

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Further more, Suxes continues to narrate his story into Gang Du's listening ears over sips of bacardi.

["As a saying 'desperate times call for desperate measures', I exceeded my limits. The gentleman told me his word still stands; with only one hundred fifty thousands, I win his stake of one million dollars and all that he had won from me. I scratched my head to figure out where else I could get the money."]

["As a department head, I had access to five hundred thousands company funds. Without a second thought, I withdrew one hundred fifty thousands off it. Quickly back to the game, I put my stake on table. All I could remember that time was my head spinning."]

["Not even a dollar was left on the company account. Just like that, five hundred thousands was gone, the property worth two hundred thousand dollars gone, and my life too was gone. Neck tie loose, shirt tucked out, and a coat in hands late night, I entered the house. Brittany was worriedly waiting in the sitting room. By mere looking at me, she knew something was wrong."]

["Am sorry, please forgive me"]

"Were the words that came out of my mouth when I approached her. I saw misery in her eyes on the coach she was sitting on before even explaining anything to her. I thought to myself and decided not to tell her anything to avoid hurting her and the pregnancy."

["However, the following days, I was not myself. Over a heavy heart filled with terrible secrets, and a heap of thoughts which ran in my head, I grew think. A week later, Brittany faced a shockingly painful surprise when the police arrested me from home."]

["That's when she got to know that the property, in which we invested all our savings was nolonger ours and the company I worked for was dragging me to courts of law for embezzling funds."]

["In her condition, Brittany was not working. Besides that, I was the only family she had. From that day she hated me so much. For the three years I served in prison, she never visited me. As I continued to serve in prison, my family abandoned as well."]

["At the end of my punishment, no one came to pick me up however much I informed them. I walked miles to the house I used to stay with my fiancée, to my disappointment she had left two years ago because she couldn't afford the rent."]

["On an uncountable times, I tried my luck to secure myself a job but, whoever liked me ended up dislike me the more due to the criminal record on my head, hence leaving me unemployed. That's how I ended up on the streets as a shabby hobo."]

Having listened to Suxes' life story, Gang Du becomes so touched as a grown-up rich man and compassionately goes further to look for a few answers from Suxes as he posses a few questions.

Gang Du: "How do you feel about being a gambling addict right now?"

Suxes: "Nothing. Gambling is something that took my life away from me. I don't even know how my five years old daughter looks like!"

Gang Du: "So, you quite?"

Suxes: "One of the suitable leasure time activities in prison is gambling, but I never engaged in a single game in there."

Gang Du: "You learned the hard way."

Suxes: "I had given up on life... all I asked heavens was to take me to where destiny prepared for me. Sleeping on the cold streets every night, eating dirty food you don't even know how it ended up in the garbage! that has been my way of life every single day for two good years."

Suxes' kindness and respect made him to see his future becoming bright once again.

"Please! I have one favour to ask... kindly offer me a job," Suxes slided off the chair and knelt down on his knees begging.

"Oh, no! would you please stop that?" Gang Du requested.

"You don't have to kneel. Besides, you friend Kevin knows nothing about job/work kind of stuff. He still needs to learn a lot about humans' ways of life."

All along Kevin Moore was quietly watching and listening to them. He walked close and helped his friend to stand up from the ground.

"Would you .

Gang Du smiled at the kind of joke Kevin put across and said, "What a joke Kevin! Suxes is the only friend you have in life for heaven's sake, you don't have to ask me that!"

"Oh my goodness! you mean I've got myself a job?!" Suxes rejoiced emotionally, "I was denied a chance even on the lowest paying job in the ghetto."

In just a blink of an eye, Suxes saw his life changing.

"Remind me tomorrow to take you to your friend," Said Mr Gang Du before shutting the car door.

Hotel OCEAN:

Next day, the sky was blue. Suxes arrived in honour with Mr Gang Du at the hotel to meet his new best friend Kevin Moore who he has missed for two days.

