
The Number Project

Four years after the events of '246', Rick and friends are working together to try and put an end to Experiment Labs once and for all.

JD246 · Realistic
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18 Chs


"Nox?" A voice called out.

"Nox, I'm entering." The voice said, as the door opened.

"Huh?" A man turned around.

"O-oh Claudius!" He smiled.

Claudius narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, dear is something wrong?" The man frowned.

"Nox..." Claudius mumbled.

"Well that certainly is my name." Nox laughed.

"You insult me greatly Nox," Claudius began.

"Are you really such a dolt that you would forget about our security cameras?"

Nox suddenly froze.

"O-oh well you s-"

"Nox!" Claudius cried.

"What file did you take?"

Nox looked down.

"Claudius..." Nox began, looking up at him.

"Sometimes it seems to me that you forget there are three of us elites around here."

Claudius looked at him, opening his mouth, then quickly shutting it.

"Anyway," Nox began, grabbing the file as he stood up.

"We both have our reasons for being here, don't we my dear friend?" Nox said, smiling.

"Nox..." Claudius frowned.

"You fool, it seems you've forgotten that there are now only two elites."

Nox quickly looked down.

"Fine, do as you please and I'll do as I please." Claudius said, as he shut the door.

"Claudius..." Nox closed his eyes, letting out a sigh.