
The only hero

Astelle_Nova · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

After the incident with Matthew everything went back to normal. No one ever spoke of what had happened and did not even show any signs of caring on their faces.

(Crimson Steel residence, library)

Averis was sitting in the library alone reading over a magical theory book. He had tied his hair with a hairband at the back and was wearing glasses. His eyes clearly focused on what he was reading. In the notebook right beside him he was writing things that no one could clearly understand.

At that time Raphael, Ariel and Julie had come to visit. Texfa accompanied them to the library. They were all quite surprised to see Averis hard at work. It was rare for him to touch a book none the less read it and write notes on what he was reading. They quietly walked over to where he was seated and occupied the other chairs around the table. At that time it seemed that something he read had puzzled Averis as he scratched his head with the back of his pen and squinted his eyes.

"Is anything wrong?" Julie asked noticing his frustration.

"It's just this part right here is wrong." Averis said pointing at a particular part of the book.

Julie leaned closer and looked at the part that he was pointing at. She did not notice any fault and was a bit confused.

"What do you mean? This is the basic formula for the Mystific Devos spell." Julie asked.

"That is the misconception. While it may look like the Mystific Devos this is actually the Fantasia Crest. The first one was created by the god of black magic, Shiva while the second was created by the god of illusions well semi god to be precise maybe shadow king will be more accurate.( shakes his head) Well what I'm trying to say is the second was created by Meitry. While both spells have a similar design the effects of Fantasia Crest are 100 times worse. It is one of Meitry's three great spells. Combined with the other two this technique is simply unbeatable heck even Noir had trouble dealing with it when he first saw it. The main difference comes in the engravement seal right here. While for the Mystific Devos spell uses a more refined engravement which is the one created by the king of gods himself under the name Deis, the Fantasia Crest uses a more crude but efficient engravement seal which is called Fabila. Simply pur the engravement seal is what makes these two spells different. The one drawn in this book is the Fantasia Crest. I'm sure of it." Averis said pointing out all the mistakes.

"Your kidding right? How does a kid even know all of this? One is only taught about the inner workings of a spell in their fourth year at the academy. But still I'm having trouble believing you show me." Julie challenged Averis.

"Okay. First I'll use Mystific Devos." Averis said as he held out his hand and started chanting quietly.

Once he was done everyone in the room felt as though a chill was running down their spines making them too afraid to move but for a strong solider like Texfa and Julie it did not affect them. Suddenly that sensation disappeared.

"As you can see the spell structure I just used had a different engravement seal than the one which is in the book." Averis stated.

"Yes that is true. And I do not dounlbt that what you used was Mystific Devos. I know it far too well." Julie agreed and Texfa nodded as well.

"Now let me use the exact same spell pointed out in the book." Averis said.

He chanted a slightly different spell but once it was released everyone felt a heavy pressure falling on them. Fear took hold of them and they could barely breath as they fell to the floor. Averis saw this and sighed before releasing the spell and folding his arms as he watched all of them struggling to get back up with their trembling feet.

"Told you so. Good thing magicians in the current day and age are so conceited that they only so the textbook spell which is written correctly and don't directly translate the inner formation of the spell. Hooray! For stupidity." Averis said with a sarcastic tone.

"Ouch! But if I may ask why are you studying all this?" Raphael asked as he finally managed to sit down.

This question seemed to bring back bad memories for Averis as a bitter smile covered his face. He strained to fake the crazy smile he always made when he thought of the topic because for the first time someone else was asking him and he wasn't just discussing to himself inwardly. Everyone noticed this and realized it was a sensitive topic maybe regarding his past even.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pryed." Raphael quickly corrected himself.

"I'm not angry. Right now. Let's just say I'm in the middle of a fight with people who was close to me once upon a time. Something happened to them and it seems as though they are being mind controlled. If I don't save them I will be forced to kill them before our fight escalates and starts hurting those around us. (scoffs) Who am I kidding? People have already died because of my incompetence to stop them when I had the chance." Averis said as he flipped through the pages of the book with a sombre tone.

"If you need help then..." Julie started.

"No need this is a fight between me and them. You will only get hurt if you interfere maybe even die." Averis said.

