
The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction

A man from Earth is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. To his delight, he discovers that he is a member of the Otsutsuki Clan. Knowing this, he dreams of one day exacting the Clan's Will of constantly swallowing life energy and genetic materials to eventually evolve into a God. Unfortunately for him, he is just a member of the Branch Family located in one of the many planets under the control of the Main Family. Nevertheless he was not about to let this little inconvenience stop his journey of evolution. Warnings: 1. This story will not focus too much on the Shinobi World--especially in the middle and late stages. 2. The pace of the story will be very fast. 3. Do not expect any regular release schedule from this story like my other novels. At least for now. 4. If I do get serious in the future, I will probably make a separate Patreon Account from my HP fanfic. 4. This story might get really dark, so for the people who do not like this kind of thing, this is your trigger warning. Disclaimer: I do now onw Naruto and any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me; if the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

LazySageDao · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Shinobi World

After arriving in the Shinobi World, Akimitsu used his eye prowess to sense his surrounding. Not far from his location, he sensed a battlefield. Entering the mirror dimensions, he headed in that direction.

While watching the battle occurring, he was surprised for a moment, then he muttered to himself. "It's still the Third Shinobi War? The last time I came was more than ten years ago. Logically speaking, the war should have long ended. Could it be..."

After noticing the time discrepancy, Akimitsu secretly kidnapped a Jonin from the Hidden Leaf Village, placed him under a powerful Genjutsu to gather the specific time of the war, then released him as if nothing happened.

"It seemed that my theory was correct. Time flows differently when I use my innate gift to travel to this world."

After determining the current timeline, Akimitsu sighed as he reminisced about the first time he came to the Ninja World. After his death back on Earth, he awakened to discover himself in the body of a five-year-old.

After reviewing his memories, he was first elated that he was a member of the Otsutsuki clan but soon failed to despair as he realized that he was just a branch member, and his fate was to be sent to some planet and served as a soldier.

Knowing that his chances of survival were slim, he used his innate ability to travel to the Shinobi World, which was the time of the Third Shinobi War. Without hesitation, he sneaked attack a member of the Uchiha clan, and took her eyes.

Using the Sharingan, he traveled through different battlefields and copied all types of Jutsus, just like Kakashi. Luckily for him, it seemed that he had a natural ability for chakra control, Shape Transformation, and Nature Transformation. During his years in this world, he learned a few Kekei Genkai and the Kekei Tota: Dust Release.

Unfortunately for Akimitsu, he did not accomplish his main objection for coming to this world: which was to awaken his Sharingan during battle. He then infiltrated Konoha's defenses by taking the identity of an Uchiha. Spent a little time gaining the trust of Might Duy by pretending to be an outcast of the Uchiha clan that does not have a Sharingan and is treated poorly by the clan. Then, he learned the Eight Gates from him.

After spending almost two years in the Shinobi World, he returned to his home planet, with only a few seconds have passed by. Then, he started training and planning for his future awaken and promotion.

Unfortunately for him, he could not use the Sharingan he took to pass as his own. For one, he could only use 95% of its power--no matter how much he developed it. Secondly, the Otsustsuki clan has strict rules against doing such a thing; they even have ways to test whether someone awakened their Dojutsu on their own, or took someone else's.

After taking a brief moment to reminisce about his past, Akimitsu entered the Mirror Dimension and teleported somewhere.

Inside an underground hideout, Orochimaru had just finished an experiment, he then looked at a body inside a glass tank full of liquid. He licked his lips as he muttered: "I cannot believe that the Uchihas, Hyugas, Senju, Kaguya, and Uzumaki clan are all related through the same ancestor. I wondered who this being was? Was it the legendary Sage of Six Path?"

"Do you like the gift I left you?" suddenly said a voice.

"Who?" yelled Orochimaru, who upon noticing a masked man inside his laboratory, waved his hand to send a giant white snake to immediately attack. Unfortunately, a few meters from the masked person, the snake seemed to disappear.

