
First Hunt

Three wolves and an Outsider trotted quickly across the dry plateau of earth, miles from the Outsiders. The boys only hoped that they didn't catch wind of them escaping, or even of their newfound lion friend who helped them. The wolves followed behind the lioness known as Asha who came to a complete stop Elda may have left a marker.

"This is about as far as I can lead you." Asha said to the wolves. "The rest of the way is all on you. Can you find your way back from here?"

"Let me check." Elda said. He stepped forward with a large paw up and sniffed the air. His nose scanned for the slightest sign of one of his scent markers. The large timber wolf padded around where they were standing with his sniffer reaching for a hint either on the ground or in the air. Elda stopped, sniffed a few times, adjusted himself and then stopped to inhale. "Got it."

Finally set on the right path, the wolf trio thanked Asha for her assistance and she slowly blinked and nodded to them before saying farewell to them. She started to make her way back and stopped to watch the boys sprint away. She warmly smiled at one particular wolf and resumed her way back to the miserable place called home, suddenly saddened as she was reminded of this being part of an act.

Meanwhile, three wolves sped through the desolate realm of the Outlands with Elda's nose as their GPS. There were a few moments of momentary confusion, but they were back on the right track to freedom as they soon found the faint but still noticeable trail of their former meat It wasn't long until they came across the sweet site of green vegetation lined in a row like Mother Nature's garden wall.

"Whew! Home at last!" Radolf exclaimed, feeling relieved to finally see familiar turf. "Never thought I'd be so happy to see this again."

"Same here," said Elda. He spotted the slim, dried river bank that they first walked across. "We better get across before the others start to think to look for us here."

"Or worse, those Outsiders know of our little passageway." Colt nodded in agreement and the three crossed the small bank, the clay-like mud suddenly feeling soft under their paws. Hopping up the side of the ditch, they were finally safe at last. They trudged on, each weary from the crazy morning they had. That was until Colt just had a sudden realization. "Fellas, I just realized somethin'."

"What?" a weary Radolf asked. He had just about enough adventure and he prayed Colt had something good to say.

"What're we gonna say about the hunting tarp?"

Elda and Radolf froze in their tracks. They were completely caught up with escaping from their dangerous neighbors that they had completely forgot about bringing their tarp back.

"Yes, what about the tarp?" said a voice. From out of the bushes came the owner of the voice, Achak. Alongside him were the others and they made all three of the boys nervous.

"Hey, Achak. Nice to see y'all up and about." Colt greeted his fellow wolves with a slight tinge of uneasiness.

"Just where have you three been all morning? I hope you have a good alibi for you three suddenly leaving without telling us anything." Achak's tone was affirmed with no-nonsense and sincerity.

"We were looking all over for you," said a concerned Meika. Elda certainly knew that it was never a good sign when the white arctic wolf starts to talk in a firm, motherly tone. He knew that especially that one time when she stood up for Duke that one time when he messed up and Achak was being too hard on the wolf-dog. "You could have been killed. You could have been eaten."

"Just what happened to you guys?" Duke asked. "We woke up this morning and thought you were gone somewhere with the tarp. Without leaving the meat behind."

"And don't try to lie to us. We followed the trail you guys left behind near the Outlands," growled Achak. Borris said nothing, as he was worried about how this was going to result to.

The boys stood silent, looking as guilty as a dog chewing up a sofa against its master's wishes. Achak was not one to be fooled. Duke was a little more forgiving than him and if he wasn't in charge, Achak would have been more severe with his punishments on the account of him being a purebred Gray Wolf.

"It was all my fault, y'all." Colt confessed. Radolf and Elda were the only ones surprised that Colt would confess so sudden. Perhaps even Meika a little bit. Duke and Achak, of course, were not as much. "The only reason why Radolf and Elda came along was because they chose to. To make sure nothin' bad happened. That I might do or say something foolish. They were only watching my back. Don't blame 'em for my mistake."

Achak frowned. "Why am I not surprised? Just what brilliant idea did you that made them tag along?"

It was now Elda that spoke up. "He wanted to make a peace offering."

"And how did that go?" asked Borris.

"About as well as you'd expect," continued Colt. "They were happy, alright. And they considered us part of the meal too. Fortunately, we were able to lose them and busted our tails back here."

