
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Khác
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45 Chs

Lets head to the town!

We need to find something that can burn the house down!

BUT BUT what? We don't have any oil nor do we know any fire spells, all we can do now is just run to the nearest town.

You think they won't catch us Big brother?

Yes i'm certain they won't catch us but we have to try atleast. Long as they don't see our faces or they find out that someone else use to live here, if they don't notice then we should be prosperous during our journey to a better life.

You know big brother, everything is happening so fast and i'm not sure i can keep up! We or i should say you've killed someone by accident and now we gotta move or we will be jailed or even FINED!

I get that everything is happening at such a rather fast pace but we gotta keep up the pace or else we will evenutally get tired!

Sinifer puts his right hand on Lizys shoulder then slowly ushers in to hug her.

Don't worry i got everything under control... cough cough maybe

W-what was that?


We should get going or else someone will find us out! Now lets he---

What about the house!

Don't worry about the house we can't burn it down! It would be futile to even try and attempt to break down the house we must get stronger ok!

R-right big brother lets go!

as the two stopped hugging each other, they began there adventure!

Sinifer smirks at Lizy as he is somewhat confident in his leading ability.

As the two walk miles from there home, one of them felt sorrow and the other felt nothing and yet they still ventured further into the wilderness!

they can hear the sound of the air flowing through there ears as it felt nice and comforting, the more they walked the more they witnessed things they never seen before!

WHOA! Look at that big brother! Lizy points to a small pond but it wasn't an ordinary pond the water was crystal clear and it shined like a diamond!

Lizy urgently grabs one of her potions and begins pouring out the diluted potion that she was carrying!

HEY LIZY what the heck are you doing!

Don't worry big brother everything is fine as this water is clear and it means that its safe to drink and besides the clearer the water the better it will taste being diluted by ME! HEHEE

Lizy runs over to the pond and crouches to get a sample!

Lizy fills up her potion with the beautiful crystal clear water. Like i've never seen water like this before, the water i'm use to draining from is near where the cattle pee from but it was still water .

Sinifer couldn't catch that sentence! Wh-what did you say?

Ugh! Big brother don't worry i was only joking haha! Lizy smiles as Sinifer couldn't see her expression from behind. Besides even if i did i could always dilute the flithy water by a good eighty percent or more depending on the density of the liquid!

Ok Lizy i believe you and i trust my little sister! Mumbles ~~"I do not feel comfortable hearing that, wait what kind of potions does she make me drink when i get sick!"

Lizy hears that encouraging statement, Thank you for trusting me big brother as Lizy blushes!

Ok i'm finished Big brother now Let's keep moving, Lizy gets up from her crouched position as Sinifer started to walk further from her. Hey hey wait up ju-just let me close my potion aw jeez big brother why you gotta be like that!

Lizy speed walks to catch up with Sinifers moderate pacing. Why couldn't you just wait for me big brother i was getting some WATER as Lizy had a smug expression towards Sinifer!

Sorry about that i couldn't wait that long, you were taking your precious time getting some water so i took the initiative to get a head start.

Ugh! what ever just don't leave me when i'm occupied doing something i'm mostly vulnerable during that state.

Ok i will watch over you to ensure your safety then, Well big brother you better watch over me i need to focus on a certain task in order to ensure the perfect results i want!

Why can't you learn how to multi-task? It shouldn't be that hard, Well big brother i can multi-task it's just that... i don't feel like doing it. I don't need to because you're around watching over me and protecting me. S-so i shouldn't have to worry about my surroundings when i'm with you.

*My heart felt something but what is it? Does Lizy care about me that much, hmm she trust her big brother so much to the point where she will let down her guard... interesting

I should've known you felt that way about me Lizy. Still though you should learn how to multi-task though because if you don't the-----

I SAID I KNOW HOW TO MULT-TASK! Lizy face started to get irritated by that statement.

Awww Lizy you're such a cute little sister!

Lizy started blushing once more.

Why didn't the cat get pass his exams? Well its because he wasn't purr-fect. HAHA i still got them jokes though.

MajesticArtistscreators' thoughts