
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The nightmare

As I fall asleep, my mind want silent, my thoughts stopped, the questions stopped finally. Later that night at midnight exactly, I wake up I felt relaxed and relieved for a couple seconds until I saw it. My whole blanket and pillow were red, I was confused but I ignored it, to be fair I was already expecting it since the red string kept on appearing, but I also got a little concerned about it because the red strings never appeared this fast before, it made me confused and a little concerned. I checked my arm immediately, there were still 2 strings, lucky. I pulled my sleeves back down, it kind of made me feel better the purple makes me feel calm and relaxed, after all the purple reminds me of what it was like before it all, before the nightmare bed, It made me feel relaxed and calm. As I looked around I noticed it, my walls were red, this must of been a nightmare, I tried to get up but when I tried, I fallen onto the floor, my legs are string not any type of string it was, red string! My legs were now made with red string! What happened!?