"You sure you weren't followed?"

"You're darn tooting. Them big cats couldn't keep up with us. They pretty much gassed out after ten minutes of running." Colt scoffed as he offered a cocky grin which faltered looking at Achak's stern glare. "But yeah, we lost them."

"Is this true?" Achak asked Elda and Radolf. Elda looked at Radolf to see if he was going to add in about Outsiders that helped them out of a jam when they were thrown into a deep pit. But to his surprise, as well as Colts', the red wolf nodded.

"It's true. We were able to get out of there quicker than those hairball hackers could get us."

Meika seemed relieved to hear as she tried to deter the tension from Achak's demeanor. "The important thing is that you boys are all right. We'll just have to make a new meat tarp until then."

"Meika's right." Duke added. "Hopefully Colt's learned from this experience, even if it was the hard way. Just pray it doesn't happen again. Now let's get back, this heat is bad enough as it is. And I think we can all take this time to cool off a little."

Achak gave a solemn nod, but issued this one warning. "You better pray Simba doesn't hear of this. There's no telling what he might do or say should he ever know. Just remember, Colt. Whatever happens is entirely on your head."

With a final snort, he and the rest of the pack made their way back to their little hovel in the jungle with Colt, Elda, and Radolf behind. Radolf lowered his voice to a near whisper. "Don't make me regret lying to save your ass, Colt," he warned the Eastern Wolf. "I could have told them everything else that happened, but let's hope we don't have to. I may go down for this, but you will certainly go down harder."

The Red Wolf said nothing else after that and continued trotting on behind Meika. Colt felt a little heavy in his steps as he trotted along. Surely, it was out of the best of intentions. And yet, the truth stuck on to him like an Alabama tick. Guilt makes it harder for one to sleep.

Two suns and moons came and went. And today was a big day for all lions. For it was the day in which the Pride Land princess was to hunt on her own. But it wasn't the only the surprise of the day. The wolves were given the honor to accompany Kiara, mostly to make sure she was safe but also as observers. This was actually because Duke offered it as a suggestion when Simba was adamant about his daughter wanting to hunt on her own. Both parties agreed, even though Kiara seemed reluctant but settled with the wolves being more relaxed than her father was.

And so it was, both pride and pack gathered at the entrance of cave where the pride would always sleep with the lady lions lined up honor guard style; three on one side and five on the other. The pack were all sitting together in between Simba with Nala and Timon with Pumbaa. Rafiki stood on top of the slope as he greeted Kiara who appeared moments later.

The lioness descended down the slope as the other lions admired and complimented her. It made even the wolves smile. For some of them, it was almost like their first hunt as a mature wolf. Nala went over to nuzzle her daughter (or whatever the equivalent of a hug is in the animal kingdom). "You'll do just fine," she assured Kiara.

Kiara looked over to a worried Simba. "Daddy, you have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?"

Hesitant, Simba looked over at his mate who looked at him, trusting him to have faith in his daughter. "All right. I promise," he finally said.

Beaming with happiness, daughter nuzzled father, grateful for his trust. It was a, as some people use to say, a Kodiak moment. But for a few of the wolves like Radolf and Colt, it felt slightly ruined for them when Timon and Pumbaa were crying for joy. They felt slightly annoyed about someone being possibly too tearful with happiness for a lion's first hunt. But they had to let it go, it was petty and today was not the day to be as such.

"Ready to go?" Duke asked Kiara. "We're all set when you are."

"More than ready," said she confidently. Looking back at her father, Kiara saw him smiling and giving her a nod of assurance before she leaped down the path with wolves following behind. Simba's smile waned as his own daughter left, feeling conflicted again.

Stalking through the dry grass, Kiara readied herself to pounce on a small herd of impala. Before she could move in for the kill, however, Kiara knocked over a rock. Skittish, the impala heard the noise and took off. Kiara chased after them, but they were too quick and this left her in the dust.

"You know, the idea of being stealthy is to be as quiet as possible." Radolf sat amongst his brethren as they observed Kiara from a fair distance. He wasn't quite happy with what he saw so far.

