
The Other Side

'What did i just get myself into?' I think to myself and sip my hot coco. I look out over the land and see a figure in the distance and i try to get a good look at it but it's too far to see. I blink and it's gone. I look around to see if i can see it again and it's right below the balcony. 'WHAT THE F**K IS THAT?!!!' I think in my head and trip going backwards into the house and hit the floor hard with a thud. The area around me slowly develops into darkness and i black out unconscious. A teenage girl living with a cold demented man only to have her world turned upside down by one fateful person that keeps saving her life time and time again. Will she ever really meet her savior or keeping going in a never ending loop of being the princess in distress and to be saved then left on the side alone?

ShadowOwl4876 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


We ready our weapons and I charge with my two swords and bring one down upon hers and swing the other around but she backs up before it could make contact and bangs my sword away. She thrusts toward me and nicks my shoulder and I block the rest of the attack but she rebounds fast and swings for my other shoulder and it cuts my arm. "Think faster sport...hesitate and it's your life. Think faster than your opponent then it will be theirs." She says and readies her sword again and I do the same in slight pain. I go for her leg and she blocks it as I bring my other sword to her shoulder and barely nicks the top and she pushes me back with her hand.

"Good now let's work on technique." She says and goes through the process with me as I slowly develop through the stages and catch onto her teachings. "Good well done. That'll be it for today, go get some rest while Jackson gets lunch. I have a short errand to run, you'll be safe here. Just don't go out of the house. And don't let anyone or anything in." She says and heads back to the house. I slump onto the ground and lay flat on my back winded. 'Ugh, that...was a bit too much. Especially for my head.' I think to myself and gather the rest of my strength to walk back to the house.

I walk in and the smell of chicken and parmesan with a slight hint of lemon fill the house. I close my eyes, enjoying the smell fill my nose. 'I'm starving this smells so good.' I think to myself. I walk into my room and I see a set of spare clothes to get changed into and thank Jackson mentally and go into the bathroom to get undressed. I see the scratch on my arm and shoulder and I hop into the shower and let the blood wash away. Once I finish and look in the mirror I see the cut clearly and I patch it up to stop the bleeding. I walk into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around myself and get changed into the spare clothes. I flop onto the bed and close my eyes for a bit as the relief of being clean overwhelms me.

I hear a knock at the door and I shoot my eyes open and sit up. "Who is it?" I ask assuming I fell asleep. "It's Jackson miss....lunch is ready." I hear him say behind the door and I nod. "Thank you, Jackson I'll be there in a few," I call out and hop out of bed, opening the door and smile seeing him at the doorway. He bows slightly and I smile and curtsy slightly and head to the dining room.

I walk in and sit down at the table and dig into the food. I practically devour it and drink the rest of my water. I take the plate into the kitchen and set it down in the sink. I walk into the living room and look around for something to do then I remember the library. I walk down the corridor and walk into the massive library and look around in awe. 'It's so pretty. It's so big.' I think to myself and walk around at different books. I pull one out and read the cover. "Introduction to Myth, Magic, and Mystery" it read and I skim through it. I sit down on one of the couches and read through it.

"Many believe that magic isn't real but it truly does. It's present in everyone but is called by a different name. It is called an aura and it surrounds every living being only those whole truly wield magic can see and or smell the aura of others when used. Be careful for there are wielders that follow a leader. These are called elders, powerful beings that rule over humans by giving them immortality, housing, magic power, or their own magic power. The elders that control humans are the dark elders. They seek to control everything and bring back their homeworld that was destroyed. The elders that don't seek overpower and fortune guide and help mankind. Myths of creatures big and small, harmless, and life-threatening roam the earth. Some more carefully seen than others. Non-believers don't see them but ones that wield magic and use it see them clearly. There are some creatures that look like humans that have special abilities that not any normal magic wielder can possess. Dragonslayers, shadow shifters, vampires, werewolves, half-bloods, fairies, wizards, necromancers, alchemists, and many many more. Keep a keen eye out for these ones, for you'll never know which side they're on." I close the book and set it on the coffee table and get up and look for other books.

I start picking them off the shelves, 1, 3, 6, 8, I bring to the coffee table 12 books and I start skimming through them to learn more. I place them down and lay on the couch trying to wrap my head around the information and I go into the kitchen and grab a cup of hot cocoa and go to my room and lean over the balcony. 'What did I just get myself into?' I think to myself and sip my hot cocoa. I look out over the land and see a figure in the distance and I try to get a good look at it but it's too far to see. I blink and it's gone. I look around to see if I can see it again and it's right below the balcony. 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!!!' I think in my head and trip going backward into the house and hit the floor hard with a thud and blackout.