
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Recruitment Drive 5

Your number of subordinates were growing quickly, and they were all large, powerful champion level digimon or above. Besides Lady Devimon, Angemon and Wizardmon, all of your digimon were towering in height. And with such massive bodies, it meant they would consume much larger quantities of food.

You didn't exactly bring enough food with you to keep an army of twenty nine digimon, twenty five that were massive in stature, satiated for long.

So before anything else, you would have to secure a stable food source for your digimon. You scanned the data of the vending machine Lady Devimon had hid in as a Gigantic Numemon, and then consulted with your digimon.

Your new recruits were full of answers for you. Apparently, before the Mongrel Emperor business started up, the dinosaur digimon received supplies of food from a nearby village of digimon, in return for their help guarding the territory from possible invaders.

Even an ultimate or two, would hesitate in picking a fight with over a dozen champion level dinosaur digimon after all. Just because digimon excelled at fighting, did not mean that was their natural path in life. Each species generally had things they excelled at. Mechanical digimon were better at building and handling computers. Plant digimon were better at growing fauna and like. Holy digimon excelled in leading and healing.

Dinosaur and dragon were species that generally didn't have specialisations like that. They were races geared entirely towards combat, as such, they were generally the strongest types of digimon when it came to a fight, barring outlier exceptions.

The village in question, was called, Santa Korea, the home of the Vegiemon. The name drew a snort out of you in amusement. You had no idea where they got the name from, it just amused you that somehow, they'd named their village, after a literal place in the human world.

Perhaps a resonance of some sort?

Either way, with directions from your new subordinates, you hopped on Airdramon's back, called the digimon into your digivice and took to the air..

Just as you were about to fly straight out of the area though, as you passed above the forest in the direction to Santa Korea, your digivice began beeping weirdly.

"What's up with this thing?" you wondered, looking it over. Oddly, the screen had been dominated by what looked like a compass?

And there were two red dots on the compass, they pulsed on the screen, releasing red circles that spread out, looking almost like a radio wave.

'What's this then?' you hummed in interest. "Airdramon, take me that way!" you ordered a change of directions, in the direction the red dots were on the odd compass.

Really odd compass actually. You'd went through the programs in your digivice diligently, and learned everything there was about it. You do not remembering it having such a function. Oh, it had a compass app function naturally installed, but this was not it.

"Okay boss." Airdramon agreed, and did as you bid. Moments later, the large serpentine dragon digimon landed in a clearing just before a small cave opening.

"You wait here, I shouldn't be long." you told Airdramon, jumping off of his back.

"Err, you sure boss?" Airdramon worried, "Going alone doesn't seem smart when a mysterious signal appears to lead you places."

You waved your digivice at him, "I'm not alone, I've got everyone right here with me, Wizardmon and Lady Devimon can pop out instantly if anything goes wrong." you assure him.

"...Well, okay." Airdramon agreed, if a bit hesitantly, and you made your way inside the small cave entrance.

The cave itself was very small, so it didn't take you long to reach your destination. And it was just a narrow end, that flattened out into a small slab, almost like an altar.

And sitting on it, were two oddly shaped objects. Both mostly oval in shape, one an off-goldish brown, with small wing like adornments coming from it, the other silver, with odd clawed feet shaped adornments.

'Isn't that the crests of light and hope?' you noted. At least, the symbols for them were on the odd objects. You knew what each of the crests were quite vividly, Wizardmon and Airdramon had filled you in on all they knew of them, including what the eight crests looked like and what they were called.

If you weren't mistaken, these had the symbols for the crests that belonged to the two youngest of the eight digidestined, TK and Kari.

Interesting The crests from what you had gathered, were conceptual based power sources of the digital world. Like the concept of time. Maybe not on the same level as something like that, but of the same origin.

What could you do you wondered, with access to such a thing? Obviously, the crests power would not react to you, as you were not the digidestined they were created for. But, that did not mean you couldn't simply draw power from them through other means.

Making your way over, you reached out and grasped the digi-egg of light, and pulled.

Nothing. It didn't even budge. You heaved with all your strength a moment later, trying again, and the stone it was on cracked slightly due to your beyond human strength, but again, it did not budge.

"So I can't even pick it up, huh?" you mused.

"Of course you can't," a soft, female voice answered from behind you, "They are not yours to take."

Your eyes widened. you hadn't even noticed anything anywhere near you! You whirled around, Leomon's sword appearing from your digivice with but a thought and you fell into a ready stance.

...Only, there wasn't anybody there. No, the only thing there, was an odd shimmering collection of rainbow coloured lights.

The voice, it must have come the lights. No wonder yo hadn't noticed anything amiss, some queer lights behind you wouldn't register on your physical awareness.

You relaxed, but did not dismiss your blade, "Oh?" you hummed in question, prompting the light to speak up.

"Hope and Light are not yours, you have never put your faith in such concepts," the light shimmered and continued, soft, warm voice ghosting across your ears, "You, are incompatible with the power, not worthy."