"Relax, Radolf. This is her first hunt after all," said Duke still watching her. He laid on his belly next to Meika and Borris with Radolf sitting with Achak, Colt, and Elda. This was Kiara's second attempt already, and didn't come close after the first try.

"I'm just saying with all that time spent with her dad practicing, you'd think she'd be more stealthy. And I don't mean to be a jerk in saying it.

Moving along, the group found another herd. This time, the pack had a better view for observing Kiara from a distance. At this point, unbeknownst to them, Pumbaa and Timon were still during their duties as the king's watchers themselves.

Back to action at hand, the wolves resumed their roles as observers. They watched as Kiara approached slowly again towards her prey. Another rock laid in her path and, luckily for her, she saw it. Much to the relief of a few of the wolves. That is until she forgot about her rear legs as one of them kicked the rock.

Radolf groaned. "No! Not again!" He held his face in his paw and shook his head in disappointment. The pack felt just as disappointed. Once again, the herd got startled and started to bolt with Kiara giving chase once more. The wolves made small bits of commentary as they watched.

"There goes the antelope," said Duke.

"There goes the cat," said Achak.

"There goes breakfast." Radolf grumbled. "Precisely why we don't go after fast food."

"Don't worry, Radolf. There's still time until the day is over." Meika said. "If we have to, we can always do a late night hunt."

"I'd rather eat now than later." Radolf was in a grumpy mood. Not just from not eating breakfast this morning, but also from nearly getting into trouble from their little encounter not so long ago. He prayed it doesn't come to light.

Some screaming caught the pack's attention. Dashing towards the noise, they caught up with Kiara and discovered who else but the warthog and the meerkat. "Timon, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked, catching her breath.

"Uh…shopping!" Timon replied nervously. "We thought a nice pelt for the den, some throw pillows, a little potpourri…"

"My father sent you. After he promised to let me do this on my own. He lied!"

"No." Timon tried to explain. "He just doesn't want you to get hurt."

But Kiara didn't believe it. "I should have known he'd never give me a real chance. I'll do this on my own! Away from the Pride Lands." She took off further into the tall grass before anyone could say anything.

"Hey! Wait! Come back! Come back here! Kiara! Come back, Kiara!" Timon and Pumbaa called out to her. They too started after her, leaving the pack behind.

"Well, that's just perfect," said Radolf disgruntled. "Just plain ducky. I thought we on the level with these guys. And yet, the king doesn't even trust us to do the job right."

"You don't think he knows about what happened, do you?" Borris asked feeling worried.

"Not likely, but let's not jump to conclusions," said Duke. "Elda, you take Radolf, and Colt and go after Kiara. We'll head back and talk to Simba about this turn of events." All in agreement, the pack split off.

Catching Kiara's scent, the four eventually caught up with her whilst she took a moment to stop. "Hey! Wait up!" Colt called out to her. Kiara was about to take off again when she heard him call out. Looking back, she saw them.

"Don't try to stop me. I intend to do this on my own, and I'm going to do just that."

"Of course you are, Kiara," said Elda. "We were to observe you, and only observe. You know that."

"We didn't know Simba sent his buddies as extra chaperones," said Colt. "We're as confuddled as you are."

Radolf looked at his oddball compatriot with annoyance. "Confuddled? Really?"

"What? It's a mix of 'confused' and 'befuddled'. I can't make up new words with the same meaning?"

"Look, the point is that there's still time for you to make a kill and there's not going to be any interference from either us or anyone else. Let's worry about your father later. In fact, we'll even sniff out the herd for you. The rest you can handle on your own."

"Just as long as you remain stealthy enough to sneak up on them." Radolf muttered. Colt gave a sharp nudge, hoping Kiara didn't hear him. The lioness relented and relaxed, her smile indicating her approval.

And off they went until they came across another herd. Whether this was the same herd Kiara was after or not, no one who has seen this movie really cares. But when it looked like she might get a kill, something suddenly provoked the antelope. They took off with Kiara chasing after them.

"Ah geez. What now?" Radolf was getting impatient, feeling like they were getting nowhere.

"Something's got them spooked." Colt observed. "And I don't think it was her."

"I don't think so either." Elda agreed. "Perhaps another predator is on the prowl as she is."

