

Author's point of view:


The anticipated wait has finally arrived. The two main characters of this novel interlocked their eyes with each other.

Two with different meanings. One showed the great shock ever to receive in their entire life...surprised to see that familiar face again yet there was also a puddle of guilt floating in those eyes.

Whereas the other conveyed victory... the satisfaction of making the other party feel threatened by one's appearance.

The two stared with great intensity...not either one of them could utter a word as the communicated with their eyes.

The silence was interrupted by the sudden voice at the doorway.

???: There you are!

Eun Ae POV:

???: There you are!

I turned my head swiftly towards the voice, it was Sreya.

Sreya: I have been looking everywhere for you!

I smiled apologetically. She then sensed the atmosphere and looked at the man who was still staring at my presence and didn't move an inch.

Sreya: ummm...is everything okay?

Eun Ae: Everything...*I turned and looked at him* is fine. A satisfied smirk crept up to my lips.

Following behind Sreya appeared Mr Jeon and a whole other crowd.

Mr Jeon: There you are Eun Ae-ah! We have been looking everywhere for you!

Me: Hello Mr Jeon! *I bowed with respect towards the man who raised me up with confidence!* Sorry to worry you! I just didn't want to cause any trouble for anyone so I decided to come here myself!

Mr Jeon laughed and replied: Aigooo! Still that Eun Ae I know! you have not changed except you became more beautiful than ever! You still remember your way around the building huh?

Me: Oh thank you very much for your honesty! you haven't changed as well! still looking smart and handsome as I remember! Well, this was my home for a few years!

Mr Jeon: Well, let me lead you to my office and I will introduce to everyone at the meeting later on.

I simply nodded and replied: Yes, Mr Jeon.

As we were leaving, I quickly glanced at Jungkook who was still in shock.

A simple smile was my response. With that, I followed Mr Jeon and exited the room.


What just happened?

The person training me is...Eun Ae?

Of all people...why her?

Why now?

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

Jungkook's PA: Mr Jeon?

Jungkook: hmm...huh?

Jungkook's PA: Your father is calling you to his office.

Jungkook: oh okay.

With that, I left the meeting room.

Eun Ae POV:

Eun Ae: It really is an absolute pleasure to see you again, Mr Jeon.

Mr Jeon: Same goes for me Eun Ae-ah. Thanks for agreeing within the last minute. I really appreciate it.

Eun Ae: It's not a problem Sir, you have helped me out so much when I was lost, think of it as my gratitude, this is least I can do.

Mr Jeon flashed a smile and nodded his head.

But it didn't last long before he shifted his emotions to confusion within a second.

Mr Jeon: Eun Ae-ah, over our phone conversation yesterday, you said there is something you would like to inform me and that it had to be done...directly?

A heavy sigh was my reply.

I looked up and said: Yes, there is something I must confess to you. I wanted to tell you the answer to your question.

Mr Jeon: What is it?

I looked down to prepare myself, to tell him everything.

I took a deep breath.

Eun Ae: To tell you the reason why I was lost.

Then I told him, Everything.



Rather than head to my father office, I went into my mother's office.

Although, my mother didn't exactly do anything here. She insisted that she will have her own office. Then again you can't stop her. She is my father's wife after all.

I knocked on the door and let my self in.

My mother was speaking to one of her sectaries.

After noticing my presence she stopped spitting her another word.

Mum: You here jungkook-ah.

Look at her secretary and said: you may leave now. Handle things like I have told you.

Secretary: Yes, Ma'am.

He bowed and left.

Jungkook: What is it that he needs to handle?

Mum: Nothing you need to worry about, sweetheart.

I nodded, knowing it was pointless trying to get her to speak.

Mum: You look, distressed son?

I looked up at her.

Jungkook: It's her.

She looked confused and asked: who's her?

I sighed: It's Eun Ae. She is the one who is training me. Did you not see her?

She remained calm despite the anxious feeling that was building up inside her.

Mum: I know, I saw her son, but don't worry.. it won't take her long to leave. I'll make that happen.

Intrigued, I asked: How?

Mum: Do not worry son, I won't let anyone take your place.

She comes up to me and cupped my face, earning a smile from me.

I nodded with a reply: Hmm, but how long will it take?

She caressed my cheek with her thumb and smiled.

Mum: You'll see.