"Then if I can ask aren't you also at risk. What if they kill you?" Ariel asked genuinely concerned.

"Lucky for me they can't. I possess something that makes them unable to kill me. Their main objective is to make me join them and work with them." Averis said as he closed the book and his notebook.

There was a silence everyone wondering about Averis' past. The more they found out the more interested they became. Who exactly was Averis? Is he human? Is he an ally or an enemy? What is he? What is hidden in his past? What is he thinking? How does he possess so many skills that are normally impossible for a child to acquire putting aside understand? Why does he cover up his emotions? Lastly why does he keep everyone reasonably far away from him?

"Well now that that is done. Why did you come to visit me is it about the magic ritual tomorrow?" Averis asked as he clapped his hands and brought everyone back to their senses.

"Actually it is. We were worried about you. Some mages and knights tried to undergo the ceremony a second time to see it's effects and let's just say it didn't fair well. They were in pain for months and some permanently maimed. We were thinking we could cover up for you so that you don't participate in the ceremony." Julie offered.

"Wait people that stupid exist. Of course they'd get hurt. That entire ritual is governed by Noir's magic. Last I checked the god of space and time wasn't too fond of being messed around with. But you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine no matter how many times I take that test when I already have magic." Averis reassured them.

"How are you sure? Averis we are worried about you." Texfa snapped and shouted at Averis who had stood up and was preparing to leave.

Averis saw this and couldn't help but sigh. He put the books in his hand back on the table and removed his jacket. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt revealing both of his arms. He ran two of his fingers across his right hand and right there a marking appeared that ran across his entire arm and neck even slightly reaching his neck. His eyes also turned back to red.

"Is that..." Texfa said in surprise.

"A stigma. Correct. This is a stigma I got for making a contract of servitude to the god of space and time, Noir. It is also the reason why my eyes are red. You are all so annoying. To say the least just trust me when I say something. If you are wondering I was born with the stigma and I do communicate with Noir sometimes. So satisfied. Good well see you later. I need to go to the city library." Averis said in a voice leaving no room for argument.

The stigma disappeared and the magic that hid his eye colour reactivated. He untied his hair and removed his glasses before once again picking up his books and leaving. Even more questions about his origin added on the pile after that. Not only was Noir the only god left but he never gave any of his servants a stigma. But what they had seen was definitely real.

Meanwhile while they were busy trying to calm down Averis was walking down the streets. He remembered the question Raphael had asked him earlier.

'Dammit! I can't believe I talked about Anima and the others with them. Whatever as I need to release the mind control and then after I'll use them and the pawns I'd have gathered to destroy the bastard who is behind all this. Not like I know him yet. On top of that I guess I'm pretty lucky the marking looks like a stigma of a god. Sorry to tell you guys but I don't have a fondness for god related stuff. Not to mention being a servant of one. Psssht.' Averis thought.

Then he hesitated in his step abit and clenched his fists tightly.

'But still I guess it wasn't that bad hearing that were worried about me. How foolish but it felt good in a way.' Averis thought as a gentle smile spread across his face for only a flash of a second.

[The following day, Magic ritual temple]

Averis had just arrived and Raphael, Ariel and two others were already sitting and chatting with each other in the section that was dedicated to those that were to be tested. Averis sat beside Raphael who after noticing him had waved at him to come over.

"Who are these two?" Averis asked in a calm tone.

"These two are..." Raphael started before being rudely interuppted by the girl sitting on his other side.

"Pleasure to meet you. I am Penelope Eve Freya Vestige. I am Raphael's half sister. Call me Penelope." The girl introduced herself stretching out her hand to greet Averis.

"Half?" Averis asked as she greeted her back.

"She is the daughter of my father's second wife. So yeah half." Raphael stated with a nonchalant voice.

"I see." Averis said deciding not to judge further.

"Well as for me I am Adriel Monroe first son of the Monroe duchee and Raphael's sworn rival." The other stranger introduced himself in a confident voice.

"Rival? Really you have one." Averis asked.

"He is my self proclaimed rival don't listen to his stupidity. He has had that habit since we were kids." Raphael said as he sighed and rubbed his temples with his two fingers.

"Understood." Averis said plainly.

