
Chapter 27

The last couple of weeks in October flew by so fast one day it was Halloween, then the next, I'm being woken up by Taylor with her on top of me screaming happy birthday. I laugh at her excitement. Today was a big day for Sirius and me; we both turn 17 and are allowed to do legal magic. I have already learned how to Apparate and disapparate, and the dark lord already found out how to get the trace off me, so I have been doing magic for the past year without the ministry ever knowing. But anyway, it will feel good to know that I can do it legally for once.

"GET UP. I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED FOR THE DAY!" she screams before pulling me out of bed and dragging me to her trunk. "Ok, first I know you don't like presents, but I saw this and thought of you and bought it." She said, handing me a parcel in Slytherin green and black. I opened it and inside was a black dress, and on the back, it was completely open with a snake running down the back of it. I stand up and go to the mirror, holding it to my body. She gets up and stands behind me, looking in the mirror. Taylor has always been tall; she's about 5'10 compared to my 5'5. She squeezes my shoulders. "You gonna look beautiful tonight," Taylor says. "Oh yeah, I got one more thing for you," She says, handing me a box. I take the lid off, and inside was my favorite perfume that I ran out of months ago. It was the no 5 Channel. I look up and smile at her. Then I tackle her in a hug. We roll on the ground laughing. She gets up, and I lay on my back. She holds out her and pulls me up, and we both laugh again.


Today was Lyras's birthday, and I want to do something special for her. I was, of course, throwing Sirius a party, and I heard almost all of Slytherin had invited the entire school to Lyras party. Every year it's like this a competition between Sirius and Lyra. Lyra wins typically, but only because it's invite-only and anyone that gets blackout drunk and everything. This year it's huge since everyone is allowed to come, and no one will miss it for anything. So it most likely will just be the marauders since everyone will want to be with Lyra. The theme is a surprise, but I know Lyras's friends and asked. It's a masquerade ball. They showed me her dress and everything if I wanted to come. I really do but wish to celebrate Sirius as well.

Padfoot comes up behind me and pats me on the back. I jump. I had been zoning out think about tonight. "What were you thinking about?" He asks. "Lyra's party tonight," I say. "Oh yeah, I meant to tell you were going. Taylor changed it to be a party to include both of us. Don't ask, it was a long talk. I look up at him in shock. I almost jump out of my seat and hug him. "Sibling bonding," He adds with a wink. At that, I jump up and rush to the Slytherin common room. I want to spend most of the day with Lyra. I knew Remus had shit planned for Sirius, so I was out of the dorm room most of the day. We also didn't have classes seeing as it was a Saturday. I'm almost at the Slytherin dungeons, and I hear laughing. I peek around the corner, and there is Lyra with her friends and brother. She has a tiara on and a sparkly black and green sash. She has on a white romper with cutouts at the shoulders, making the arms more open and flowy, and then he has on some brown wedged heels with a cute bandana pattern cut out into them. I walk around the corner and hug her from behind. She jumps a little, then looks back. Her makeup is just her everyday natural look, but she added some glitter to the corner of her eyes to add a little glam to it. She looks up at me and smiles. Then she kisses my cheek. She then gets out of my arms and takes my hand.

Taylor smiles at us and walks away. I look towards Regulas, and he just glares at me. Lyra puts a hand on his arm and nods to him with a smile. He nods back and walks back towards the common room. It is just Lyra and me in the hallway. "Good morning," I say, turning her body towards me. "Good Morning," She says back and smiles. I lean down and kiss her. I break apart from her and look down at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I love seeing her happy, especially when it's with me. Her smile is just the best; it lights up her entire face and makes her eyes sparkle like no one has ever seen more beautiful eyes before.

"Happy Birthday, love," I tell her and rest her forehead on mine. I also keep our hands interlaced. "Thank you," Lyra answers me back. I grab her hand tighter and pull her towards the great hall. "Have you eaten yet?" I question. "No, that's what Taylor, Reg, and I were going to do, but then you came," She answers, and I pull her to my side and wrap my arm around her shoulder. She puts her head on my shoulder, and we walk to the great hall. Everyone knows that we are together at this point, and if they don't, I'll make sure to show them. Because Lyra deserves to be shown off and made happy every day.

We walk into the great hall, and people start starring some start clapping even. Lyra blushes, and we walk towards the Slytherin table where Taylor and Puecy were sitting. Puecy rolls his eyes and sneers. Taylor elbows him in the stomach, and he holds his stomach and smiles the fakest smile I have ever seen at me. I laugh and sit down right next to Lyra with my arm still around her. The line has already formed for people to say happy birthday and give her a gift.

We go through the entire line, which takes at least 2 hours; it's like everyone in Hogwarts loves Lyra. Which isn't a shock; she is a people person. She has a small conversation with everyone as well, which took some time to get through. At the end of the line are Sirius, Remus, and Peter. She pushes my arm off her shoulder and gets off the bench. Lyra opens her arms, and she and Sirius hug. It's so good to see them finally getting along again. Sirius was really affected by the way Lyra handled him getting into Gryffindor. Regulas will come around eventually. They let go, and she side hug Moony and gives peter a smile. He blushes, and I think we all take that as no girl has smiled at him before, so he is flushed. She sits back down, and I soot closer to her and wrap my arm tighter around her. She gestures for the Marauders to sit down with us, and they do. "Happy 17, my dear sister," Sirius says and sits down.

Lyra laughs. "Happy Birthday to you, my brother," She says back, and we all laugh. "So, what are you guys doing for the day?" Lyra asks Pads. "I have a surprise for him," Remus says with a wink. She nods at him like it's giving approval. "What do our dear prongs have planned for his amazing girlfriend today?" Sirius asks. "That is still a surprise to have revealed later. But for the daytime, I plan on spending as much time with the most beautiful girl in the entire world as I can," I say, and Lyra blushes. "And by that, I mean Evens," I say jokingly. Lyra sits up and smacks my chest. I fake being hurt. "Oh, how you wound me, women," I say and then grab the back of her head and kiss her full on. I disconnect our lips. "It will always be you, Lyra, forever and always," I say, then go back to her leaning on my chest.

Puecy groans and Taylor just stares at us longingly. "Well, I need to get Padfoot his surprise now, so we have to be going," Remus says, grabbing Sirius's hand and pulling him back to the dorm. "Alexander and I have homework. Peter, why don't you come along? I need some help in herbology, and I know it's your best subject. " Taylor saws practically dragging the boys along with her. She throws us a wink and walks out.

Lyra and I laugh at each other. "Come on, let's go to your dorm and put these gifts away; then I have a surprise for you. It is the first of many tonight," I say. She nods, and we take all the presents back to the Slytherin common room. I walk in, and everyone is glaring at me. Lyra flashes right back, and everyone backs off from me. We real quick go up to her room. I drop everything on a bed I assume is hers and sit next to the pile of presents. "You got a lot of fans," I muse. "I know, but the only fan I want is you," She says. She then straddles my hips and sits on my lap. I wrap my arms around her torso, and she rests her cheek on my shoulder. I lean back, and we both fall back onto the bed with her on top of me.