
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The red bed

After talking to James it was night time by then, me and James talked for hours and hours, when I finally got home my family was watching a movie in the living room, I want to the kitchen there was a plate of food, it looked rotten, I instantly knew this was supposed to be my dinner, I threw it away and cleaned up, I got some cereal and eta it quietly. After eating, I went back to my room, I didn't want to go back to my bed, I got some pillows and a different blanket and set it up on the floor next to the door, I laid down on the floor, looking up at the ceiling, it took me a little longer to fall asleep I couldn't get that weird feeling out of my head but when I did, I didn't even notice, but when I woke up I was back in my bed, I felt something for some reason I was wearing the hoodie, and I was on my bed, the pillows and blanket I got last night that I settled right next to my door was gone, I got confused trying to figure out what happened I didn't see, hear, or feel anyone or anything entering my room, when I looked down there was a red piece of string on my blanket it looked like someone or something sewed it onto the blanket. It was bright red, not a dark or light red, it was a bright, bright red color, you could notice it from miles away. It was the same with my pillow, only a little string it wasn't the whole blanket or pillow, it was just one little string but it felt like it more blood than string.