This story is about a young curvy woman meeting a handsome male orc as they struggle to understand each other and the world around them. warning there will be sensitive topics blood, killing, sexual abuse, physical violence, etc
My name is Whitney I live in a decently sized farming town we are apart of a kingdom but are not close to the kingdom, it's late at night and I have just finished my work at the tavern and start to walk back to what I call my home as I walk enjoying the peace and quiet that engulfs the city I look up admiring the star filled sky the breeze is nice and cool against my skin, i take a deep breathe in and try to relax from the busy evening of work I untie my long wavy dark brown hair, sighing in relief as I no longer have to deal with my hair being pulled by the string that is used to keep it up, I near the barn that I've been allowed to live in by Benjamin the farmer who knew my parents, when they passed away I was already 16, thankfully Benjamin allowed me to stay in the hay loft, I had to be a little creative and make a bed out of the hay bails I managed to get some bulky blankets to put on top of the hay bails a few of the older women in town gave me them, I think a lot of people who knew my parents feel sad for me, of course I miss them but I can't focus on the loss I already did that for a year after their deaths. I finally get to my bed in the hay loft and change I lay down and shut my eyes as sleep takes me.
*screams from the distance*
I get awaken by faint screams coming from the town I sit up quickly and look around it's still pitch black outside, it must only have been a couple of hours that I was asleep, I look out the window that sits next to my bed and see Benjamin with a lantern running to the barn, I jump up from the bed getting dressed hastily and going down the latter to meet him when he reached the barn doors he opens it quickly and shuts it behind him breathing heavily he rests against the door for a few seconds.
Whitney: "Benjamin what's going on? Why are people screaming?"
Benjamin: "there are bandits in the town they are shooting flaming arrows into houses and stores destroying and taking everything they can you must leave immediately most of the men in town are trying to defend the town I must go help but you cannot stay they will be here soon and you know what happens to women when bandits take them"
I stare in shock as I hear what he's telling me just as I'm about to speak three flaming arrows fly into the wooden walls and into the roof.
Benjamin: "Go now!" He yells at me to run
Whitney:" Benjamin I don't want to leave you alone I can help"
Benjamin: "I will be fine you must go! Do as I ask and run into the forest keep going to the west until you can reach another town and tell the west kingdom what has happened they will send help to us"
I hesitate only for a second before I nod my head at Benjamin before I start running I as fast as I can towards the forest we both know the forest is dangerous but it's my only option to not get caught, my mind is thinking of all the chaos that's unfolding in my home town, I get to the edge of the woods and turn back to see most of the buildings in the town are ingulfed in flames, I looked at Benjamin's house and farm as they burn to the ground, tears start to fill my eyes as I start to worry about Benjamin i turn quickly on my heels as I realize I don't have my shoes on only my dress. I quickly start to run again pushing the horrible and sad thoughts to the back of my mind, I run through the night towards the west knowing the next closest town is 4 days trip by horse I can only imagine how long it will take on foot.