
The Oracle Paths

Have you ever wished you exactly knew how to accomplish your dreams? Not feeling the slightest doubt anymore? Being aware at any time how every choice, action and decision of yours affects your future? That's what happened to Jake Wilderth, a procrastinating young man without ambition. When a mysterious silver spaceship, popping out from nowhere, delivered to each Earthling a bracelet containing an AI introducing itself as the Oracle, their destiny changed. From a boring uneventful life Jake began to strive for greatness, treading his Path over the dead bodies of many. What a blessing it would have been if he was the only one profiting of such a gift! But when everyone became equal to face the future, he soon realized no gift comes for free.. Just a warning. Volume 1 sets the atmosphere in a Earth slowly degenerating into chaos and can be considered as a big prologue. It is slow and not as rewarding for the readers than mainstream stories on this website. If you can push through it will be worth it. For some real action you need to wait chap 27. =================================== Discord link: https://discord.gg/d8udP7Q

Arkinslize · Khoa huyễn
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1185 Chs

Ulfar, Get To Work

"Is it really okay to let Epsilom roam freely?" Hade inquired, his features folding into a frown. "We don't know the rank of the Digestors teeming here, but we are near a black hole. The creatures that can spawn and survive in such a place will be far from ordinary. A single misstep could spell our doom."

His concern was as deep as it was genuine, and it gave the others pause. Despite this, there were some among them who remained undeterred.

"I won't stay with you lot." Drakon grunted, stalking off in a direction opposite of Epsilom. "This is a test, after all. We can communicate through our bracelets anytime, and I'm sure Cekt is watching us from the shadows. Knowing him, he won't truly let us die if our lives are in danger."

"Makes sense," Jake and the others reluctantly agreed after a moment of consideration, giving up on trying to convince him.