"What do you mean understood? That's it from today you are also my rival." Adriel said pointing at Averis.

"Knock yourself out or whatever. My name is Averis Blaze. Currently the adoptive son of Texfa Blaze of the Crimson Steel." Averis formally introduced himself.

.After that they started getting along and bonding. Then suddenly a bright light appeared blinding everyone except Averis who watched calmly. Once the light disappeared a priest was standing in the middle of the stage.

"Hey can you remind me how this ceremony goes?" Averis asked Raphael.

"Sure. First of all the priest calls out your name and you go down there. You sit in a meditating stance then he places his hand on your forehead. Once the white light starts eminating from your body he leaves you alone and you start controlling the white light until it fully disappears. By the way the brighter and bigger the light the stronger you are and also the longer it takes for you to control the white light. Then once you are done with that you step up and touch that screen over there which displays your classification, general rank, rank based on classification and your job. As you know there are two ways mana can be utilized internally and externally. A knight is one who utilizes mana internally while a mage is one who utilizes mana externally. Of course there are some cases where one is able to do both but it is quite rare actually in our current day and age only Matthew can do something like that. Well on the very top of the screen the first thing one sees is their general rank which can vary from H being the lowest and S infinity which no one has ever achieved in history as the highest. The most common rank is D or E. A is quite rare so is S. Within this ranks there is also a division of superior, neutral and inferior hence despite two people both being the same rank there is some difference in power. A superior is stronger than both a neutral and an inferior. A neutral is stronger than an inferior and an inferior is weaker than both. But seeing as no one has ever achieved S infinity there is no divisions. These divisions are indicated right below the general rank in slightly smaller but visible letters. Then after the general rank we have the classification of being either a mage or a knight. For both mage and knights they are divided according to rank which with time and effort can be increased. This rank varies from 1st rank the weakest to 10th rank or otherwise known as demigod rank the strongest. This rank is indicated right beside your classification in brackets or something. Then after that we have one's job. I'm most cases mages are given jobs such as wand users, staff users, hand casters, necromancers, spellcasters, elementalists and so on while knights are given jobs such as swordmaster's, spear users, axe users and so on. Having such a job doesn't necessarily mean that one cannot use any other spells other than elemental or necromancy or they cannot cast magic with anything other than wands or staffs. It also doesn't mean one is limited to only using a sword or a spear. It just means that your talent will be reflected best with such things. But don't limit yourself on what to practice. Lastly your name is written below that and also what god you would be most compatible with. Sadly since most gods are dead now only those given Noir really have anything valuable in that section. As you've heard knights are the only ones with weapon related job but Matthew is a mage with a swordmaster's job. This means that he can technically be defined as a knight but this is only if he has a sword in his hand. Aside from that he is a mage. Lucky for him it means he can cast however he feel without any restrictions. Once you are done having your results checked then a card will be produced this acts as a form of identification. The colour differs depending on general rank. Then you leave and the next person is called." Raphael finally finished explaining.

"I see. Quite interesting." Averis said as he watched as the third participant entered the stage.

"You are so lucky Ave." Ariel said.

"Why?" Averis asked genuinely confused.

"Well you have the stigma of the god of space and time that means that he will be written as the god you are most compatible with. You know that comes with its own set of perks." Ariel said lazily.

"Wait he is what?" Penelope asked in shock.

Ariel quickly covered her mouth realizing what she had done. Averis closed his eyes tilted his head and smiled.

'Crap his eyes are not smiling.' Raphael said slightly shaken by the maniacal expression on Averis' face.

"Since you have already done the honour of starting to reveal what you promised to keep a secret update them on everything. Okay Ariel." Averis said in a calm but scary voice.

"Yes... sir... I'm sorry... sir." Ariel said as she trembled.

Ariel explained the entire situation to them step by step and all that had happened.

"So you see you need to keep this a secret. Please." Ariel begged the two of them.

"Of course I promise I will." Penelope said sincerely.

"I will not betray my rival. Never." Adriel said.

Averis simply sighed and focused his attention at the stage once more.

'I'll be going last. I guess it is a good thing I made that request to Queen Julie yesterday.' Averis thought.


Before he left the library Averis suddenly stopped at the door and turned around.

