
The only hero

Astelle_Nova · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

The following day, Raphael and Ariel decided to go pay Averis a visit. When they got there they were warmly welcomed by Texfa.

"Come on in. Averis isn't awake yet so you can go and wake him up. I'll set the table for both of you as well." Texfa said smiling.

"Thank you Tex." Raphael said.

"Thank you." Ariel said in a slightly lower voice as she bowed slightly.

They both entered and started heading up the stairs slowly not in a hurry to wake Averis up. Ariel was unusually quiet as well. Raphael decided not to comment as he valued his life and there was a high chance that Ariel would hurt him if he asked.

'I am really going to wake up Averis. I should act natural but I've always wanted to know how he looks when he has just woken up. He always seems so responsible in front of us. How cute will it be if he was actually the type of person who wakes up while still in a slight daze. I can't wait and find out.' Ariel said excitedly in her head.

She had had a crush on Averis for a long time. She always admired him and hoped one day she would become someone he could depend on. Maybe even love. But she had managed to keep this emotions in check out of fear of ruining the relationship between them. When they got to the room Raphael entered without even knocking. The found Averis still fast asleep on his bed warmly wrapped in his blanket. Ariel could not help but fawn over his innocent sleepy face. Her eyes glittered as she got closer to Averis wanting to touch him. Raphael kept quiet and watched from the sidelines.

'Lucky bastard' He thought bitterly.

Just as Ariel was about to touch Averis he suddenly started waking up. Her face turned red from embarrassment as Averis rubbed his eyes.

"What are you two doing here?" Averis asked still rubbing his eyes.

"We came to visit today. Tex told us to wake you up." Raphael answered.

"I see. Tex did. Well thank you but I wake up when the time is right. It is automatic for me. Huh? Ariel is everything okay your face looks a bit red. Did you catch a cold or something?" Averis said.

"It isn't that. You don't have to worry please." Ariel said in a low flustered tone.

"Mmh! Are you sure? Do you need me to check?" Averis said as he sat up.

"No need really... I'm fine." Ariel said now extremely flustered.

"Actually I think you should check Ave. We can't afford her to be sick so close to the magic acquisition ceremony."Raphael teased.

"Yeah that's is a fair point. Ariel come on let me check if you have a fever or not." Averis said as he stood up to move closer to Ariel.

Before she could even react Averis pulled her closer and placed his forehead and against his. She was wriggling a lot hindering Averis.

"Calm down. You are making it hard for me to check properly." Averis whispered to her.

Ariel froze when she heard Averis' deep yet soft voice near her. She was so close she could smell his scent. Despite having just come out of bed he had a fresh scent about him that allured her. Her mind went blank as she stared at Averis' face.

'He's so... cute.' She thought.

Just as she felt as though she was about to melt Averis let go of her.

"Good nothing is wrong." Averis said.

It was just a few seconds of contact but to Ariel it felt like several centuries had passed. She was frozen in place and could not fully understand what had happened. Her face was bright red but Averis did not focus after making sure she was okay. He walked to his bathroom.

"Aren't you gonna pick out a change of clothes before entering the bath?" Ariel asked.

"I'll choose when I get out. Doesn't really matter whatever I wear as long as it is sufficient." Averis said casually.

"Then can I pick out an outfit for you... I know it maybe imposing but if you don't mind..." Ariel asked in a timid voice expecting to be rejected but the answer she got made her heart skip a beat. In a calm and collected voice Averis accepted her request and even thanked her even adding that he was sure she would pick great clothes because she had a great sense of fashion.

Averis entered the bathroom and Ariel immediately went to his closet to pick out an outfit.

'Damn It! I didn't think it would hurt this bad. Why? What am I feeling?' Raphael said as he tightened his grip on his jacket. He covered his face with his other hand and leaned against the door as he looked up.

By the time Averis got out of the bath both of them had exited his room and were waiting for him outside the room. He looked at the clothes placed on his bed.

'I guess it was a good idea to trust her. She has decent taste.' Averis thought as he picked up the clothes to put them on.

After getting dressed he found them waiting for him outside the room. Raphael had a weird look on his face but Averis had a feeling that it was better for him not to know. He ignored it and walked to the staircase.

