
The Other Side

'What did i just get myself into?' I think to myself and sip my hot coco. I look out over the land and see a figure in the distance and i try to get a good look at it but it's too far to see. I blink and it's gone. I look around to see if i can see it again and it's right below the balcony. 'WHAT THE F**K IS THAT?!!!' I think in my head and trip going backwards into the house and hit the floor hard with a thud. The area around me slowly develops into darkness and i black out unconscious. A teenage girl living with a cold demented man only to have her world turned upside down by one fateful person that keeps saving her life time and time again. Will she ever really meet her savior or keeping going in a never ending loop of being the princess in distress and to be saved then left on the side alone?

ShadowOwl4876 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Swords for the Taking

I follow her back to the house and bend back cracking my back and walk inside. "So what's this brace for or is it just a brace?" I ask and look at her. "Oh that, here I'll show you." She says walking back to me and grabs my wrist. She presses a button on it and a dagger shouts out of it. "This is your assassin outfit. It's one of my favorites." She says and smiles. I look at it and swing it around admiring it. "This is so cool!" I say and press the button again and it puts it back. She smiles and heads to the kitchen. "I'll make dinner while you can go shower." She says and I nod heading to my room. I take off the outfit and put it away and hop into the shower and it's an open shower. I turn it on as the hot water showers over me and I smile feeling relieved.

Once I get out of the shower I wrap myself in a towel and head back to my room. I see clothes laid out for me and I smile and put them on. I get done changing and head down to the kitchen and smell food on the way there. I feel and hear my stomach growl and hold it getting closer to the kitchen. I make it and I see that Scatty was already done and I make my way to the dining room next door and smile seeing her sitting there. "Bon appetite. Please enjoy it." She says drinking what looked like wine and I sat down eating the food she prepared for me."Thank you so much. Aren't you going to eat?" I say looking at the empty side of the table next to her. "I already ate but thank you for thinking of me." She says sipping on her wine. I nod and continue to eat, trying to be polite for I never learned table manners.

I finish my food and Jackson the butler comes by and picks up my plate. "Did you make breakfast or did he?" I ask curious that she would consider working with a butler around to help her. "I made breakfast, I don't let Jackson do all the work around here so we work together and so will you young lady." She says and I nod. "Well go get some sleep now you must be exhausted." She says and I nod getting up and head back to my room and get ready for bed. I turn the light off and climb into bed as the moonlight shined through my window. I hear a clank and I sit up and look at the window and I see a large owl on the railing of the porch outside my window. I get up and open the window doors and wrap my arms around myself from the cold breeze and I step out and admire the large owl on the railing. I look at it amazed and walk closer to it and I reach out to touch it and feel its soft feathers in my hands and I smile leaning closer. I put my hand down and step back going back into the house as the owl spreads its wings and takes off. I close the window doors and hop back into the warm bed and fall asleep.

I wake up with the light shining through my window and yawn stretching my arms out. My eyes lay droopy as I get out of bed and walk around the mansion till I find Scatty 20 min later. "Hey, sleepyhead." She says and shakes my hair. I groan and look up at her. "Breakfast is on the table Jackson should have your next outfit ready for you by the time you're finished and meet me out by the barracks." She says and I nod heading to the dining room. I walk in and eat my breakfast still trying to wake up. I finish up my breakfast and put it in the kitchen and I see cookies on the counter and snag one before I go to my room to get dressed. I see the outfit on the bed and I look at it curiously.

I slip it on and look in the mirror and smile seeing that I have two scabbards which means that I'm looking for two swords today. I step out of my room and jog to the barracks warmed up and see scatty sharpening two swords and I look at her as I approach and she looks up at me. "I'll take it easy on you today. Here are your swords, but let's see you take them from me." She says stepping out on the battlefield. I look at her as she spins the swords around and readies them. I look around spotting a shield and pick it up and ready it. She motions for me to come at her and I charge with the shield in front of me. The two swords clash onto the shield but one moves down and swoops up in front of me and I dodge before it makes contact with anything of mine and I back up a bit and ram the shield into her as she loses grip on one of the swords and I grab it out of the air and ready with the sword and shield. She smirks and charges at me with the sword and slips around me without breaking contact with the shield and I get caught off guard and she slices a piece of cloth on my back. "Watch your back, someone won't always have it if you're busy with your front." She says and I growl turning around and clashes the sword against her and bash her with the sword as she loses footing and falls back and I drop the shield and grab the second sword."Well done. But this is just the first part of your training. Let's see you really sword fight." She says going to the rack of swords and picks one-off and turns to me and we both ready our weapons.