"Although I do have one request for you regarding tomorrow." Averis said.

"Yes anything." Julie replied.

"Can you make it so that I go last? For safety sake I assure you." Averis said.

"(sighs) Normally I would ask what could a child do but knowing you it is better not to. Fine whatever it isn't that hard." Julie said waving for him to leave and she'd deal with it as she rubbed her temples in frustration.

'That kid just who... no what is he?' Julie silently contemplated.


After about three hours Ariel was called. Raphael, Adriel and Penelope turned to pay attention to her.

"Hey jerk update. Ariel is about to touch the screen her glow was pretty impressive." Raphael said after Ariel started walking towards the screen.

"I already know the outcome. S superior rank. Classification mage. She will be a wand user. 4th rank. Compatible with Noir." Averis said as he slowly closed his eyes.

As soon as Ariel touched the screen the results were just as Averis had called out. They all turned to stare at him in surprise.

"What?" He said casually as he shrugged his shoulders.

"How did you know? You weren't even looking." Penelope asked surprised.

"I just can. I don't even magic to do so. I already know what all of you guys are going to get. By the way Raphael congratulations in advance. Adriel, Penelope you too." Averis said as he opened his eyes and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Adriel asked.

"Bathroom." Averis replied as he left. He met Ariel at the door.

"Congratulations." He said as he walked past her without even looking at her.

Ariel's face turned red as she took her seat. Penelope explained what Averis had just done. Ariel was surprised as well. Adriel was called after Ariel and he was an S superior knight weapons master 5th rank and favoured by Noir. Penelope followed and she turned out to be a S superior mage rank Spear and Swordmaster 4th rank favoured by Noir as well. Then just as Averis finally returned Raphael touched the screen. He turned out to be an S superior mage Swordmaster 5th rank favoured by Noir. This took everyone by surprise including the priest for the first time in several years another who could use mana both internally and externally appeared. The adults who were sitting on the opposite side to the children set to participate were all applauding as he went back to his seat.

"Told you so. Congrats all of you." Averis said as he stood up when he heard his name being called. He calmly walked out with no particular expression on his face.

'Hmm! The queen requested this kid go last. It must be because she expects him to turn out weak. This year's batch has had quite the surprise. A total of 20 S ranks from the total of 90 kids. I wonder what the other ritual temples are getting or did all the talent come here. Well I shouldn't hold expectations for this kid who is only meant to reduce everyone's excess adrenaline. He will probably get a nameless gods favour as well. Who died even before the other gods were extinct.' The priest, Falco, thought to himself.

Averis happened to arrive just then and Falco escorted him to the stage. Averis sat down in the appropriate posture. Everyone who knew him held their breaths. Even Ariel's parents who yet knew he could use magic followed suite. Everyone was excited to see this kid who had always shown extraordinary ability do. The rest of the crowd was also pretty interested in the child who was adopted by the grand knight Texfa.

Falco then placed his hand on Averis' forehead. Immediately he did so light started eminating from Averis body. He backed off and watched from the side. At first it began as something not that outstanding but suddenly once Falco sat down to watch the energy burst wildly. It made a pillar of bright white light that reached the roof. It roared wildly as if it could not be tamed. Everyone's faces turned pale at the sight. Falco stood up and tried to approach Averis who was still seated quietly in the light but as soon as he got close he was pushed away. Seeing this Queen Julie, King Lewis, all the Crimson Steel members, Ariel's parents, Raphael, Penelope, Ariel and Adriel all rushed into the centre room where all this was occurring by then the light had grown wider and was covering the whole stage.

"Priest Falco what is going on?" King Lewis asked loudly.

"I don't know I have never seen this before. I have seen some extraordinary auras like Prince Raphael's and the other 3 with him but this I've never seen it. Such a bright and pure white not to mention this size. Even when those mages were trying to retest they were just engulfed with something black and injured. Whatever is going on I don't know." Falco shouted back nervously.

Texfa wanted to act but Matthew stopped her. She slapped his hand away but Raphael also stopped her.

"Look. His face shows no struggle whatever is going on I'm sure he is okay. Let's trust him." Raphael spoke.

Texfa nervously nodded.

