
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The red room

I went to bed, the bed felt as soft as it was before but it felt like I was drowning in water, I try to keep my eyes open but I couldn't, there was something so weird about this bed. I don't remember anything after that. In the morning I woke up there while tears in my eyes and on the pillow, I was confused, did I cry in my sleep? What did I dreamed about? I tried to remember but I couldn't, I get out but there was something different, there was a rug in my room, I didn't have a rug before, the rug was red, almost everything I saw my blanket was red, my bed frame was red and the walls were red everything I saw was red, I tried to shake my head but everything was still red. Everything except my stuffed animal, it was normal for some reason it was normal, even my skin was red, my hair and my clothes were red, I was scared, I hugged my stuffed animal tightly wishing all of this would go away, I felt myself crying. But before I knew it, when I opened my eyes everything was back to normal, and there was tears in my eyes and on my pillow, it felt weird and uncomfortable, was that all a dream? Am I dreaming now? Everything looked normal, I just got up, and go downstairs, I didn't want to be in my room it felt way too weird. I saw my mom and dad playing with my sister, I remember getting a text from James, the text message said "happy birthday, dude" I even forgot it was my birthday, my family will a thousand percent of forgotten about my birthday, I got another text message, the text messages said "can you come to the park today, dude?" I texted back "okay, I will be there in 10".