
The Oracle Paths

Have you ever wished you exactly knew how to accomplish your dreams? Not feeling the slightest doubt anymore? Being aware at any time how every choice, action and decision of yours affects your future? That's what happened to Jake Wilderth, a procrastinating young man without ambition. When a mysterious silver spaceship, popping out from nowhere, delivered to each Earthling a bracelet containing an AI introducing itself as the Oracle, their destiny changed. From a boring uneventful life Jake began to strive for greatness, treading his Path over the dead bodies of many. What a blessing it would have been if he was the only one profiting of such a gift! But when everyone became equal to face the future, he soon realized no gift comes for free.. Just a warning. Volume 1 sets the atmosphere in a Earth slowly degenerating into chaos and can be considered as a big prologue. It is slow and not as rewarding for the readers than mainstream stories on this website. If you can push through it will be worth it. For some real action you need to wait chap 27. =================================== Discord link: https://discord.gg/d8udP7Q

Arkinslize · Khoa huyễn
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1185 Chs


"Father."He groaned. "I should have known when Minerva showed up."

Sigmar was grievously injured, but he did have a complete body. He was a genuine Fluid Grandmaster supported by this world and boosted by Jake's passive Myrtharian Body. For Nylreg at that very moment he was the worst possible opponent.

Nodding gratefully to Jake and the others, Sigmar looked at his son with deep sorrow before he let out a long, weary sigh.

"I'm sorry, son. The adventure for you ends here."

The next thing he knew, Sigmar's glowing arm was piercing his son's chest, his heart beating wildly in his hand. The space then distorted around Nylreg and his father, seemingly forming a vortex, and their bodies slowly began to break apart as if they were both being ground down by a steamroller.

"Why?" Nylreg asked, spitting out silver blood with the desperation of a child in search of recognition.