Meanwhile inside Averis' spiritual domain:

'Damn this place is big. Even after sealing away all that power. I guess I can't do anything about it.' He thought.

Then he sat down crosslegged and looked up where several portals were spiralling like crazy. He saw one portal in particular and stretched his hand out to it. He seemed to feel some sort of pain as he did so. Not physical but emotional.

'I wonder how they are doing? I hope I can find the solution soon. Just wait I will bring you guys back then end the bastard who did all this.' Averis thought as he hesitantly pulled his hand away.

He liked around again and noticed a gate that was bigger than the rest and spiralled faster. He looked at it and nodded abit then he finally stood up dusting himself off.

'I better go I bet everyone is pretty worried about me right now. But it shouldn't be so bad. I did keep the energy pretty controlled.' Averis thought.

He closed his eyes in the spiritual domain and let himself fall backwards. When he woke up again he could see the surprised looks on everyone's faces. The immense power had calmed down and they all saw Averis open his eyes. A feeling of relief washed over them. The energy continued slowly calming down and entering Averis' body. Once it was completely in he stood up. But a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over him as he nearly fell over. But he supported himself with his hand and after shaking his head as he covered his mouth with his hand he stood up.

"Are you okay? Averis." Texfa asked from the side.

Averis turned to look at her and flashed a bright smile and said,"Don't worry it is okay."

Averis pushed the lock of hair that was covering his face back and got down from the stage. Everyone sighed in relief and Falco cleared his throat before walking to Averis.

"If you may next is right here. Your family and close ones can stay since this is the last step for today."

Averis placed his hand on the screen and what was reflected left everyone's mouths wide open. No one could believe their eyes but as for Averis he looked at it expressionlessly.

"S infinite huh? Mage knight. It seems I'm fully both a mage and a knight cool. 10th rank. Already maxed out that makes things easier. Let's see all jobs except Hand to hand combatant. Not like it is that useful in war. My name is written in Ancient god language guess that is for the better. Lastly favoured by all gods. Cool." He murmured to himself. Then suddenly a black card with both golden and silver stripes appeared before him and he took it and then after stuffing it into his pocket before starting to walk away.

'Favoured by all gods I know some gods who would heavily protest that.' He thought and smile inwardly imagining the looks on their faces if they saw that.

When he got to the door he walked out leaving the others who were too surprised to react. He walked back into the room and noticed everyone was in the same state of shock.

"What is wrong with you guys? Don't we need to go somewhere after this?" Averis said.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked past them but suddenly Queen Julie grabbed his by his collar and pulled him back holding him in a choke hold. He was finding it hard to breathe and tapped her many times to stop.

"Don't worry everything is okay. Priest bring the mana measuring orb immediately. Someone else bring a chair. King bring the artefacts from the castle. We need to test him immediately." Julie shouted.

Everything was in panic as everyone hurried up and down to follow the orders given. Averis was the moved to the castle using teleportation circle. When they got there a broadcast immediately started. Everyone in all the kingdoms received it. Averis was confused throughout as he was forcibly being choked. His face was turning purple. All the citizens in the kingdom's knew what was going on and hence it made everyone immediately stop what they were doing and focus. The connection sued to connect with all the kingdom's was specifically dedicated for when the first S infinite rank was to appear. No one ever expected that to ever happen so they were quite surprised when they saw what was going on. Now they were all in the castle training ground with guards all over.

Raphael brought a seat made for royals. Julie forced Averis to sit down and held him down. He could finally breath but couldn't move due to her strength.

'What is this woman a gorilla?' Averis yelled inwardly.

"Madam here is the measuring orb the one granted by the god of space and time. It took some time to teleport it here from the empire." Falco said as he opened the portal and an orb the size of a castle appeared. Averis looked at it with his face a bit pale.

'Wait that is... I guess it was given to the humans huh?' Averis thought nervously.

"Hey Ave listen and don't be nervous. I need you to change your eye colour back to normal." Texfa spoke in a motherly voice.

Averis nodded and closed his eyes when it opened again they were back to being red.

"Hey Queen Julie. If your worried I might run. I promise I won't but please let go of me." Averis said in a strained voice. Suddenly more portals opened and royals from all over the world appeared. Even the imperial family came as well.