"You coming or have you been hired to guard that door?" Averis asked sarcastically before starting to descend the stairs.

It wasn't long before Raphael overtook him with an outburst of energy and when he reached the last five steps he jumped straight down. Then he turned to look at Averis with a big wide smile. Averis slowly lifted his head to look at him.

"One day I am going to get rid of that attitude of yours you know?" Raphael said, "You are too cocky sometimes."

"Not the first time I've been told that but okay I guess. Let's see how you'll accomplish that Prince Raphael." Averis said with an expressionless look on his face.

He lowered his head to slight angle of inclination. No one could notice that his lips had curved upwards. Raphael just tilted his head in confusion and shrugged his shoulders. Ariel soon caught up with the others after finally managing to pull herself out of her daze.

When they got to the dining room they found everyone else had already arrived. They took their seats and Peter used magic to make the food float to the table. They said their thanks and started eating.

Averis was quietly eating his food when he suddenly noticed that Matthew was staring at him weirdly. He tried to ignore it but the gaze intensified as if he was trying to bore a hole right through him.

"(sighs and puts his spoon down) What do you want Matthew? I'm starting to feel a bit chilly just from your gaze." Averis said in an agitated tone.

"Sorry about that but I have to ask. I've been wondering since last night what would you do in a situation where you had to save a bunch of people but you might not be able to save them all?" Matthew asked hoping for a different answer.

"My answer is the same as it was two years ago. Simple I would do anything I can to save the strong and I will simply abandon the weak. My mindset hasn't changed you know." Averis calmly answered and picked up his spoon again.

"Wait how can you do that? What if it is someone you care about?" Raphael asked in a loud voice after banging the table.

"(Averis cringed his face slightly before exhaling) First of all why would I care about someone weak? No one I willingly get acquainted with is weak I'm sure of that. Also I'd rather help who is attacking them since that guy is clearly stronger. End of topic." Averis said as he returned his expression back to a calm one.

He closed his eyes and continued to eat giving no room for further discussion. Everyone was hesitant but decided not to continue. It was then Matthew slammed the table as he stood up. Averis opened his eyes and glared at him angrily.

"You want something?" Averis said for the first time clearly expressing his anger.

"How about a duel then? If I win you need to make an attempt to change that mindset of yours. Even if you can't change it you must help the weak if you encounter them." Matthew proposed.

Averis stood up his head looking at the table. There was a dark aura covering him and bloodlust leaking out of him. Everyone backed away when they felt this bloodlust even Matthew backed away. No one had seen him react so strongly about something.

"Hey Matthew I'll warn you know you are stepping on dangerous territory. There are reasons why I don't like people talking about my mindset or even about how I act when it comes to emotions. My past is something you people should learn to stay away from." Averis said bloodlust leaking out with each word.

Ariel was so scared she hid behind Texfa. They all continued to back away but Matthew stood his ground.

"Matt stay out of the kid's business. I don't know why but I don't think it is a good idea to go against him in the state he is know. You know his martial arts skills are fatal." Dan warned in a clearly terrified tone.

"I won't if we let him stay like this. It might cause a lot more trouble in the future." Matthew said firmly.

"Is that so? Your death I guess." Averis said in a deep murderous voice before vanishing before everyone's eyes.

They could still feel the bloodlust but could not see him anywhere. They looked at the part of the table that he was holding and it had been burnt. Before any of them could ask a question Averis reappeared and kicked Matthew directly in the stomach sending him flying out of the dining room and into the adjacent room which was the living room. He crushed the table which was also sent flying when he came into contact with it finding both the table and him in the wall. Before anyone could stop Averis he took a step foward and then disappeared again. As expected he appeared right in front of Matthew and took him put of the wall. He then punched his jaw nearly causing it to break sending him to the floor above which was Matthew's room. He went up high and returned back to the other floor only to be meet by a kick sending him upwards once more. This time instead of going back through the hole he changed his landing using wind magic and landed on the floor beside. He was coughing up mouthful of blood and was unsure of what to do.

"What is he?" Raphael asked clearly afraid and trembling in fear.

