
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Recruitment Drive 4

While the trio of different species of dinosaur digimon were regaining their bearings, you left Lady Devimon with them to let them know the situation, and explain things to them for you.

You instead, had Airdramon quickly and efficiently transport you rapidly between the dark towers. Since they were in view of him, he could easily make portals between them. And as such, it was child's play to break them down into data and leave a pseudo presence where they were docked to make the mongrel emperor muppet think nothing was going wrong.

The sheer amount of data you got for your partners digi-egg was amazing. More than twice the amount three supercomputers had supplied it with, over a period of five years in less than twenty minutes, you were done, and teleported back to the main area of the Dino Region, stepping out of the portal right beside Lady Devimon, who was conversing with one of the Tyrannomon.

You really needed to find a way to reproduce this ability. It wasn't fair to keep Airdramon stuck in his current form just for convenience. You were already planning on making a digivolution item based on Wizardmon soon, it wouldn't be right for you to allow your new first subordinate to fall behind everyone else.

"Huh, it really is a human." The vibrant red champion digimon mused, blinking large eyes down at you.

"Indeed I am." you nodded.

He gestured at Lady Devimon who was practically vibrating in excitement with you beside her, "And you made my friend, who was just a Numemon before, into this crazy strong form?" it asked, and you noted how the rest of the digimon all perked up in interest.

"I did," you replied, "Why, you interested?"

The Tyrannomon scowled, "We may like to fight, but that bastard Digimon Emperor, he made fools of us, made us beat down on other digimon like thugs and enslave others just like he did us," it growled, red hot smoke wafting from its nostrils as its anger flared, "....But we aren't strong enough to do anything about him. That guy's got to be put down before he fucks this world up like the Dark Masters, and I ain't gonna be some thug the way Etemon made me be once upon a time, but I, we lack the strength to do anything about the situation."

You had an idea where it was going with this. "And?" you prompted him to continue.

Tyrannomon sighed, before bowing its massive head lightly to you, "..Can you make us stronger as well?" it asked.

You could. Tyrannomon specifically, from what you had learned, had gained a pseudo evolution of their own in the time you were way from the digital world. Dark Tyrannomon. A variation of Tyrannomon, that took on the appearance of Master Tyrannomon, while still being a champion level digimon.

'It seems dinosaur, dragon and holy digimon may have the best compatibility with the Viral Factor.' you mused internally. "I can," you confirmed, "But you know what I want right, are you fine with that? You've made your opinion of serving quite clear."

Tyrannomon shook its head, "We don't mind if you want to be king, as long as it isn't through force like all the other assholes have done," it replied, "We just want the strength to live in peace. If you can provide that strength, and a place for that, we will gladly join you, isn't that right?" it asked the gathering of dinosaur digimon behind it.

There was a chorus of roars of agreement from the mass of dinosaur digimon, and you smirked, "Well, that I can definitely give you," you answered. You brought up the High Coding keyboard using your digivice phone, "I'll give you the same thing I gave to her that allowed her to become Lady Devimon, how things turn out from that though, all depends on you."

"Then we'll happily join," Tyrannomon took a knee before you, bowing its massive head, and the other dinosaur digimon, many Tyrannomon, Monochromon and Tuskmon followed suit, "Our king."


'Interesting ' you overlooked the results of the amassed dinosaur digimon after being exposed to the Viral Factor. As you thought, dinosaur digimon really took to it well.

The Tyrannomon, had become Dark Tyrannomon, gaining almost half again in height, and their limbs and tails becoming much longer, for increased range and speed. Their skin turned pitch black and they gained stripes reminiscent of a Greymon, except crimson red in colour.

The size increase was quite consistent, because the Monochromon, became Vermillimon. They didn't change quite as much, only changing to a vermillion colour and gaining the increase in size. Perhaps their champion forms were already completely optimized?

And the same could be said for the Tuskmon. They became Black Tuskmon. They generally only changed in colour, and grew half again in size as well, their crimson stripes standing out all the more on their darkened, light black scales.

"I'll be making certain divisions of digimon, each will be led by a head digimon, one of my higher ranked digimon," you said to the assembled and newly enhanced digimon, "You all, will be a part of the Dark Dino Squadron, and you will be led by Lady Devimon." you gestured to the the beautiful, dark digimon at your side.

"Eh, me?" Lady Devimon turned and looked at you in shock.

"That's fine with us!" the lead Tyrannomon whom you had been negotiating, now Dark Tyrannomon roared in agreement, his fellows following his lead a moment later, filling the area with loud powerful roars.

"Yes you, they're your friends right?" you asked, and when she nodded, you continued, "Then taking leadership from you will be easier than from someone they don't know all to well, besides, you have the strength for it now don't you?"

"That makes sense, and all thanks to you," a beautiful, grateful smile graced her lovely pale skinned face, and the bodacious digimon took a knee in front of you, "I will do my best to live up to your expectations my king, anything you need of me, just tell me and I'll do it!"

"Good to hear," you nodded, before beckoning her up, "Now stand up, now that we're done here, I want to get a move on to check out another area, it's already beginning to get dark." you had maybe time to check out another area at this rate, before you wanted to return to base and start working on the digivolution item for Wizardmon.

"Right!" Lady Devimon nodded quickly, bouncing up to her feet in one smooth motion and making to take a step forward. Only...she tripped over her own high heeled feet and with a yelp, crashed into you.

With her own massively increased speed, that now far eclipsed yours, you weren't fast enough to dodge, and found yourself pushed to the grund, a pair of large, bodacious, yet warm and soft breasts smothering you.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" she apologized profusely after she jerked off of you and helped you to your feet, quickly bowing over and over to you in quite the exaggerated fashion, so quickly that her huge breasts bounced and jiggled all around.

You discreetly adjusted your school trousers at the crotch and merely rolled your eyes, "It's fine." you waved her off.

You supposed even digivolution into such a powerful and majestically beautiful form, couldn't get rid of the long awkwardness she had become accustomed to as a Numemon for so long.