'Oh brother! What brought all of this about. I did tell a man once that one day an S infinite rank may appear. I was informing him to inform humanity that one day I might appear as a human but what is all this? (Sighs) Better shut up. Not that I can really tell them anything now can I?' Averis thought solemnly.

"Okay everyhting is ready. Averis I need you to go and touch that orb. Infuse all your mana inside it." Julie told him.

"Hey can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" Averis finally snapped.

"I guess it was pretty weird for you to some extent Raphael can you explain please?" Julie asked. Raphael nodded and moved closer to Averis.

"You see. About 800 years ago their was a man actually the 4th emperor of the Talla empire. He had gone on a journey to grow stronger as the war between the shadows and us was intensifying. It seemed that we would lose if something big didn't happen. On his journeys he happened to encounter the god of space and time. In a field where nothing was moving and everything quiet where the man stood a huge portal. He seemed to be putting something into the portal. The empire did not recognize him at first but when he looked closer he finally realized who it was. With godly charms and a clearly distinguished look he was clearly a god. By then the emperor was on death's door as his body had undergone touch intense training and he had yet to find anything to eat, the emperor simply fell and collapsed. When he woke up he found himself in the same place but the portal was gone. His body was back to normal even better than before when he looked beside him he saw him... Noir the god of space and time and the last of the gods...


"Dear god how can I ever repay me for saving me?" The emperor asked as he knelt and bowed not daring to look at Noir's face.

"Please no need to bow or kneel. I simply helped one of my people. Humans are very valuable beings to me as a god and all. I can't let one die infront of me. Also for us gods we aren't too fond of being called gods call me lord or something. Or even my name would be best. After all we are not that absolute of beings. Ahead of us is the emperor and above her is the Almighty father, God." Noir said.

"Okay then but still if I may ask why are you here my Lord?" The emperor asked.

"I wonder. I guess I'm here to do some required thinking. Recently people I value very much ended up going the wrong path." Noir said. The emperor instantly figured out he was referring to the shadow monarch and the shadow kings. Who were known to be his former friends.

"I see. The matter must be very concerning to even you a god. But why don't you interfere directly." The emperor asked.

"Well it is alot more complicated than you humans know. I can't just interfere and stop the war directly at least not yet. Something is missing. Do you know about the S infinite rank?" Noir asked.

"Yes. That is actually the power I am trying to achieve. Maybe with that I can save the humans from the incoming war. I know it is said the rank one is born with is the one they live with forever but I can only hope."

Noir suddenly burst into laughter when he heard that. The emperor looked at him puzzled.

"What is funny? I assure you I am serious." The emperor said refusing to back down.

"I know you are but sorry but you can't achieve that rank. At least no human can. No normal human at least." Noir stated.

"What? Why then? What do I do?" The emperor said as his heart sunk.

"That rank is a rank that means that you are a god. Hence only gods have that rank. Well both semi-gods and gods. My father created that rank so that humans wouldn't end up conceited just because they are S. In the end no human can get that. Only a god can. But I can tell you this maybe 8 or 12 centuries from now an S infinite rank will appear amongst the humans. I assure you. Not only that they will possess everything that one can have. The only problem is maybe their will be missing one job type and I assure you it will be something stupid." Noir said.

"Really. But will humanity survive till then?" The emperor asked.

"Tell you what I'll leave you a measuring orb that can identify the person you will notice if it is them so you don't have to worry how the orb is to react. You won't need instructions but make sure it is done somewhere with alot of space also but up barrier around everyone for extra precautions. The orb is the size of a castle.so I will take it directly to the empire. Will that be okay Mister emperor." Noir said.

"Are you sure? The empire is in quite the miserable state with shadows attacking all over the place." The emperor said.

"First of all I am the god of space and 'time' so I can see the future not that I need to to know what I have just told you. Second since you are so worried while I am there I might as well deal with the invasion currently happening. Let's go." Noir said as he stood up and offered the emperor a hand.

'All I really mean is that if in 800 to 1200 years Anima and the others haven't gotten released from that mind control I will interfere personally. Start by slowly cutting down his army while making preparations to free him. Also it all depends on how long it will take the alpha dimension to be completed. It is taking so long.(sighs)' Noir thought inwardly.

