.

The sect leader sighed. She knew that this outcome was inevitable. Luo Ji is very energetic and greedy. If she likes something, she will get it. Han Min was also curious when she heard that she was not a practitioner. Her emotion diminished a bit.

Xie Yan was embarrassed by how cheeky they were with their savior.

"Young Yun, please put your hand on these stones." The sect leader took out two stones from her ring and handed them to Yun.

Yun put his two hands up and then removed them.

"Maximum spiritual warrior... and 16 years old" commented the sect leader in a neutral voice.

"'Wait 16 years? The sector leader looked at him again surprised, many at his age would not even be at that level of cultivation even if they started earlier.

"'Yes?" It seemed strange to Yun that everyone was shocked at his age.

Everyone had a surprised face even Xie Yan because when he saw Yun fight he had a terrifying aura he thought he was of much higher cultivation, not to mention his age Yun's body looked like a 21-year-old not a boy of 16.

They are all so much older than him, and at that age, he can't even imagine having that level of cultivation!

"Forgive my boldness, would you join my sect? Although you would have to start as an outer disciple because of your lack of knowledge in dual cultivation, but we will try to guide you, your talent cannot be wasted by being a wandering cultivator," the sect leader commented seriously.

"I was thinking of joining in the same way. When will the recruitment day be?" Yun asked.

"It will be in 1 month, but I can make an exception if you join us" she commented with a smile, she added that no one knows that other sects, seeing her talent, would offer heaven and earth to have them within their sect.

"Okay, I'll escort you to your sect," Yun commented.

They all chatted and introduced themselves, they tried to ask Yun questions but it was a bit difficult a lot of the questions he didn't answer or just ignored.

They even took 2 days to reach the Pink Jade sect.

Everything went smoothly on the trip and the friendship between Yun and Xie Yan grew in a big way, to the point where seeing Yun's laughter became more normal.

"In the end, they never explained to me what Dual cultivation is," Yun commented in a relaxed manner.

"It's better to experiment than to explain," Han Mi commented.

"How I brother Yun experience it with me," Luo Ji said seductively.

"Brother Yun, maybe another time," he commented with a kind smile.

"Girls, we're going to get there," Said the sect leader from a distance.

Yun stopped in his tracks and a gloomy look returned to his face.


"If you move you die," he said seriously.

None understood the drastic change in Yun's attitude, they trust him, and perhaps it was the feeling of friendship that deceives them, maybe they were never friends.

"Domain," He said grimly looking at them.

In a way, Xie Tan's eyes crystallized upon seeing his bloodthirsty look and the murderous will in Yun's eyes.

A large amount of blood came out on the backs of the 3 girls, the 3 returned to see the scattered body, the scattered organs, only his heart intact.

"Hmm, so dual cultivators aren't warriors…" Yun thought as he took the hearts and put them away in his storage ring.

Xie Yan stopped feeling his legs and his body collapsed to his knees, the strong spiritual energy he felt coming from Yun was terrifying.

Han Mi and Luo Ji had totally different reactions.

Han Mi took out a blue spear, the spear of the seas a level 4 deadly weapon

Luo Ji waved her fan taking on a certain glow, the cry of the winds a level 6 deadly weapon.

Both of them aimed at Yun, trembling exaggeratedly as they surpassed Yun in cultivation. Han Min is a 3rd level Spiritual Master and Luo Ji is a 5th level Spiritual General, plus Xie Yan is a lower realm than a 7th-level Spiritual Apprentice Yun.

Yun gently moved his weapons slowly closer to them.

"Shhh, calm down," he said in a relaxing way as he brought their heads closer to his chest until the 3 didn't touch his chest they didn't stop shaking.

The aura of a demon, something that I train too much, And day and night I train it, the demon aura is similar to Sword Qi, it has to be cultivated slowly, the demons cultivate it and train it all the time, this aura is so important that the techniques of the demon lords depend on this aura for these techniques to become possible to perform.

Yun's cultivation technique fuels both, both his demon aura and cultivation.

The demon aura has 6 levels, the princesses at 4th level, Mrs. Feng at 5th level, the current demon lords along with the main generals at 3rd level, the generals of the demon lords are at 2nd level, and The other demons by birth would have level 1 but by not understanding this essence, this power could never release the potential of this aura that characterizes them until they reach level 2, which is where most demons begin to understand this aura.

And Yun's mother did not stop training him because if he wanted to teach him his characteristic techniques which he never taught his daughters, he would have to learn to use this aura.

The leader of the sect ran back seeing the bloody ensen and her almost fainted disciples, seeing the scene she fully understands it, but that was not the most important thing.

"Yun, girls the sect we have to go is under attack fast"

Han Mi and Luo Ji separated from Yun, and Luo Ji took Xie yan who was crying in her arms and the 3 of them ran to see above the hill the scene of their sect being attacked.

Yun calmly went over, just to watch the scene.

Screams could be heard everywhere, many cultivators were dying non-stop.

But Yun recognized the attackers' uniform only to look at Xie Yan, who had a guilty expression.

Yun stood in front of the 4 girls.

"Do you want me to kill them?" he said seriously.

The sect leader was shocked by his words as it was not believed that a spirit warrior could kill so many cultivators ranging from spirit warriors to great spirit master.

'The certainty in his eyes gives me chills'

Since I accidentally made a publication error, I publish one more for my mistake

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