"You think it's one of them hyenas they talked about before?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

Even Radolf relaxed enough to think about it. "There are other predators in this part of the world we haven't met yet." He sighed in annoyance. "Of all the days. This is proving most…inconvenient."

"Not so different from us having to deal with bears." Elda reminded him. "In any case, we better follow to make sure no such thing happens. That is why we agreed to this after all." Putting it into gear, the three wolves followed after the princess. But when they getting close, Elda suddenly came to a halt. Colt and Radolf noticed and skidded to a stop.

"What's the problem? You smell something?" Radolf asked. When something gets serious, he will put aside his hunger.

"Yeah. Something…familiar."

"You don't think it's them Outsiders, do you?" asked a concerned Colt. The thought of running into them again got the Red Wolf worried also.

Elda sniffed the air again. "No. Something more dangerous than them." Smelling again, his widened eyes confirmed his worse fears. Following his gaze, his friends saw what he saw. High upon a hill, a small flicker of a flame amongst a giant wall of black smoke. Birds and antelope fled from its menace of nature and soon did our main characters.

Else, two figures observed the chaos from above. It was Zira and Kovu. Seeing their scheme come to fruition, their next phase began to commence. "The plan is in motion." Zira said to her son. "Go!" Kovu dashed into the fire without a single word uttered.

Back to the chaos, the fire progressively got worse and worse. In a forest, it would probably be more manageable. But in an environment such as this, the fire would eat up anything and anyone faster than starving hobo at an all-you-can-eat buffet. The author would rather use an Ethiopian as a better example, but apparently that would be too much for people.

Anyway, Elda certainly knew from experience that the best way to get away from the fire was to run in the direction of where the fire would possibly blow to. What he didn't count on was how fast the fire was consuming everything. Wherever they went, the fire cut them off. If flames didn't get them, the suffocating smoke surely will. Elda's eyes started to well up from its sting and the others were succumbing to its chokehold.

"Keep moving! There's got to be a way out of this infernal blaze!" Elda told them.

"There's a ledge over there!" Kiara coughed.

"Then let's hurry!" Radolf sputtered. "This smoke's getting worse!" Making it to the ledge, the wolves first made their way up given that the feline can climb. Like what happened in the ditch in the Outlands, they went from lightest to heaviest. From Radolf to Elda. Unfortunately, time was catching up to them as well as the fire. With a running start, Kiara leaped as high as she could. She made it and the wolves pulled her up.

The effort, unfortunately, took much out of them. Especially Kiara. She collapsed, with the wolves not too far behind. "We got to get her out here! If we don't, we're all gonna suffocate!" Radolf wheezed. He reached that point where he could barely see.

"I can carry her. But I'll need one of you to help me." Elda stated.

"Perhaps I can help you," said a familiar voice. Through the thick smoke came two familiar faces.

"Kovu?" Colt queried. "And uh…sorry, darling. What was your name again?"

"Asha," the female lion answered.

"Right. Right. Asha. Sorry 'bout that."

"What are you two doing here?" Radolf demanded.

"Turning over new leaf." Kovu said to the point. "I saw what happened and hurried over here." He looked down at Kiara, now looking barely conscious. "And by the looks of things, not a minute too soon."

"Awful convenient you came at just the right moment." Radolf said suspiciously.

"Would rather save her now or let her perish while you interrogate me?"

"Kovu's right. Let's worry about the details later. Kovu, I need you to help me carry her out. Grab one end and I'll grab the other." With a subtle nod, Kovu complied and did so. Colt lead the way and all fled in a direction with less smoke and more heat. They made great progress until they stopped from being hit by a falling, flaming tree. All that remained was a roaring wall of fire. Indicating what needed to be done, the wolves and male lion jumped for it. They soon found themselves rolling down a cliff side into a river (yeah, the geography seems a little inconsistent don't you think?).

Out of imminent danger, Kovu grabbed Kiara by the scruff of her neck and started swimming towards the shore with the others following behind. Once ashore, Kovu placed her down whilst the wolves shook themselves dry. "Well, that was more fun I wanted. I hope not to go through that again," said Colt.

"That we can both agree on." Radolf grumbled. "Is Kiara all right?" The very question seemed to stir her to life, coughing and sputtering.

"I'd say that answers the question," said Elda.

