
The Other Side Of The Full Moon

What happens when a girl with no memories lands in a world of unknown? A world of werewolves and other mystical creatures. A girl who goes by the name Meg, lands in Arcadia: a powerful werewolf pack where she does not fit in as she's only a human, a stranger, a sheep in the lands of predators. As she learns to defend herself against others, sparks start flying between her and Eros, but when their passion gets interrupted by jealousy and the vicious plans of the jealous woman everything turns upside down. With everything falling out of Meg's grasp she starts getting visions of the life she had before. Where she didn't recognize herself. As everything keeps falling apart and Eros trying to kill her she needs to find help, to save herself and her lover from the grasp of the dangerous woman. But what happens when Meg gets killed in the process only to be awakened by her wolf? And not just a wolf, a pure white fur wolf with a moon crescent on its head. Most importantly, she gets her memories back and is ready for sweet revenge, only question is: After that is done what is she going to choose? Her mate or her home and her people?

Sammie98 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day I woke up to a banging at my door. Quickly glancing at the clock on the table realized it was only 8 am.

'Who the hell is that?'

I slowly got out of bed, grabbing my nightgown on the way. Banging going even harder than before. Feeling frustrated from sudden waking up I flung the door open angrily revealing Kathy. She stood there smiling from ear to ear like a dummy.

'Do you know what time it is?'I asked, my frustration not going anywhere.

'Sorry I'm so early, but we have shops to hit, so close to the celebration will be nothing left!' She exclaimed. Jesus, this girl is gonna be the end of me one day.

I sighed and stepped aside to let her in.

'Make yourself comfortable, I'll be quick.'

'Don't worry about me, I will definitely not snoop around your home.'She giggled.

I just rolled my eyes and walked away to my bedroom leaving her in the living area. Closing the door I glanced at her for a short second, Kathy was looking around like a child in a candy store.


Once I was ready, twenty minutes later, I reenter the living area to find Kathy on a love seat holding a book that I was currently reading.

'Found something you fancy?'I remarked.


'Just so you know I'm not going anywhere without my coffee, yeah?'

With that I went to the kitchen to make some needed coffee, Kathy tagged along like a hurt puppy.

'I want some too.' She said.


I took out two cups and quickly made some hot steaming coffee.

Once we were done, we went out the door. This morning was a little cloudy, but it was still warm and fresh, the summer nearly at our doorstep.


We reached the mall about an hour later and sure it was full of girls walking around, trying to find a last-minute dress. It looked hectic.

'I told you so!' Kathy scolded me.' There was no need to be so grumpy with me this morning. I just wanted to make sure you had your dress.'

'Right, fine, I'm sorry, now can we get this done and over with, please?' I begged her.

'What's your favorite color?' Kathy asked once we were in the first shop.

I actually had no idea, more like I don't remember. I stared at her in embarrassment.

'Do you actually don't know?' Her mouth opened a little.

I scanned the shop looking for a color that would catch my eye and landed on a lovely summery dress which was blue.

'I guess blue is okay.' I shrugged.

'Alright then.'


We went to gazillion shops until we found ''The'' dress. It didn't reach the ground and was simple, but it was gorgeous. With a sweetheart neckline, shoulders slightly loose, and fitted with a corset which helped to show off my slim waist and give me more curves. The bottom came just below the knees and it was nice and flowy. The dress was sky blue. I fell in love with it in an instant.

Though I loved the dress and was excited about wearing it, I didn't think the locals will be happy with me attending, but Kathy wouldn't let it go so I purchased the dress with a heavy heart and finally went off to the food court. I was starving.

Once we got home I put away the dress so it wouldn't get damaged. Kathy insisted that tomorrow morning we would get ready in my cabin so I had to agree with her staying the night which meant we had to go get her things and carry it all here. Which was another tiring journey.

'Why don't you want to go alone? I'm so tired after all that shopping.'

'Because it's going to be heavy and I won't be able to carry it alone.' She pouted. 'All that make-up and hair tools, never mind my outfit. Do you have any idea how much the two of us will need? It's a lot of stuff.

I only sighed and nodded, no way I'm going to get out of this one. I find it harder and harder to say no to Kathy because she was so nice and friendly towards me and it frustrated me a little how one person can do some much change in you.

'We have to be quick though. I have training tonight, remember?'

'Of course!' She quickly jumped and hugged me, nearly knocking me over.


We carried all the things over to my cabin, but Holy God it was a lot. I didn't know a girl owned that much never mind needed. I think she was a hoarder. It was a funny sight to see her struggling all the way.

Once we finally got to the cabin she flopped everything on the floor in the corner beside the love seat and hung her outfit on the door of the bedroom.

'By the way, I grabbed some heels and accessories for you as well.' She commented.

'Thank you, though I don't think I will know how to walk in them heels.' I giggled. 'I don't remember much about anything.'I reminded her.

'Oh don't you worry, I'll teach you in no time.' Kathy smiled. 'Besides, it ain't that hard.

It was time for me to go to the training grounds. I didn't know what to expect from him this time. Sometimes Alpha Eros was a good guy and sometimes a complete jerk and I don't know which one I'm going to get today. So I dreaded it, with each step I took towards the grounds, I could feel the nervousness ease its way inside my stomach. But yet somehow the thought of seeing him again made my heart flutter. I shouldn't have such feelings towards anyone, especially towards him, but with each passing day it gets stronger and it scares me.

I can feel myself changing, but I don't know if it's a good change or not. And every day I feel slightly different.