The moment he stepped out of the SUV, just like his friend Kevin, he recalled the time they both stood distant from this very hotel when they were shabby and penniless. Stepping on OCEAN grounds was a dream come true for Suxes as he sighed so relaxed.

So smart in a maroon coloured suite he smiled after a flashback. By this time life was changing from worse to better simple because he was kind to someone he never knew anything about.

"We need to be going Mr Suxes," addressed Mr Gang Du.

The act of Gang Du adding two letters 'M' and 'R' at the beginning of Suxes' name gave Suxes a lot of pride. He walked on hotel OCEAN grounds in a blissful state of conform.

Suxes exaultantly walked through the hotel entrance like a tiger entering into it's den after a successful hunt. His physical appearance portrayed the true definition of a gentleman.

He followed behind Mr Gang Du upto the private elevator which only had one button inside. The button led to a single route, from the ground floor direct to the top most floor of the hotel.

The late Sean Moore turned a whole floor of his hotel into a home. Since he had a son in existence, Gang Du who was the caretaker of the properties decided to hand over the responsibility to Kevin Moore, the son of late Sean Moore.

Gang Du was such a great and kindhearted person.

On the uper most floor of the hotel, the Elevator doors opened. Kevin Moore was standing right infront of the elevator to welcome the visitor.

Suxes couldn't believe what his eyes punished him with. He thought he was the most fly in his maroon coloured three piece suit but when he looked at the newly fresh Kevin Moore, it was a knock out.

Suxes: ["Darn! man is this you from another planet?! You mean all these stunning looks were hidden within a thick beard and threadbare short pants?! I can't believe you shine like this man... look at your hair now!"]

Gang Du: ["Suxes has been so much on my neck to bring him to see you thats why."]

Suxes: ["I can't believe Mr Gang Du got you a suite in such an expensive hotel. We owe you a lot Mr Gang Du."]

Gang Du: ["In here was the late Sean Moore's home. As his son,Kevin Moore has to take over."]

Suxes: ["What!! You're kidding me man... home at 'OCEAN'! the most expensive hotel in Capricon city and second largest in the country!"]

Gang Du: ["Yes, OCEAN is now Kevin Moore's hotel and real estate rental apartments in different parts of the country. Your friend Kevin Moore is a multimillionaire."]

"What!!" Suxes uttered a sharp loud exclamation.

He couldn't imagine such a shabby hobo he met in the middle of the night on the streets without a shirt on his body, no foot on his feet, with a huge heard scattered all over his face and threadbare short pants turned out to be the owner of the most luxurious hotel.

Suxes remembered the time he gave Kevin Moore a pizza which he was eating on from the garbage. Suxes went ahead to recall how he took Kevin to the scrap yard covered him with one of his worn-out jackets. And how he wholeheartedly assisted in finding about his father.

He barely knew that a man who was at that level of poverty and ignorance was going to be the reason for him to dress in the most expensive outfits, get a nice roof over his head and put freshly prepared food into his stomach.

Confounded as he looked, Suxes walked all around Kevin Moore's home which was full of luxury. Marble floor everywhere, first class furnishings, and it being a whole top floor of a seven star hotel, was extraordinarily exceptional.

"There's only one thing I can tell you about your late father," Mr Gang Du addressed Kevin Moore, "he believed that all the wealth he achieved was because of your mother." "After coming back from the sea, in just two days he signed a deal of one hundred million dollars.

It was quite a long distance to the coast yet the boat they used had no engine. But they had to paddle with all their efforts to reach safely.

After propelling for a while, from a distance they saw a dockland. This put a smile on their faces and gave them more strength to go. Not so long they approached the dockland.

Tsunami and the servant were unhappy no matter their safe arrival.


At the beach late in the night arrived the hunter vampires from the land of ice. The two flying creatures landed and transformed immediately into human beings, a woman and a man.

They carried a bag along with them. A male placed the bag down and a female opened. From inside she picked two double sharp adged metallic boomerangs and each of them took one.

Another thing she picked from inside the bag was a container which contained a colourless double purpose liquid, the 'red venom potion'.