No one could answer all were paralyzed in fear. They could not imagine even one scenario of them saving Matthew even with all their power combined they were still afraid of attempting to do so. To their surprise Julie teleported to the house at that moment. She saw the state everything was a mess and Averis who stood alone in the living room.

"Mom. Averis is... He is..." Raphael said in a scared and trembling voice.

"Don't tell me the weak aura I sense. It is Matthew. He did that to Matthew." Julie asked sensing that Matthew was severely injured.

All they could do was nod. Julie immediately gathered her magic and pointed it towards Averis. She specialized in mind control magic hence she hoped to take control of his mind. Averis sensed the magic directed at him. Everyone froze thinking he'd attack to stop Julie but to everyone's surprise he stood there and did not react.

"You better not miss cause if you do my anger will spread to you guys as well. This is your chance. The only one you get." Averis said as he turned around and gave them even a better option to hit.

Julie calmed her breathing never once had a magic been overwritten. She finished her spell and released it. It hit Averis directly in the chest and his head fell. But his bloodlust just skyrocketed.

"Forgot to tell you mind control doesn't work on me." He said as he lifted his head to reveal he was fine.

Everyone's face turned pale. What stood before them was a monster who was out of control. They now clearly understood why Averis was always sensitive when it came to the topic of his past, why he kept himself away from everyone else, why he never initiated a conversation and why he never expressed any emotions. They learnt what they were witnessing was the monster he had been holding back.

"But still attacking you would be such a pain. You really didn't do anything to me directly. I'm the one who went on the attack and Matthew was the one who challenged me. I guess since I'm in a good mood I will let that pathetic attempt of yours slide. Now back to him." Averis said in a deep and cold voice.

His body started rising up and he was floating. It had taken them time to notice but they could finally feel that he was using magic. He was not supposed to be able to do that yet he did it with such ease that breathing was could be considered difficult. A few minutes after he had disappeared to the top floor Averis came down dragging Matthew by the hair. His entire self was covered in blood.

"We should get out of here as when we can. We can't handle this monster." Julie said a hint of fear in her voice.

"I won't advice that if I were you. I only intend to kill one person not all of you but considering how pissed off I am right now my hand might slip. I've known most of you for three years now. In that perspective I really don't like letting people see my ugly side. I'll tell you something about the day you first found me. It is true that shadows killed the villagers who by then had tied me up to stone me to death because of me being a cursed child and all but have you never wondered who killed the shadows and what was the cause of the bright light?" Averis started.

"Don't tell me you..." Texfa asked catching on to his implication.

"Correct Texfa. I killed all the shadows. Everyone of them. I released a spell then with dazzling white light they were gone." Averis answered.

"Wait with you acting like this today I thought that you worked with the shadows that maybe you are even one of the kings." Julie said.

"Yeah no. I hate all of the shadows. There was a time I didn't give too much thought to them but something changed now the very thought of them makes my blood boil. Also I am only doing this because he challenged me to a fight." Averis said.

"Wait but don't you know that in a duel it isn't a death fight. It is just a battle to match two people's strengths. The victor is the one who knocks out or makes the other opponent admit defeat not literally kill them. That is against the rules." Texfa stated trying to test if her assumption was right.

"Yeah that is what a duel is kid." Peter added understanding what she was trying to do.

The others thought the two had a death wish and that it would make Averis angrier and make him explode against them. To their surprise Averis placed Matthew against the wall and squatted down to check on him.

"He's unconscious. That means I knocked him out right?" Averis asked.

"Yeah that is what it means." Gruge replied.

Averis then stood up and clapped his hands to get rid of the dirt.

"If the rules were so simple you should have started with that. What I was taught when I was a kid is that every fight one is challenged to is to death and anyone who interferes dies as well. I really like Matthew that is why I held back my attacks for so long I didn't want to kill him. Well that is the end of that. I win. Now when he wakes up tell him to never bother me about my mindset again." Averis said in a genuinely puzzled tone.

Everyone was left speechless. Was it really that he didn't know? Averis looked up a bit before falling back down on his knees. He looked at his hands slightly and shook his head vigorously.

"Seems to have lost balance for a second. My bad." Averis said as he stood up.

"What do we do to him? He has just shown us his dangerous side." Julie asked.

"I'm not sure. He really didn't know what he was doing was bad but can we really let him go. What if he does that again now for real?" Dan asked.

