
The Other Side Of The Full Moon

What happens when a girl with no memories lands in a world of unknown? A world of werewolves and other mystical creatures. A girl who goes by the name Meg, lands in Arcadia: a powerful werewolf pack where she does not fit in as she's only a human, a stranger, a sheep in the lands of predators. As she learns to defend herself against others, sparks start flying between her and Eros, but when their passion gets interrupted by jealousy and the vicious plans of the jealous woman everything turns upside down. With everything falling out of Meg's grasp she starts getting visions of the life she had before. Where she didn't recognize herself. As everything keeps falling apart and Eros trying to kill her she needs to find help, to save herself and her lover from the grasp of the dangerous woman. But what happens when Meg gets killed in the process only to be awakened by her wolf? And not just a wolf, a pure white fur wolf with a moon crescent on its head. Most importantly, she gets her memories back and is ready for sweet revenge, only question is: After that is done what is she going to choose? Her mate or her home and her people?

Sammie98 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Once I left my purchases at home, I was dragged out by Kathy. She wouldn't let me stay still even for a second.

She wanted to show me everything I was missing out in Arcadia, telling me stories about all kinds of things. Mates, wolf shifting, their life, Alpha and Luna, the Goddess, and so on. My head is ready to explode from all information I received in just a short space of time. I could barely keep up.

'So why haven't you shifted yet?' I asked her before she could dump any more information on me. I was glad to know all these things but it was a little too much at once.

'I have no idea, really. Maybe I am a late bloomer?' Kathy giggled.

At the moment we were in a little clearing beside a lake. Sun shining down on us. It was beautiful here. So quiet and peaceful, like no one can touch you once you enter till little hideaway.

'How old are you?'

'I will turn 18 a week after the Goddess celebration.' Kathy nodded slightly.

Ahh, yes. The Goddess celebration. Apparently, I cannot avoid it, she will drag my ass out if I try not to go. Even after telling her, I had nothing to wear, she would not listen.

The Goddess celebration is like a little festival they have going on here once a year to celebrate their Goddess, so the name for it fits just perfectly.

And it's in 2 days. Nice..

'How about you? How did you actually end up here?'

I could see her looking at me, but I kept my eyes glued to the sky.

'I was attacked and was just looking for help and Beta Deimos found me.'I smiled slightly.

'Oh wow. I heard he's a little bastard.' She snickered.

I don't know why but I felt the need to defend him, he was nothing but nice to me so far. Even going against the Alpha to help me.

'He's not as bad as you think. Though I never met the Gamma.'

'I think all three of them are quite similar. Actually no, scratch that, Alpha Eros is a complete dick. And I mean it, some people kiss the ground he walks on, while others, don't like him. Though all the girls seem to want to get into his trousers to see what he's got.' Her laugh echoed through the trees and I joined her.

She was very easy to talk to. I miss normal human interaction, even if she wasn't fully human.

'You would be surprised that there are quite a few people who actually don't mind you at all. Especially guys, I mean look at you.' She pointed at the whole me.

I never really thought about myself that way, but my heart fluttered at the compliment.

'Thank you.'

We stayed in the clearing for a little longer, until I had to go to my training. I ended up telling Kathy about my memory loss and that Meg wasn't even my real name, just one I made up. I even told her about Alpha training me and such. She wasn't very happy about it, but then again she could do nothing to help me.

We decided to meet up tomorrow to go hunting for my dress for the celebration and parted ways.

I could feel the dread in every step I took towards the training grounds, God knows what happens here tonight.

I arrived with a good few minutes to spare, finding Alpha already here.

'First thing I actually like about you is that you're not only on time but you are early.' He said.

I slightly dipped my head down as a respectful hello to the Alpha. That is a good start, I expected to be insulted straight away. I guess he had some good sleep the night before.

'We will start with basic stuff today, Deimos didn't train you properly and he got punished for that, so make it count yeah?' His tone of voice wasn't angry, but his eyes held frustration.

'Yes, Alpha.'

Alpha Eros came around me, pushing me around a little until he was happy with the stance I was in. Legs slightly parted, fists to my chest, ready to block my head and face when needed.

And that's how the training went, I was very surprised that not a single bone was broken today. Instead, he showed me basic combat moves and different strategies on how to take on the opponent, especially since I am small. And most of my opponents are quite large.

After the training was done I was tired, but nothing compared to the last time I was facing him. I still had the energy to run a marathon if I really wanted to.

'Are you going to the Goggess celebration?' He asked when we were walking away from the grounds. His eyes held curiosity. ' I've seen you made a friend today, that's a good move in the right direction.'

Why was he being so weird today? Like a completely different person. I didn't recognize him, his eyes were slightly shining with humor and he had a little smirk on his face.

'I guess I am, Kathy won't leave me alone about it.' I nodded finally.

'Good.' That was all he said when suddenly he just took off leaving me behind.

What the hell happened to this man? It's easier to hate him when he's being a dickhead.

I didn't feel like going home just yet so I went back to the clearing me and Kathy were in earlier. It looked different now, darkness loomed around, but it just made it even better as fireflies were flying around, making it look magnificent.

I took a seat beside the water and looked up at the sky. A big moon hung in the dark sky as little stars danced around it. It wasn't a full moon, but very close. A vision from the other day crept into my mind and I started wondering.

Who am I?

It's going a little slow for now, but I promise it will pick up in a few chapters :)

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