
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Reborn in Chains

In a small, humble cottage nestled on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Eden in a village filled with slaves, young Allen grew up under the watchful eyes of his enslaved parents, Thomas and Eliza. Allen was lucky since he wasn't 10 years old, since, the moment the children of the village reached that accursed they were forced to do their duties toward the Kingdom as a certified as a certified slave even if it meant for them to lay down their lives. Oblivious to his true origins, Allen spent his early years playing in the fields, his laughter mingling with the wind as he chased butterflies and dreamed of adventures.

It was on a quiet summer's evening, as the setting sun cast a warm golden glow upon the world, that a flicker of memory stirred within Allen's young mind. Visions from a different time, a different life, began to weave themselves into his thoughts. Faces he couldn't place, places he had never seen before—fragments of a past that didn't belong to this world.

Confused and restless, Allen sought solace in the embrace of his parents. As he clutched onto Eliza's worn apron. He told his mother that he had dreams of a world much different than the one in which they lived in. His mother had tears running down her eyes since she knew that in a few years Allen would be forced to work as a slave because of which both his body and dreams would most likely face a bitter end. She embraced him tightly, and in a soft voice said

"I am Sorry."

As he grew older Allen started to remember his past life. He remembered that he came from a Planet called Earth and a country called India. He remembered how he was a college student. His name was Ajay Varma. He wanted tell these things to his parents but they wouldn't believe him either way. By the time he was 10 years old he remembered almost everything about his past life. He remembered how there was no slavery in his world, but before he could tell his parents that. Someone knocked at his door. When the door opened to well built men in uniforms of the "Chivalric Knights of Eden" we're standing before him

"Allen! Since you are Ten years old now it's time for you to do your duty as a slave of this Great Kingdom."

One of the knights grabbed Allen's collar with an evil smile as Allen struggled. Thomas tried stop the knights but knights beat him to a pulp. Eliza was left their crying helpless against their situation.

The knight Grunted and said

"Tcch, this fucking slave got my hands dirty!"

The knight was about to kill Thomas but Eliza begged to the knight to spare his life. The Knight had become annoyed by the family and Kicked Eliza in the stomach without any mercy and said

"Bloody bitch don't get my shoes dirty!"

Allen cried for his mother but before he could say anything the Knight's kicked him in the stomach which knocked him out cold. After a few hours he woke up. He was all chained up and brought to facility where everyone was doing hard labour even the women. When the knights saw Allen they stripped him naked. Allen tried to resist but it was all in vain. He was taken to a room where a female sorcerer was applying "Obedience Spell" which was a type of spell that would make anyone obedient to others even if the individual didn't want to.

When Allen's turn arrived he protested

"Let me go! Let me go!"

It was all in vain the female Sorcerer started chanting. Allen felt an Agonising pain for about an hour and after that a letter appeared on Allen's back which was the 'p' which stood for the number 0.

The sorcerer in a wicked voice said.

"From now on you are 'Slave Zero'. Nothing more nothing less. Welcome to your new life."

The pain that Allen felt had completely rendered him useless for the next few hours but before going unconscious a sense of helplessness and powerlessness seeped inside his heart as he thought.

"Is this how my new life will be?"

To Be Continued…