"I can hear you. I don't really care if you do take me to jail or execute me. That would actually be ideal for me considering the current state of things. Well you decide. I've made a big mess I'm going to fix it first." Averis said.

He stood up and stood in the middle of the hallway that connected the two places he had caused the most damage. He exhaled and closed his eyes as he stretched his hand outwards.

"A mistake once done cannot be corrected since time only moves foward but wound that can only be repaired by defying that law. Heed me time as I offer my plea. Turn back and repair the damage I have brought about for all to be restored as it was before." Averis recited the spell.

Mana flowed out of him and slowly everything he had damaged started to be fixed. The hole on the ceiling was patched up. The wall was fixed. The table reassembled itself to being one same to the part of the dining table he had burnt it returned back to normal. Matthew was still injured. Averis went and squatted beside him. He looked at the pathetic state he was in he frowned slightly and placed his hand on his head.

"I'm sorry Matthew. I should have been more watchful of the rules of a duel in this city are. I can't believe I made you suffer so much. If I had known I would have used non lethal attacks and would have just knocked you out. I won't say I hope you forgive me but I am sorry." Averis said in a low tone.

A light shone over Matthew and started healing him. All his wounds disappeared suddenly. He started slowly opening his eyes and saw Averis healing him with a grim expression on his face. He couldn't help but think that he had never seen that look on Averis' face.

"All done. You should be able to move like you did before I hurt you. I'm sorry." Averis said.

"Thanks. But wait you can use magic since when?" Matthew asked in surprise.

"I was born like this. I could use it right from the day I was born." Averis answered.

"Well that is interesting no such report has ever been filed in history." Julie said utterly fascinated.

"Feel free to conduct experiments on me but you won't find anything. A group of people caught me once. They cut me more times than I could keep up with but no clue." Averis said.

"Why would they..." Texfa asked horrified. But after remembering his sensitivity to being asked about his past and did not want to become like Matthew.

"No that isn't it. I apologize and since Matthew was the one who issued the challenge we won't do anything to you." Julie reassured Averis.

"Understood. I'm going don't look for me if possible." Averis said then left.

As soon as he was about to open the door to leave he felt lightheaded once more and felt his body drop. He fell to the ground one knee supporting him with the other in a right angle. He held his head. Texfa went to check up on him but he slapped away her had. It was as if he was scared of something.

"What did I just do? I'm sorry Tex. I'm fine no need to worry." Averis said as he struggled to stand up.

He stood up immediately and ran out of the house. Texfa ran after him but he wastoo fast. He turned a corner into an alley but when Texfa followed into the alley he found that he had disappeared into thin air. She sighed and went back to the house. She found Matthew and the others in the living room. He explained his experience as the one on the receiving end.

"Seriously that kid's skills are terrifying. It was as if he vanished into thin air and reappeared." Matthew said in a shaky voice.

"Not surprise. The kid just disappeared into thin air in the street. What exactly have we gotten ourselves mixed up with?" Texfa asked.

Everyone remained silent with their heads held low. They could not possibly imagine what Averis was. They even started doubting whether or not what he ever said to them was true. Meanwhile Averis had left the city and went for a journey. He had teleported all the way to the entrance of a certain cave and was staring at it with a blank expression.

'Dammit! Didn't want to come back here for a while but based on how things are going right now I might as well confirm what is going on with my body.' Averis thought.

Just as he entered the cave he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to look back.

"But first I need to handle this pests Anima sent for me." Averis said as he stared blankly at the Shadows that stood before him. He took a fighting stance and prepared to take over 100 shadows by himself.

'This reminds me of that village that the Crimson Steel found me at. I got sloppy there can't afford another slip up like that.' Averis thought then charged in.

[Flashback, 3 years ago]

Averis had just arrived to the new village and he was completely exhausted. He walked into an inn that he had spotted and immediately sat down. He was wearing a bamboo hat and his eyes were covered with his blindfold. Everyone around him could instantly feel the 'stay away from me' vibe radiating around him. A waitress had to breath deeply before finally taking a step towards him.

"Is there anything you would to order or are you waiting for your parents by any chance?" The waitress asked in the kindest voice possible.

