
- The Foot of the Tower

The entrances to the Tower were surrounded by Air mages dressed in identical light blue robes. The robes were exquisitely made, moving elegantly in reaction to the movements of the mages. There was something unique about the robes, giving their elegant movements a quality that can only be described as containing the very wind itself.

Debris was strewn around the area, thrown from nearby buildings that had been caught in the middle of the fight. Some of the mages hid behind it, appearing only to throw gusts of wind out away from the Tower. Others quickly moved around, looking for trapped civilians to help get away from danger.

"What's going on?" Tess asked, approaching a nearby mage. "We were up in the tower when we heard screams, so we came down as fast as we could."

The mage pointed to a large wall embedded in the ground nearby. "Go over there. Ask for High Priest Klathe. He's commanding us, if there's something for you to do then he'll know."