
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

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45 Chs

We Made It to MagicTar!

Huff puff after such a long walk without rest. They both made it to... MAGICTAR!

*A great Kingdom with great magic! All the great mages around the world come here in pursue of even greater magic! The best teachers the best books the BEST WITH EVERYTHING MAGIC!

Wha- what is this place Sinifer?

I do not know I-I thought it was suppose to be a town or village near by but a CITY!

It's no wonder it took us long to arrive here. We didn't even know the correct way to go in the first place! 

Well that's ok Sinifer, At least we made it here safe and sound! Lizzy Smiles.

Yeah, no problem.

*After arriving at the gates of MagicTar. They faced a problem...

Huh, this is a long line for a city. usually their are no lines in a city but since this is a different world, everything down to a single atom is completely different!

Knowing knowledge and magic are two completely different methods, they work different from one of other. One relies on the resources from the environment to create inventions and tools while the other creates the resources it needs and then uses it.

If I'm in the world of magic then magic must be a essence that is within the body an energy source. Where the body is able to manipulate that essence into any shape, size, color and density. Interesting so magic isn't from the soul? I guess i was wro-

HEY KID! MOVE IT UP! I don't got all day, god damn!

Uh! my bad, come on Lizy.

Oh ok. Right behind you!

*The line was getting closer and closer to the gate, where the guards are standing.

Left Guard- Prove to me you can do MAGIC! 

A random adventurer- But i-i don't know how to use magic sir! I heard many stories about this place! How great magic users come here to learn magic and stuff.


 Left Guard- Well that's unfortunate, young lady. I would assume a Cross bow and some wood would defeat our greatest MAGE!?

A random adventurer - Uh No-no of course not!

Left Guard - As I thought! I would assume you came here to learn magic?

A random adventurer - Yes sir! YES.

Left Guard- You may proceed.

A random adventurer - Thank you!

Left Guard - Next!

*Both Lizy and Sinifer both walk up to the guards.

Right Guard - K-kids?

*Lizy Whispers to Sinifer ear

~Are you sure you get us in their?

~Yes I'm sure of it. Trust me.

Uhm.. uh hello my name is Sinife-

Left Guard- A kid? Do you know any magic? 

Oh no I don't sir. Well not really.

Left Guard- Well what brings you here to the Kingdom of magic?

*Sinifer and Lizy briefly look at each other.

We came here to learn magic of course!

Left Guard - Came here to learn magic? You both look like a peasants! Ok, MagicTar doesn't discriminate towards those who seek to learn magic. You may proceed.

*Sinifer and Lizy walk through the gate of MagicTar.

Left Guard - Actually, I need to look at you two once more.

*Sinifer and Lizy glazes turned ice cold... as the Guard looks at them both with intensivity.

Left Guard- That seems odd, their were reports that one of our farmers have been killed, it seems you've came from the direction one of our smaller farms were at!

We were just passing by from another direction, i didn't know you guys had farms around this huge green land and uh plain piece of land. I assure you, I did not come from the direction of your farms. 

Left Guard - hmm...

On top of that. You're wrong to assume that we're the ones that killed the farmer all because we came from that direction doesn't mean we're the ones who committed it. Since, farmers provide you food for your people and your children. I understand, I hope you can find a farmer sooner rather then later.

* Sinifer and The Left Guard both stared at each other as if they both were in a empty void, both looking at one another to find any ill intent...

Left Guard - hmph, fine you do make a great point but be aware we will be searching for those who did it. I'm going to show... NO! WE ARE NOT GOING TO SHOW ANY MERCY! AS IT VIOLATES OUR MAGICTAR RULES. THOSE WHO COMMIT SUCH ACTS AGAINST OUR KINGDOM SHALL DIE! AM I CLEAR!

Y-yes SIR!

Left Guard- Good, you both may proceed.

*They both walk through the gates of the Guards. The immense light blinds them at they walk even further and then...

* They're both astonished by the beautiful scenery of the Kingdom of magic!

* Wonderful buildings, People and amazing characters, something they've never seen in their entire existence.

Been a while hopefully i can pick up the slack!

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