
The One Snap Boy

Marcus Grant was a special child. Anything he wanted, he could have with a snap of his fingers. But life like that gets boring. He snapped away comfort, and his power, and thrust himself into a new world. One with new people to meet, new things to do, and new challenges to conquer. If you enjoy, be sure to drop some stones! You can contact me here: Discord: Stormzz#4473 My other work (WSA): https://www.webnovel.com/book/system-of-legends-i-will-lead-them-all!_23117959906254205

Stormzz · Fantasy
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151 Chs

- Rescue Mission

"Are you capable of going into the heart of enemy territory? Of dancing with death over and over without falling to his grasp, and bringing people back with you?" the High Priest Klathe asked.

"Just tell us what you need us to do," Tess said in a confident, yet arrogant tone.

"Look over there," he said, pointing out into the distance. Following his finger, Tess found one of the swirling masses of air that she had noticed earlier. "That is a beacon to us."

"A beacon?" she asked. "What do you mean?"