

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Kỳ huyễn
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Pinky: ["On my phone today I saw an advertisement about modeling competitions and you know what shook me? The grand prizes!"]

Grandaunt: ["What is the prize? School bursary!"]

Pinky: ["Am talking about something beyond normal grandaunt! A mansion, a classy car and that's not all ...$100,000! Don't you think it's crazy?"]

Grandaunt: ["All that just for modeling competitions!"]

Pinky: ["That's what shocked me granny...! perhaps because they are sponsored by the biggest brands in the country!"]

Grandaunt: ["Uh, Okay! sounds like a great opportunity to showcase your talent."]

Pinky: ["How I wish but, it is impossible. You know very well father can't allow me. Besides, I can't afford the trip to the grand Auditorium... there's no money to waste!"]

Grandaunt: ["I understand. And since it has such great prizes, it costs some good money to participate."]

Pinky: ["About that, the competition is surprisingly free to join."]

Grandaunt: ["Are you sure?! Let me take a look at the advertisement, maybe you missed out something."]

Pinky: ["Seriously! I don't think so...!"]

Pinky opened into her mobile phone and showed grandaunt to give clarity on what she was saying.

"Allow me to hold it myself," granny picked the phone out of Pinky's hands.

"Can you please help me check on your grandfather and grandmother to see how they're doing in their rooms?" Grandaunt gave Pinky an immediate assignment.

When obedient Pinky stood up to go, her grandaunt clicked into the application form and registered her into the contests. Pinky never knew about her grandaunt's insane act.

Three weeks later, very early in the morning sunshine rose from the east as it always did, usually when it wasn't winter season. Inside the ramshackled house, Pinky was preparing herself for work.

Her one and only pair sandals had a damage. She looked at it and felt real bad because she had no anyother pair for a replacement.

"I need to go to the shoemaker fast!" she exclaimed sadly in silence, "I can't miss my morning customers!"

As she was still worried about the sandal issue, she heard a knock on the door. Quickly she hurried out of her congested room towards the door to meet whoever the early morning guest was.

When she opened the door, her eyes landed on a stranger man who was carrying a backpack.

"A very good morning madam," the mail man greeted Pinky with a warm smile.

"Good morning!" wondering, Pinky replied him in a calm voice.

"You know I came around asking," the mail man said, "by any chance could this be Pinky address?"

"I am Pinky!" She replied wondering how a stranger even knew her name in the first place.

"That's very nice," he looked so pleased, "this is for you."

The mail man gave Pinky an envelope from the backpack which had a name Pinky on top and asked her to sign in a note book as proof that she received the package. Pinky held a pen and signed.

"Have a beautiful day in your beautiful body madam," the jolly mail man said and walked away.

Pinky was left wondering. She went back inside the house and closed the door behind. Her face looked curious about what exactly was inside the envelope. She carefully unsealed it and picked a letter from inside.

"You're invited as a participant in the first ever national wide fashion model competitions due to take place on Tuesday 1st March 2023 at the' Wonder Auditorium' at 2pm, thank you." Briefly the letter read.

With a lot of excitement, Pinky ran so fast and opened another door inside the house where her grandparents slept. They were still asleep by that time but she didn't hesitate to wake grandaunt up to share such joyful knews.

"Granny... granny!" Pinky tapped her out of sleep.

"Easy....!" grandaunt talked sleepy.

"Please wake up! You need to see this granny!" Pinky couldn't wait to share the news.

"Have you won a lottery or something?" Grandaunt asked in a sleepy voice.

"Please....!" Pinky begged.

Grandaunt wasn't ready to get out of her sweet sleep but she had no choice since her only grandchild was calling.

She slowly raised up and sat so she can listen to what her granddaughter had to say.

"I don't know exactly the right way I should feel about this," Pinky handed the letter to her grandaunt.

After reading through, "Feel good about it!" grandaunt gave her opinion.

"Granny I never submitted an application, that bothers me!" She stated.

"Miracles happen," said grandaunt.

"This is not a joke granny! am anxiously worried and at the same time confused," Pinky exclaimed.

"Would you wish to attend the competitions?" Grandaunt asked. Pinky kept quiet a little bit and thought about it.

"I think I want to go," she replied, "but it is very impossible."

"What is impossible if you truly love to do it?" wisely grandaunt asked her.

"Have you forgotten father brings fish every morning for me to sell? Or have you forgotten how father hates to see me modeling on top of it all no money at home what I make is what we use," Pinky sighed.

"You don't have to think too much Pinky," grandmother cautioned. All along she was listening to the conversation together with grandfather.

"When that day comes you tell us," grandfather softly said.

Grandaunt checked back on the letter, "2nd march 2023! Isn't that today?"

"I need to go to work before I miss my morning customers," Pinky stood up and left their room to prepare herself for work.

All three Pinky's grandparents felt touched about their grandchild's. Each of them had some little money which they gathered and gave grandaunt to do something about supporting their granddaughter's dream.

