
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Others
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45 Chs

Travel Stories!

Well since we been walking for a while why don't we take a rest?

why would we need a rest? Besides we're almost there can't you see how big the town is?

Lizy eyes focused on the huge building far far in the distance!

Huh! I see it big brother we're almost there! I can finally rest and eat, my legs are getting exhausted as of right now because of how many miles we walked.

Well you better get ready because we're going to walk even MORE during our trip to the town.

Lizy nods as she prepares herself for even more walking.

As the two walked out of the wilderness into a beautiful landscape as the town was very abnormal as it didn't fit in with the land around it! They saw carriages coming in and out of the town, the two were atonished as they didn't see so many people before. Ever since there departure from there home things have been going smoothly.

I'm so dumbfounded Lizy i didn't know things were so interesting, I'm also excited by the things we've discovered during our adventure big brother! W-wait what does dumbfounded mean again?

Oh it means you're extremely smart so don't worry about it.

But why does it say dumb but then founded did you find something that was dumb?

Lizy look don't worry about the vocabulary just trust me, it means that ok?


*Sinifer rolled his eyes as he was a bit annoyed as he needs to explain everything to his "little sister".

Hey Lizy, Yes big brother? Have you ever gotten an education before because it seems that you aren't that educated on a lot of things in life. Since I'm your big brother do i need to teach you everything?

Well... I never gotten an good education before big brother as our parents expected me to be a prodigy of magic or something. Since we're going into a new stage in life and a new era i expect everything to be different from our old lives. It's just I had a hard life. Once we find this town that we're looking for hopefully we can live a even better life!

Yeah... Me too Lizy.

*Sinifer looks up at the sky.

If only I didn't miscalculate my missteps they would still be alive...

What friends are you mentioning Sinifer?

N-nothing don't worry about it! *With a fake smile.

Come on Lizy, we rested for a bit. We gotta keep moving!

Alright! I will follow your lead. 

I'm back

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