
The night I became a girl 6

As Ye was still sleeping I lade down with him and touch his hair.I told him I really loved him then I left leaving a little letter behind that says goodbye.

When Ye woke up he was trying to find me but only found a letter that clams that I still love him but left. For 6months with out Ye I was pregnant with our baby boy. Staying with Lee.Knowing that I don't want to get rid of our child I went out to find Ye Again. But when I found him he was already married to Jin Fea.I told one of the messagers to please tell Ye that if he wants to find me tell him to come to the old place.I have a great message for him. From Wei.

As the messager told Ye I was looking for him but didn't see him.With the tears that fell he showed up.He held me and said...

Wei I missed you.What happened to you.(Ye)

Well I left you so I can take care of our child.He's 6 months in my stomach and we wanted to see you.(Wei)

I loved you so much that I missed you everyday praying to the gods to see you soon.But my mother made me marry Jin Fea.Can you forgive me Wei.(Ye)

You big dummy how can I not forgive you.(Wei)