
The Number Project

Four years after the events of '246', Rick and friends are working together to try and put an end to Experiment Labs once and for all.

JD246 · Hiện thực
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"So... what's up with you baby bro?" Rick asked, leaning against the counter.

"N-nothing much..." Norio answered, as he kept his head down.

"The hell are ya so nervous for dude?" Rick laughed.

Norio looked up, blushing.

"Oh, come on not you too..." Rick sighed, scratching his head.

"What's up?" He groaned.

"Shut it!" Norio cried, then looked down again.

"I-it's just that..." He looked up at Rick.

"The fact that you barely wanted to speak with any of us hurt y'know..."

Rick looked at him, then looked down.

"Nori..." He whispered, smiling sadly.

"You know why." He said, as he looked up.

Norio looked away.

"But still..."

Rick began petting Norio's head.

"No worries baby bro, your big bro is back for good, 'kay?" Rick smiled.

Norio's eye widened.

"D-don't treat me like a kid ya jerk!" Norio cried, blushing as he pushed Rick's hand away. Rick couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm glad it seems like you're doing well, Nori." Rick said, giving a soft smile.

Norio looked at him, then closed his eye smiling.

"I'm glad you're back," he paused.

"So, since you're back, don't you dare go actin' like a stranger like ya have been for the past four years got it?" He said, narrowing his eye.

"Understood!" Rick chuckled.

Norio couldn't help but laugh too.

"Cheers!" Chris cried out, raising a glass.

"Cheers!" Everyone repeated, raising their glasses.