
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The first morning

I got up and ready for school, as I walked downstairs my parents were making breakfast for themselves and Mary, forgetting about me again. I went to school, James ran up to me "hey, Luke!" Jame said to me, "Hey, dude" I said to James. James had been my bestest friend since elementary school, I know he was nice and kind and a little cute, but I always knew I could trust him with anything. As we talked through the hallways, I stopped for a second everything became bright red for a second, then went all back to normal, I was confused and looked around, "are you okay, bro?" James asked me, I snapped back to reality and looked at him in shocked and confusion "huh!?" I said "are you alright, why did you all suddenly stop?" James asked, "nothing, I just thought I saw something" I said, I knew I could trust him but I didn't want to worry him. After school, I walked home, mom of course forgot to pick me up from school again, it was another cloudy day luckily it wasn't raining yet, I continued to walk home until I saw a place with bright red walls, I shaked my head when I looked back the wall were back to a normal brown color, I became more confused, I thought I might be just tired, I continue to go home, when I did finally get home, I laid in my bed thinking I just needed sleep, how wrong I could be.