"No. I have no parents not any longer. I came alone. Can I order a steak and water?" Averis asked in a voice devoid of all emotion.

"Of course. But you have to pay up..." The waitress asked clearly disturbed by Averis' presence.

Before she could even finish her sentence. Averis put a gold coin on the table. A gold coin was considered to have extremely high value that it was rare for anyone to have even one. The waitress immediately changed her tune and hurriedly took the money. After a few minutes she returned with his change and order. His change was a bag full of silver and copper coins. Averis stated at the bag and started eating. No one could tell his expression. It looked as though he did not care about what was going on.

'Not like I need food but steak is an exception. Who knew something like this existed not even the gods could resist this.' Averis commented.

Just as he was about to finish his meal a group of men entered the inn. They were dressed in black cloaks and had their faces covered. The were armed. The second they entered they ordered for everyone to get on the ground. Due to the history the men had everyone immediately followed the orders. Averis was the only one not to follow their orders and quietly sat as he ate.

"Okay now. All of you are going to have to give us all your money. If you don't we will ask our Lord to send his shadows to kill you all." One of the bandits, Radit, said.

As soon as Averis heard this his interest was piqued. He finished his meal picked up his cash and stuffed it away.

"Oh! Really and if I may ask who is this Lord you speak of that is able to call shadows." Averis asked in a condescending tone.

Everyone turned to face him as he stood up from his chair. No one had noticed that he was still seated that entire time. A vein popped up on the bandits foreheads signifying their anger. Only Radit managed to keep his cool.

"Seeing as you are just a kid I will tell you. We serve the shadow monarch, Anima. Now if you know what is good for you get on the ground did your parents not teach you any manners." Radit said.

As soon as Averis heard this his anger boiled over. Not only at the mention of his parents which was a topic he hated being brought up. Not to mention it hadn't only be mentioned once that day but twice within the same hour. There was also the mention of Anima. After a short period of silence his lips curled upwards.

"Anima I see. I should be scared you said right?" Averis said arrogantly.

"Yes. Now get on the ground before I do request him to sent shadows or I call my own immediately. Look at this pendant it is a clear symbol of my affiliation with him." Radit said as he held up a pendant with Anima's crest on it.

Everyone trembled in fear and tried to tell Averis to just calm down and sit down. But when he saw the crest he could only smirk.

"Sorry but that's a fake. Now why don't I deal with you arrogant wretches." Averis said.

"What would a blind kind know." Radit shouted now extremely angry.

As soon as he finished his sentence Averis vanished leaving only his bamboo hat behind. Everyone started looking to rhim but he was nowhere to be seen. Before anyone realized it he was behind one of the men and had pulled out a dagger. He stabbed the man before vanishing once more. He killed all of them one by one until only Radit was left. The hostages could not believe what was going on.

Averis appeared in front of Radit who violently lashed out at him with a knife in his hands. He shouted but the Averis simply caught the knife in between his teeth and crushed it. He then took the pendant and tucked it away in his pocket.

"I will be taking this fake. I'm sure it will make a good laugh next time I meet Anima." Averis said before slashing Radit's throat without hesitation. He dropped to the ground and bled until he died.

Averis looked at the corpses before him with cold eyes. He just shrugged his shoulders and picked up his bamboo hat dusting it of. Then he took one last look at the corpses before hopping over one and walking out of the inn. The screams of the bandits as they brutally slaughtered had attracted the attention of the city guard.

They entered the inn and saw all the piled up dead bodies. They were extremely disgusted and when they asked what happened the waitress from earlier explained it all. The guards were horrified to hear that a kid had done all that. They immediately chased after him. It wasn't hard to find him as he stood out amidst the crowd. The people from the inn had also followed. Averis was quickly surrounded on all sides. The passerbys stopped in their tracks to see what was going on. The people from the inn explained what happened. It did not take long before they all looked at Averis with eyes filled with malice painting him as a villain.

"I guess you aren't here for a friendly talk are you? You humans never cease to amaze me all I did was get rid of useless trash which wanted to harm you yet her you are portraying me as the bad guy." Averis said.

