
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The park swing

I went to the park, my parents didn't even notice me leaving, I remember when I was younger I met James at the park, we used to swing and talked for hours. When I got to the park I saw James with a present in hand, James ran up to me and gave me the present "open it, already!" James said excitedly, I looked at the present, James seemed very excited for it, I opened the presents, it was a hoodie, I looked at shocked and confused, it was them same color as my blanket, dark purple. I accidentally dropped the hoodie on the grass, I was so scared and confused the thing was, it felt just like my bed, I tried to warp my mind around it but I couldn't. "Luke, earth to Luke" James said, I snapped back to reality "are you okay, dude, do you not like it?" James said, I picked up the hoodie, "sorry I didn't mean to, I actually love it so much" I lied, I knew I could trust James with anything, even if I didn't like it, I didn't want to tell him. I liked it but it was too weird, it felt just like my bed, and looked just like my blanket, I couldn't handle it, it felt like there was something out to get me.