This story is about a young curvy woman meeting a handsome male orc as they struggle to understand each other and the world around them. warning there will be sensitive topics blood, killing, sexual abuse, physical violence, etc
Zol pov
Me and barg are waiting for it to get dark before we can try to get Whitney out, if we can get past the guards and that knight,
Barg:"if I could I'd kill that knight right now and go take her out of there she isn't a criminal"
Charlie:"I'm not convinced that's his only reasoning to put her in that cell, I've seen him with some of the ladies of the night around here"
Charlie gives me and Barg a certain look, it makes my skin crawl I know what he means and it's not good
Zul:"if she has one damn mark on her I'll cut his man hood off with my blade and jam it down his throat!"
Barg:"I agree with you I'll hold him down while you do it" we all give a little chuckle
Charlie:"sorry to bring this up but I'm generally curious so you both like her, both have slept with her, so maybe you can both be with her?"
Zul:"I don't think so I'm not into men"
Barg:"I agree with Zul I'm not into men"
Charlie:"never said you two have to do anything just both be dating her or hell marry her, I'm sure you guys have seen one man with multiple women it's just like that but reverse"
Me and Barg look at each other unsure what to say
Barg:"nah I'm not much for sharing my woman"
Zul:"you mean my woman I met her first and she was with me first"
Barg:" you want to bet on that"
I smirk at barg and nod
Zul:"yeah I do actually I bet that she falls in love me first and that she picks me over you"
Barg:"I bet she falls in love with me first pretty sure she already is and if I win hmm you have to build me and Whitney a house just like these houses not a hut"
Zul:"alright and if I win you build me and Whitney a house just like these ones no hut"
We shake hands and the deal is sealed we sit waiting we go out watching the guards they aren't leaving long enough for us to try, I think of any possible way to make a distraction or something to draw them away from the dungeon entrance.
Whitney's pov
I'm waken up by the door slamming shut it echos in the empty hall I look around my anxiety spikes as I see the knight walking towards me but this time he isn't in his armour this time
Knight:"well well glad you are awake my dear I'm going to make sure you feel good once I'm done with you"
Whitney:"please don't do this i didn't lie I promise!"
Knight:"it doesn't matter if you lied or not they aren't here and now you are my prisoner, so I can do anything I want to you"
Whitney:"you are crazy zul and barg won't let you do this! I'll go to the king and queen on the south and you'll be hung!" I yell in a last stitch effort to get him to leave me alone but it fails he opens the cell door and comes in shutting it behind him, I know screaming will be a waste of breathe there is no one else around to hear me, I try to kick at him but he just grabs my legs to stop me he stands looking down at my body he leans down and starts touching groping my butt I squirm and try to get away but he just kicks me in the stomach.
Knight:"do not make me have to beat you into submission! This will be easier if you don't fight me!" He glares at me which makes me stop fighting my stomach is in pain I'm cold and basically naked locked in a cell with a monster tears stream down my cheeks as he continues to grope me rubbing his erection as he does I can tell he is hard by the bulge in his pants he turns me on my back as he undoes his pants
Knight:"you might even enjoy this once we start I'll take good care of you if you behave yourself"
Whitney:"screw you I don't want you to touch me or even look at me let me go!" I yell and pull me knees up far enough my feet are in front of him I kick as hard as I can into his groin he yells in pain and falls back curling into a ball groaning in agony i start to struggle trying to get free of the ropes finally I manage to get my hands free I quickly untie my feet I see his keys hanging from his belt, he isn't moving and the groans have stopped I eye him suspiciously wanting to make a run for it but I know he will be faster then me with him having kicked me the pain in my stomach is still bad but I refused to give up, I move slowly towards him I move behind him reaching down I grab and rip the keys from his belt I turn on my heels to run but his hands grab my one ankle I scream as he grips my ankle
Knight:"you bitch you are going to pay for this! You are never getting out of this cell"
Whitney:"let go of me!" I stand on the foot he is gripping as I use my other foot to kick him in the face as hard as I can, he screams as blood gushes out of his nose he covers his face as I quickly get out of the cell and shut the cell door locking him in, I turn and run not caring that I'm mostly naked I move as fast as I can having not eaten or drank anything, being dragged across gravel getting cuts and scrapes all over me and him kicking me in the stomach I'm not moving as quickly as I wish I could with ever step pain shoots through me I get outside and keep limp jogging trying to get away as fast as possible I can see the town walls but it's still a little ways seems even further when you are hurt and have basically no clothing on expect your underwear, when I get further away I throw the keys as far as I can into the tall grass I get closer and can hear people now I can see the torch lights I try to cover my chest with my arms I see Zul and barg standing outside the tavern I start to cry when I see them they both come sprinting towards me I hug them both at the same time
Barg:"Whitney what the hell happened, why are naked and covering is cuts and scratches!"