Pinky hurried in smiling to wish all of them a good day while she was leaving for work.

"See you in the evening grannies," She said and hurried away.

Grandaunt stood up, "Wait a bit Pinky!" She called her back.

"Am very late grandaunt I have to take my sandal first to the shoe maker for repair," she said.

"Please come and sit down for one minute," grandaunt requested.

Pinky freely walked in the room and sat.

"We all know how much you love modeling. You work so had to take care of each of us every single day. We can't just sit back and ignore the most important thing in your life. We need you to go to the competitions," grandaunt addressed her.

She got the money and put it into her hands, went and picked a pair of sandals from her only two pairs and gave to her to put on.

About your morning customers, I will go and attend to them," grandaunt happy and very willingly stated, "and about your father, just leave him for us."

"Who is going to take care of grandfather and grandmother when you're away?" Pinky asked responsibly.

"Don't worry about us now. You need to grab that opportunity if it comes to you," grandfather advised her.

"Even if you don't make it, just know we're proud of you as our grandchild," grandma mother said.

"I know your confidence and your skills because I've been watching you and the mere fact that you love doing it, trust your abilities you'll make it," grandaunt gave her words of encouragement.

"Am going for the contest!" Tears of joy filled Pinky's eyes.

She went and hugged her grandmother and grandfather respectively. Since the distance to the Auditorium was far away in developed parts of Capricon city, Pinky had to go and board very earlier so that she can get there in time.

Grandaunt escorted her outside and wished her success.


Onto the catwalk, several young ladies unleashed their modeling skills one by one, for the judges to see. Pinky rehearsed her modeling moves infront of a wide mirrior at the back of the stage.

It was time for the auditions at the theatre.

A moment came for Pinky to spin onto the catwalk. Courageously like an experienced diva, she walked and impressed the audience. Since it was the first stage, every contestant did perfect well.

Different rounds on different levels went by. Some contestants were excluded. As levels raised, the competition started getting tough. Only the strong survived.

Among the strong, Pinky was inclusive. Modeling to her was like eating a hot cake. She enjoyed what she was doing because it wasn't for the money, but for the love. That is why she considered it easy.

Different tasks were set up by the organisers for the competitors to accomplish. Pinky walked well during the barefoot session, flat shoes session and when it came to showcase in sandals, she smashed it down.

Pinky and a few other contestants kept on pleasing the judges and the audience at large. Everyone enjoyed to look at the beauty of young ladies spinning in gowns, miniskirts, long dresses both party and casual etcetera.

A challenging moment Pinky never thought of to come her way approached. According to all the moves she gathered through consistent watching of television and practicing passionately for a very long time, she was performing very well until a moment to walk in high heel shoes came.

Pinky had never practically modeled with high heels on ever since she discovered her love for the game, simply because she never had a single pair at home.

In the dressing room, the contestants received a box full of high heels in different colours and sizes. Each one of them had to choose a pair they felt comfortable with. Pinky panicked.

One ofter the other, the top five contestants were called upon to showcase their talent with high heels on for the judges to give marks. It was now Pinky's turn.

"Do or die," Pinky spoke anxiously with her inner person.

She then took a long breathe in and out respectively and confidently she showed up infront of the judges to spin on the catwalk. Pinky walked, walked and walked but it was obvious to everyone that she was unstable in high heels.

A moment came for her to spin around which resulted into total disappointment to her fans in the audience. She lost stamina and fell down on the catwalk. The cheers from the audience turned into booing.

She recalled the moments she spun infront of her beloved grandaunt smiling while clapping in that room at home and all the fashion models she watched on television.

Down on the ground, Pinky had no relative around to at least speak some word of encouragement, which wasn't the case for other contestants. She only had heavens to rely on at this trying moment.

She stood up slowly on her knees and unsteadily up on her feet. Pinky walked in embarrassment back to the dressing room. She began to cry.

It was a great opportunity for her to showcase a great gift built within her to the world. Other contestants had friends and others family besides to rely on, Pinky was alone.

Judges started calling the top five contestants to line up on stage. Sharon, Martham, Celine, Jacinta and Pinky where summoned.

Judges: "First and foremost we appreciate you for showing us your uniquely heaven given gifts passionately. I would wish to inform you that all of you were so amazingly entertaining in you different ways."

The audience cheered so loud.

Finally, there came a time when the five finalists had to be ranked according to their performances from number five to number one in a count down.

Pinky was already miserable holding onto a plastic smile just to please the audience and the judges.

Judges: "Number five, Jacinta...! Number four, Martham....! Number three, Celine.....! Considering the first rounds, Pinky ties Sharon. Physical gestures including smiles, Pinky leads, and high heels performance, Sharon has the highest scores.

With that matter, we're here by announcing the winner of the national wide fashion model competitions season one, Pinky.....!"

