
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The questions

As I tried everything to go to sleep that night I couldn't, I kept on thinking about that call, what is the red string doll or who? I hold onto my hoodie, at this point I will wear this purple hoodie every night. I looked down at my arm there was two red strings in my arm I didn't know how, I hadn't fallen asleep yet but there was two now. Why on me? What is the red string doll? Why do I have nightmares every night? Why does this hoodie make me feel safe? There were so many questions I had but I didn't have any one to ask, maybe James but I didn't want to concern him about my problems, they are my problems, not his. I tried to go to sleep but there were way too many questions going through my head. Why? Why? Why? Why? What's happening? At this point I didn't even know how much longer I will survive, it's not normal for string to be sewed into someone. I closed my eyes, I felt tears streaming down my face. I was confused but also scared. I didn't want to sleep in a empty house. What if I die? Nobody will even care though, except James. Mary will most likely be happy and my dad might be a little sad maybe for a week then forget about me and my mom wouldn't care at all. Maybe I should die, it wouldn't be bad, right? I will get to see my grandma again. As I asked myself questions over and over again, I fall asleep. What happened that night, I will never forget.