He decided not to face them instead make a run for it. He looked around him and pulled out his dagger. They thought he was going to attack especially when he suddenly started running towards a certain guard. But to everyone's surprise minutes before colliding with the guard's sword he jumped up and not long after landed on the roof of a certain building. He ran wildly as nearly every citizen of the city chased him. He could have easily avoided am of them and did so with ease. As he was running on a certain rooftop he noticed a teenage girl nearly about to get run over by the crowd. She looked like she was in desperate need for help as she tried to run from the crowd. She could barely stay ahead and it was clear the second she fell behind she would be trampled to death. Averis empathize for her as he was the one who stirred up all the trouble. Yet he decided not to interfere.

(Memory from his past) 'With your power you should always help those in need especially if you are the cause. Knowing how much trouble you tend to stir up.' Averis suddenly remembered.

"I'M GOINGTO BE KILLED HELP. PLEASE ANYONE!!!" The girl desperately shouted but no one heard her.

Averis couldn't help but feel guilty and jumped down from the roof took the girl and started running with her in his hands seconds before she was trampled to death. Sadly in the process someone had managed to cut his leg. He had to quicken his movements and after a while he finally lost them when he entered a certain alley. He put the girl down gently and pushed his hair back. He started to walk away.

"Umm! Thank you sir." The girl said in a timid voice.

"No problem. It was my fault you were put in such a situation. Also don't I look younger to you?" Averis said acknowledging his 12 year old appearance.

"Well yeah. But your strength and speed obviously you can't be a twelve year old. I really didn't understand what was happening." The girl said timidly.

Averis ignored her and immediately stood up when he sensed that they had been discovered. The people had managed to corner him in the alley. He was planning to jump up and start running on the roof but he suddenly felt a blade piercing his back. Even he was surprised as he pulled away. He then saw it was the girl who he had saved. He couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"I see. I've been caught haven't I? You tricked me." Averis said.

"Of course. Another thing no 12 year old can kill the way you did." The girl said coldly.

"I should've known." Averis said as he fell to the ground.

The villagers caught him and tied him up to a pillar in the middle of the city regularly used to hold criminals as they were beaten up. By this point he had removed his blindfold but he was looking down. All the villagers stared at him with contempt and disgust. He refused to look up and stayed calm.

"What is it? You never thought a girl would double cross you?" The girl said in a boastful tone.

"No that isn't it. A friend of mine who is a girl did once nearly cut my head off. I was only thinking of how painful it would be for all of you." Averis said as he sighed.

"What do you mean? What is your connection to Anima anyway?" One of the people from the inn questioned.

"Him. Let's just say I am in the middle of a game with him. Well more of a war to make me submit to him. Too bad. He isn't too fond of outside interference." Averis said as he sighed. "Here they are."

As soon as he said that shadows popped up in the city and slaughtered all the villagers one by one. Meanwhile Averis' wound had already healed. He did not look up knowing what was going on. After the shadows had finished killing the humans leaving corpses all over one of them approached him.

"Really Noir you were caught by humans. What were you doing if Anima heard this..." A voice being transmitted by the shadow was heard.

"Meitry I'm not in the mood for you lectures right now. I still haven't lost to you guys. Now time to deal with this shadows of yours." Averis said.

Then he released a large amount of energy that destroyed everything within the city shooting to the sky as a dazzling brilliant white pillar of light.


It was evening and the sun was setting. Averis was sitting on the walls of the royal capital still hesitant to go back home. He stared at the horizon as he clutched a some black bandages he had in his hands.

'Tell me master. How did it turn out this way. I never wanted to be at war with Anima I wish you were here you would have a way to answer.' Anima thought with a frown on his face.

Suddenly he heard Raphael calling him from below he looked down and saw him waving at him.

"Hey Averis hurry up we've been looking for you. Aren't you in charge of dinner today." Raphael shouted as he was instructed by Texfa.

Averis stared at him slightly confused before smiling.

"Coming!" Averis shouted back as he stood up.

He stared once more at the set at the setting sun and gripped the bandages tighter.

'Why am I overthinking things. The game is only starting. Can't go and lose my cool yet.' Averis thought as he turned back to start descending the wall.

Hope you all enjoy. Also sorry for the inconsistency with my posting due to personal issues

Astelle_Novacreators' thoughts