As soon as the emperor took Noir's hand they instantly teleported away. The appeared in the middle of the war with a bright bang. All the soldiers and citizens looked up and saw not only had their emperor returned but he was with a god. They were all amazed by the sight and all knelt before Noir praying for him to help.

"Stand up. You don't need to kneel. Your emperor has already convinced me to help." Noir said in a moderate voice that all heard. He put the emperor safely on the ground and pushed all the humans and shadows separately. He looked at the shadows who were now standing before him with a condescending look.

"Really. Anima you have to do better. To think. They would be this bad. I thought I was a better example than this. Well no need to waste my time. Open gates of the burning world." Noir said as soon as he said this a big gate opened in the sky. Even though it was far everyone could feel the scorching heat on the other side. All the shadows were sucked in immediately and the gates closed.

They expected for reinforcements but none came. Noir seemed to have expected it as he did not even bother looking back when he turned to face the humans. He rewound time and healed all of the injured and fixed the kingdom. Even some of those who had died and their bodies were still there were brought back to life. Everyone thanked him and as they were about to kneel Noir stopped them.

"Can you take me to the imperial palace I will create an extra building to store the orb I promised?" Noir asked.

"Yes. I will call a carriage." The emperor quickly replied.

"Not necessary. I prefer walking. Plus it will give me time to see you humans up close. It has been a while since I visited a human settlement." Noir said.

As they walked through the streets they were constantly thanked. At first people were afraid Noir would refuse to handshake them or even receive any gift they had to offer but suddenly a child who was covered with dirt all over ran infront of him. They wanted to stop the child but Noir told them it was okay as he squatted down to be more at level with the child.

"May I help you?" Noir said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you... for saving us and bringing mommy back to life and healing daddy." The child said in a innocent voice.

"It is no problem. I am happy I got to help." Noir said with a smile.

"Umm! Mister can I hug you please?" The child asked with hesitation clearly in her voice.

"Of course." Noir said. Then the girl got closer to him and hugged him thanking him.

"Oh! One more thing mister this is yours I want you to have it. I made it myself." The girl said.

When he looked at what was held in her hand he saw a blue flower that seemed to have just come from being picked. Noir wanted to take it when the child suddenly pulled away and told him to give her his head. Noir was confused but still complied lowering his head to the girl's level. The girl put the flower in his raven black hair. He touched the flower gently.

"Thank you. If I may ask what is your name?" Noir said with a gentle smile.

"Mia my name is Mia." The girl said excitedly.

"I see Mia is it. Well I bless you to have a prosperous future and thank you for this. I will keep it forever." Noir said.

Mia's eyes glowed as she said thank you then ran back to a woman who was most likely her mother. Noir stood up and continued walking. The emperor had watched the whole scene and could not help but think Noir is probably the only god who ever treated humans so nicely. Without any prejudice.

On the way there a lot of people shook Noir's hand and gifted him some gifts. Mostly foodstuffs. When they got to the castle he was taken to the yard which had plenty of space. He cast a spell and a building started to be constructed. Then he picked up a piece of bread he had been given and started eating.

"My Lord. Do gods even eat?" The emperor asked puzzled.

"No. We don't have to. But we can. The only thing is that it will be burnt by one of our cores and turned into blood. We lack all organs and only have blood that is used to help our magic to flow properly other than that we have cores filling the rest of our bodies. So food isn't necessary." Noir replied.

"Then why did you take those foodstuffs?" The emperor asked.

"If I didn't they would have felt insulted and if I did take it and throw it away it would have been a waste so I will eat them. Also I do have tastebuds and the food you humans have is quite exquisite." Noir replied.

Then the building was completed. On the outside it looked the size of a small cabin but inside it was the size of a castle. Noir brought the orb out of another spatial dimension and as soon as it was put in place he disappeared after saying goodbye.

"So this is what will tell us if the only hero humanity can have will be? He wasn't kidding it is huge. Thank you." The emperor said as he took one more glance at the orb and left the building locking it using his magic. The lock could only be opened by people of his lineage.

Turns out later on Mia married the imperial crown prince and became the 5th emperor's wife.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter

Astelle_Novacreators' thoughts