'Space Ninjutsu? And those eyes…'

"Are you an Uchiha?"

"You can say that," replied the masked man.

"In that case, you can give me your eyes," replied Orochimaru, who turned into a gigantic snake and swallowed the masked man. The process was swift and easy.

'Something is wrong," thought Orochimaru. Soon afterward, the world around seemed to break apart, and the laboratory returned to a calm appearance.

Orochimaru was still standing in place and never transformed into a snake. The masked man was standing in front of him, holding an arm; it was Orochimaru's severed arm.

"Gentjutsu? Since when?' thought Orochimaru as he used chakra to seal his arm and prevent himself from bleeding to death.

"Can we talk like civilized people now? If I wanted to kill you, you have absolutely no way to resist."

The masked man--who was obviously Akimitsu--handed the Orochimaru's arm back to him. The latter took it, use the chakra threat to connect the nerve. And in just a few minutes, his arm was reattached and working properly.

Orochimaru then looked at Akimitsu and asked: "So, you are the one who left me this body and notified me of the connection of all these clans? So, what is your purpose?"

Akimitsu looked at the person in the tank--who was actually his father's corpse. Before he came to Shinobi's world a few years ago, he planned for his future. He went into his family's tomb and secretly took his father's body.

Then, before leaving, he secretly gave the corpse to Orochimaru to study, along with some basic information about the connection of all these families.

With a cold and indifferent voice, Akimitsu said: "I need your help to awaken the Rinnergan."

"Rinnegan? Do you mean the legendary eyes of the Sage of Six Path? How am I supposed to accomplish something like that."

"You should be aware of the Mangekyou Sharingan?" asked Akimitsu.

"Yes. The information you left mentioned the evolutionary path of the Three-Tomoe Sharingan. And I spent a few years researching on it."

"Well, the Rinnegan is just the next evolution stage of the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Orochimaru was not surprised by this answer and he could deduct such a thing from the previous questions. He licked his mouth with his long snake tongue, then asked: "Why should I help you?"

Akimitsu looked at him with cold eyes; he could see that Orochimaru was trying to disturb his chakra flow to remove the Gentjutsu placed on him. Unfortunately, in front of an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, his little trick were useless.

"Forget the fact that your life is in my hand."

Suddenly, the Akimitsu in front of Orochimaru turned into a bunch of bubbles and disappeared. Then, another one appeared behind him; it was like he was there the entire time.

Orochimaru secretly cursed inside as he realized that not only was his little trick was discovered, it was proven to be useless. Of course, his face did not change throughout the entire interaction.

"However, I do not like to use threat unless necessary; I prefer benefit to motivate people."

"Benefit? What benefit?"

"Aren't you pursuing immortality? I can honestly tell you that if you can truly study how the Rinnegan evolves and the higher forms of it, it is not impossible to achieve your goals," replied Akimitsu with a tempting voice.

A flash of greed flashed across Orochimaru's eyes before quickly being extinguished. "You must take me for a fool. If Immortality was possible as you said, then the Sage of Six Path should still be alive today."

"Well, he is. Of course, only existing in the form of a soul."

One of the reasons that Akimitsu does not use his overwhelming power to accomplish his goals is because of his wariness of the Sage of Six Path, and because he does not want any members of the Otsutsuku clan to notice his existence and report back to the clan elders.

If that were to happen, the only fate awaiting him would be either instant death or tortured to reveal how he traveled so far with his little strength.

Orochimaru was a little surprised by this news, then he started wandering whether this masked Uchiha was telling the truth. In the end, he realized that it did not matter whether he was lying or not. Just like he said, his life was in the other person's hands.

"How can I help you?" asked Orochimaru. Then, Akimitsu opened his Mirror Dimension and took out all the experimental bodies that he secretly stole throughout his years on the battlefield, along with his own experimental data.