Panting, Kiara finally spoke. "Where am I?"

"You're safe. In the Pride Lands." Kovu said proudly.

"The Pride Lands? No!" This surprised even the wolves. You'd think she'd be grateful for the save, but apparently not. She was rather cross. Probably from the knowledge of her father not keeping his promise. "Why'd you bring me here? Who do think you are?"

"I'd say he's the one that helped save your hide." Colt said a little offended.

"Even so, I had everything under control."

"Not from where we're standing," stated Kovu.

"Then move downwind." Kiara turned to leave, only to be stopped by a snarling Asha.

"You should show respect to those who saved," she growled. Getting frustrated, Kiara tried walking around a different way. But the wolves blocked her.

"Sorry, lady. But after what just happened, I think the hunt is postponed until further notice," said Colt.

"Not you too."

"I'm sorry, princess. Until this fire dies down, there's to be no antelope for tonight." Elda said firmly.

"Unless you want to be fried kitty cat, I'd listen to the him." Radolf agreed. Becoming frustrated, Kiara tried once more to pass Kovu. She was denied again by him with a cocky smile on his face. Several more times she tried, each one she was blocked. Having enough, she made to pounce on the Outsider.

"What are you doing?" he asked her. Kovu looked at her with a puzzled look. Whether it was what he just said or how he looked at her, something stirred familiar memories in Kiara. At least that's what Radolf figured.

"Kovu?" Kiara's mood changed. Her face beamed with happiness and Kovu with satisfaction. As if he was hoping for her to recognize him. This little reunion would have to wait though. For no sooner did Simba show up, along with Nala and a few of the other lions. The rest of the wolf pack and Zazu took up the rear. Kiara was greeted by her mother, while Kovu was greeted with growling lions.

"Father, how could you break your promise?" an upset Kiara demanded.

"It's a good thing I did," said Simba. His atttention focused mainly on the other male lion. "I almost lost you. No more hunts for you, not ever."

"But I was doing just fine. Even before Kovu-"

"Kovu?" Simba growled. Both males roared at each other, looking like they were about to square off. The other lions, (Asha, Sikara and Rashmi), stood on standby in case one made a move against the other. Things certainly would've turned violent if not for Rafiki interfering from a few yards behind them.

"Hey! You! How dare you save the king's daughter?" He said that in a way as if to point out the obvious fact.

"You saved her? Why?" Simba commanded.

Calming himself down, Kovu made his proposal. "I humbly ask to join your pride."

"No! You were banished with the other Outsiders. You and your compatriot."

"We both left the Outsiders. Rogues without a pride. Judge me now for who I am. Or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?"

Simba glared at him, then at Asha. "And you? What is your reason?"

"I left of my own accord. I am tired of living in exile, feasting on what little passes for scraps. I want to begin again. Whatever price must be paid, it shall be done. Unless the word of a king is truly worthless."

Simba growled in anger and began pacing back and forth. "Simba, you owe him your daughter's life," said Nala.

"It's true, sir. If it wasn't for them, we'd be cooked in that raging inferno." Radolf stated.

"Is it true, Elda? Did they really help you out?" Achak asked his large canine companion.

"It's true." Elda said without hesitation. "They came to help us when things got…ahem…too heated."

"Then clearly we are in their debts, sire." Zazu told Simba. "And royal protocol demands that all debts be paid. Though in this case, you might want to make an exception."

Simba looked back at the two outcasts, thinking of what to decide. Hoping to be of assistance, Duke cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Sire, if I may. Perhaps this would be a good time to try a new policy. If you gave us a chance, I don't see why the same can't be said for them. We'll even volunteer to have them stay with us if it will ease your worries."

Everyone looked incredulous at the pack leader, even the two Outsiders. Duke hated being put on the spot as leader, but there was no take-backs now.

Simba gave it a thought and agreed. "My father's law will prevail. You may have them stay with you, Duke. But just to be sure, I'll send a few lionesses to see that they behave. For now, I reserve judgement. We'll see who they really are."

And so, all made their way back to Pride Rick. Each one of them not certain what the other is thinking. But more to the point, none of our protagonists knew of the plan involving Kovu and Asha. Then again, things could certainly change. One could only hope.