Zul:"how did you get out we where coming to get you tonight I'm sorry we didn't get there sooner" they both hug me at the same time I my left arm wrapped around bargs neck and my right arm around Zuls neck all I can do is cry.
Zul:"we gotta get you inside let's go" Zul picks me up as we stop the hug and go straight into the tavern Charlie sees me and looks horrified Zul doesn't stop and goes straight to my room he gets inside my room and sits on the bed with me on his lap
Zul:"it's okay you are safe I'm so sorry Whitney what did he do to you"
I sniffle and wipe my face with my arm
Whitney:"I don't want to talk about it I just want to take a bath and sleep"
Zul:"okay I will go and boil some water for a bath there is a tub in here so you don't have to leave the room" he sets me down and barg comes in he sees me and stops
Zul:"barg may I speak to you for a moment outside the room"
Barg:"yes but then I'm coming right back"
He nods they move out of the room to the hall as I wrap a blanket around myself trying to calm down.
Zul:"she doesn't want to talk about whatever happened yet she said she wants to take a bath and go to sleep I know we both want to know but for now I think we should give her time she's hurt and probably traumatized, I'm going to boil some water for her bath there is a tub in her room can you go and get some food and water for her and some clothes if possible"
Barg:"Charlie closed the tavern and said he was going to get her clothing and food I can get her water tho" they both nod and hurry off to get water to drink and boil water for her bath not long after the bath is full of nice hot water that's not to hot but just perfect temperature and Barg had given me water to drink I couldn't even think I didn't know what to say to either of them but they gave me space and left the room once the bath was full I stood up taking my underwear off and slowly slipping into the hot water it stung all my cuts and scrapes I sink fully into the water plunging my head under the water and then back out of the water all my hair gets slicked back it's shiny and completely straight now I carefully wash my body making sure to clean all the cuts and scrapes gently there are a few pretty deep ones but that's about it eventually they stop stinging and I can relax my body a little, somebody knocks on the door and my heart stops
Charlie:"Whitney it's Charlie I just have some clothing for you and food for when you are done bathing may I come and set them on your bed I also have a towel for you to dry off with"
I sigh with relief knowing it's just Charlie and not guards or that damn knight.
Whitney:"y..yes you may just please don't look at me I'm still in the bath"
Charlie:"of course I'll keep my eyes on the floor" he comes in and he does keep his eyes glued to the floor as he sets down a red and white dress it has red ruffles on the neck line a red corset with white laces on the back the sleeves are white and long with ruffling at the wrists there is a long white skirt with ruffles at the bottom and red on top of that wrapping around almost all the way but leaving a gap of the red in front to show white in the gap he also puts down new undergarments and black shoes with a small heal to them he sets down the food and says goodbye as he leaves and shuts the door he left the towel on the bed as well. I sit in the bath for several hours before I get out I dry myself off and put on the new undergarments they where made of linen they where loose fitting until I pulled the strings to tighten the waist I then seen a long white night gown with thin straps I pulled it on over my underwear it was also made of linen I sat down seeing an apple some bread and a bowl of beef stew I sat and ate the food, once I finished it was dark outside I just sat on the bed waiting for the guards to come in and take me away again, I keep looking out the window being paranoid and nervous, I hear a knock at the door and barg steps in and closes the door behind him
Barg:"hey how are you feeling now?"
