
The night I became a girl 7

Finally meeting Ye again.I decided that I wouldn't mind being a girl after all but the only way to keep it this way is to have the baby. I had to tell Ye that I have to have this baby or he will know who I really am.

Ye can you help me with something! I need you to help protect me and our child from everyone. If I lose this baby I think I would have to leave you.(Wei)

Wei what are you talking about.I thought that you would stay with me forever and not leave.(Ye)

I know I know I got my reason and I'll tell you once it happens.If not I still wouldn't tell you ether.(Wei)

Well I don't care at least your with me right now.(Ye)

With me heart full of sorrow and agony I wanted to stay with him but if something happens to me or my baby.I will kill anyone who harmed it or tried to harm me.

On the way back to Ye's home...

So...what are you planing to call the baby.(Ye)

I don't know,what seems fine to you is fine with me.I think that you could name it.(Wei)

In the way to Ye's home all I could think of is how-to deal with Jin Fea.Should I just look gental to her and act innocent in front of her.Yeah I think that would piss her off well.When the carriage came to a stop I came down elegant and last like but when I stood up...

Ye how could you bring a slut holding a child home.I don't need such interruptions in this house.Who is that, Wei Ran oh you got pregnant with a man's baby.How sad and shameless of you.(Jin)

Jin Fea shut up.(Ye)

Why.Hu you never sleeped with me or even touched me.Do you even care about me.If not why did you marry me.(Jin)

JIN FEA PlEASE SHUT The Fuck up!!I never wanted to marry you.It was my family who did.What did I do to you to get yelled at.Get the Fu*k away from me and my family.(Ye)

What family.Im your family Ye. She is just a low life person that is in our way of having any kids.(Jin)

I don't need anything from you. Not even a kid,because Wei is holding onto mine.(Ye)

You mean oh haha haha.Ye you must be kidding me or something like that. Because you haven't seen her for 6 months how do you know if she's not lieing or something.(Jin)

I trust Wei that it's our child.We don't need any kind of interference from you or my family so please stay away from use. I want to take care of my woman and my child.(Ye)

As we walked pass Jin Fea I was the happiest person to see sweet revenge on her. But when we were walking farther and farther away Jin fell to her knees and cried. With a smile on my face Ye told me that I would be sharing a room with him.Knowing that Ye will protect me and the child,I just had this feeling that some danger is coming our way.