The judge announced on top of her voice. Pinky gazed in an open-mouthed surprise. The cheers from the crowd alone and the pops pouring everywhere inside the Auditorium made the it so epic.

"Pinky....!" a judge called her name on the microphone, "You're indeed a mirror of feminine beauty."

All judges stood up with a big round of applause and then walked to join with the top winner on the stage. The four other finalists joined up to celebrate with her as well.

Nothing brings more joy than excellence. Pinky was vastly happy. However, she never shaded any tears of joy. She looked at her name shining all over the place, crowds raising charts with her name on them, she was shocked.

Judge: "How do you feel right now?"

Pinky: "Shocked."

Judge: "I believe you. You have neither jumped nor shaded tears of joy which is usually expected from winners.

Pinky: "I came well knowing that I was going to win, and I was disappointed when I knew that I had lost it all on the fall. Announcing me as a winner is a shock to me.

Judge: "Do you have any relatives, friends or boyfriend around that came to support you?"

Pinky: "No!"

Judge: "Any words to the people out there watching you?"

Pinky: "I know my grandparents are not watching right now but I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate them. They are the reason why I am here today.

Judge: "Right now you've gained fans, followers and people who want to be like you. What message do you have for them?"

Pinky: "Failer doesn't mean loosing, do your best whenever you're given a chance, it will definitely save you."

The judge finalised by communicating the after party reserved right outside the Auditorium gardens where the winner was going to receive her prizes. He also thanking Pinky for embracing the world with her unique talent.

Among the prizes was a good sum of money totaling up to $100,000 dollars, a beautiful brand new VIP car and a key to the mansion in one of the luxurious neighborhoods in the Capricon city.

After sometime, Pinky appeared on a red carpet with full make up which changed her looks completely. She was an angel on earth as she walked in a pink dinner dress and pink high heels.

However, she decided to remove the shoes from her feet and held them in a hand to avoid inconveniences during such a joyful moment.

A variety of media companies yearned to interview her as she received her crown followed by different prizes.

Clothing companies, makeup companies, hair companies and very many other brands awaited to meet her with business deals.

Back home in the ghetto where She resided with her father Jonathan and the three grandparents, it was misery all over their faces.

The time was 8pm and skies were already dark. Jonathan was back from work and her daughter was nowhere to be seen.

"Please eat some food," his auntie begging.

The food was already on the table but he never wanted to look at it. He faced side ways with his face frowned. Each of the members of the family was so sad.

"For your information where she went is thirty miles away!"

Jonathan busted rudely, "besides, how can she leave home without my consent?"

"The rule is 6pm if very late then 7pm," he madly yelled, "I can't believe all of you betrayed me for this nonsense called modelling, walking like a prostitute in the house!"

"We are all worried but please, try to calm down," his mother requested.

"And if she started going out with boys, I am going to kill whoever that bustard is that is trying to mess around with my daughter, trust me!" Jonathan's bitterness elevated.

"Am the one who allowed her to go to the fashion model auditions," said grandaunt, "at least blame me don't accuse everyone for anything."

"Modeling is the one thing Pink has which she does and brings a smile on her face," "I thought it was a good decision to support her," grandaunt cried.

Grand father said, "Stop crying! uh ah!, it is not yet too late! we must have hope that she will return home safely!"

"At what time did she go?" Asked Jonathan.

"She left at midday," answered grandaunt.

"And now the fish has to rot because of your selfish interests!!" insanely he stated, "do all of you care about the efforts I invest in catching the fish we depend on?"

Jonathan's aunt continued to cry. Jonathan's father and mother were worriedly watching their son getting bitter beyond control.

Time flew to 9pm, 10pm and quietly worried, they were still seated as a family waiting for Pinky.

Jonathan stood up and walked towards the television. He lifted it up and banged it down on the ground to smash the screen completely. Everyone got frightened.

"Are you out of your mind?!" his auntie exclaimed. "What you've done is a ruthless act to break the television!"

"From today onwards no more watching television in this house. And since she doesn't understand the use of a mobile phone, it is the next thing am going to take away from her," Jonathan declared.

In the coach Jonathan went and laid.


Inside the mansion, a maidservant walked in a hurry so fast and stood outside a certain closed door. After a long breath, she knocked.

"Hold on shortly," said Monica Yen to a person she was talking with on phone. She walked towards the door to see who was knocking.

"I never called asking for anything!" Monica Yen made a verbal attack to the maidservant.

"Am so sorry Ms Monica," she apologized, "I thought you needed to know."

"What could it be at this time of a night?" Monica Yen softly asked.

"It's about the young Madam Babara," answered the maid.

"What about my daughter?" calmly she asked because on phone she was talking to secretary Jamila and her mind was peaceful about the safety of Babara Yen.

"Madam Babara is live on television right now," the maid servant informed her boss.

Monica Yen smiled jokingly at the maidservant because she knew what she was saying wasn't true.