Whitney:"like I need alcohol"
Barg:"well the tavern is closed but Charlie is just hanging out down stairs with us come down and have a drink with us"
Whitney:"okay is it okay if I just go down in my night gown?"
Barg:"yeah you look perfect like always" he walks over to me and kisses me on the head we head down Zul and Charlie are sitting at a table me and Barg join them and before I can even ask Charlie hands me a beer and sits back down.
Whitney:"thank you Charlie"
Charlie:"of course I see the night gown fits"
Whitney:"yes thank you for everything the towel, the dress, undergarments, shoes, nightgown, I really appreciate it I will find a way to pay you back for everything"
Charlie:"no it's okay after what ever has happened to you, it's the least I could do"
Barg:"Whitney please tell us what happened"
I look at the three of them I sigh taking another drink of my beer before setting it down
Whitney:"the knight he came in the morning just as the sun was coming up, he tied my wrists and had his men literally drag me to the dungeon across the gravel, it ripped up my shirt and pants when they tossed my into the cell they took my clothes and left for a while, before I knew it the knight was back he groped me…" tears well in my eyes "he started kissing and licking my neck he left marks on my neck, he left again after that but he came back again, this time he wasn't wearing his armor just normal clothes, he kept saying he wanted me to be his whore.. that he would take care of me.. he came in started touching my ass I was struggling with him to get away he kicked me in the stomach and rolled me onto my back he pulled his dick out and was going to rape me I pulled my legs up far enough to be able to kick him in the groin he fell back in pain I finally got my hands free and got up to leave I grabbed his key, he grabbed my ankle I kicked him in the face and shut and locked the cell door, i tossed the keys into the long grass"
Everyone is silent for a few moments
Barg:"I'm sorry we should have been here, that never should have happened"
Whitney:"listen none of this is your fault none of you are at fault for this, I snapped at you both and I shouldn't have but hey at least the attack didn't happen"
Zul:"it's okay we know it's hard not finding Benjamin but we will find him, and you are right the attack hasn't happened which is strange if they aren't skipping any farms or houses they should have hit here as well"
Barg:"maybe they only hit the smaller villages the ones that don't have guards or knights"
Whitney:"maybe but in that case they could already have hit another village, either way we should leave before they figure out what I did" I head up stairs and take the night gown off as I put my new dress on and do up the corset fairly tight and put my shoes on as well it hugs my curves and feels super soft on my skin, I go down and they all look at me
Charlie:"damn I got good taste it looks good on you"
Whitney:"thank you and yes you do have good taste we should go now, goodbye Charlie and thank you for everything"
Charlie:"maybe I can come see you
Guys some day y'all are good people"
Zul:"here is a map I'll show you how to get to our village it is a ways off from here but not to hard to fine"
As they talk I can hear something it's quiet I can barely hear it, barg must notice it as well as he comes over to me
Barg:"do you hear that to"
Whitney:"yeah it sounds like a bell.. oh shit the warning bell! Guys they are coming!" Before I know it more bells start going off warning the town of the incoming attack
Zul:"shit arm yourselves let's just get the villagers out of here the guards can handle the attack" we all nod Charlie grabs an axe as we head out the door people are running, kids are screaming as guards yell at them to get out of the village, one guard stops as he sees the 4 of us standing there
Guard:" you where right they are here, its bandits and trolls and a lot of them I'm
Not sure we can beat them but we can at least cut them down in size help us please"
I nod
Whitney:"okay tell anyone who can shoot a bow to take anyone out that has flaming arrows first if we don't they will burn this place to the ground" he nods and heads off we all follow I grab a sword off a stand and get to the entrance.