The liquid was well known for killing vampires as soon as it drops on its body, and at the same time bringing a freshly dead human being back to life when poured into the corpse mouth.

The two tubes containing 'red venom potion' were shared.

Lastly, was two dagger belts which held five different kind of very sharp daggers. Each of them took one and wrapped it firmly around the waist.

Without wasting time, they dressed in overall black jacket which covered the weapons to avoid being exposed and then after they covered their eyes behind dark eyeglasses.

In slash-and-burn tactics both of them kicked ahead to enter Capricon city on a mission to hunt down Monica Yen and her daughter Babara Yen who where known to be extremely dangerous.


Inside a mansion seated on 10 acre land, Monica Yen envisaged reality images which involved hunter vampires' arrival while she was planning to go to bed.

She never understood what the visions were all about but she became so sensitive regardless. She sat down on bed side wondering.

More clear images flashed in Monica's head when sharp pointed blades are holding her daughter Babara against the wall through her skin.

She visualised the same vampires throwing a tube with a liquid inside, which makes her daughter's skin to leak in form of dark oil painfully until she is no more.

Oh, no! it can't happen to my daughter! Monica Yen cried out loud.

She grabbed a mobile phone and dialed "BELOVED" on the screen. Disappointedly no one was picking. She dialed another name "Sec Jam" which was an abbreviation of Secretary Jamila, it was not answered.

Since secretary Jamila and the bodyguard were busy escorting Babara Yen to the car after arriving at the coast, the phones inside the handbag on the speedboat were not heard thus remained unanswered.

Jamila walked back to the speedboat to pick the handbag.


Back on FRANKLIN BARON SHIP, Felix sat down in discontent. Saddened and anxious, he wondered where Babara Yen could be after searching wherever he suspected she could be and failed to find her.

"I need answers!" He exclaimed desperately.

With a loose tie on the neck and a part of his clean white shirt tucked out of his black trousers, and a sweaty face, he raised up on his feet again. Angrily Felix shaked with rage and threw a hard fist onto the wall on the side while he shouted on top of his musculine voice:

"Babara Yen....!!"

And expressed inner pain of loss.

"I need you to tell me the demon that killed the only relative I have so that I take its life too," Felix continued to demand.

Nevertheless, Felix had so much respect for Babara Yen due to her profile.

Hotel OCEAN:

In the middle of Capricon city at night, an SUV arrived at a five star hotel. A well known bodyguard to Babara Yen steps out from the front to open the left rear door and guess what, the female boss lady Babara Yen steps out.

On the right hand side of the rear, secretary Jamila opens for herself to step out too. She hurried up holding a mini suitcase, to walk after her boss into the hotel.

Matter of fact Babara Yen has never been to a hotel before. All her life she has lived home contained. She get so surprised to receive such a warm welcome from the hotel attendants who are uniformly dressed and smile so bright.

"Considering such a warm welcome, hope our stay at this hotel is going to be lit," Babara Yen whispered to her secretary.

In a sexy tiger designed chinchilla overall, Babara Yen walked so stunning on the mabel floor inside hotel OCEAN. Her shiny long dark hair was also another attractive feature to look at.

Everything from the makeup on her face, the diamond necklace which matched the earrings, and the red bottom heels were so difficult to go unnoticed. Such an elegant young lady, Babara Yen was.

She and her team were accompanied smartly by two attendants to the reception coaches where they sat. Bodyguards don't sit as always they have to keep eyes around.


The next day, Pinky was at her workshop attending to a customer. A woman came and approached her with too much anger about the fish she claimed to have bought the previous day which wasn't fresh.

Woman: Return my money back! I don't need any excuses.

Pinky: Am so sorry but can I take a look at that fish please!

The woman angrily handed over the basket with a fish inside. Pinky unwrapped the fish to see exactly what a woman was complaining about. Another customer was watching.

When Pinky observed the fish from the gills, she politely informed the lady how the fish was not bought from her shop.

Pinky: With all due respect Madam, this fish wasn't bought from my shop.

Woman: Are you stupid? Where else do I buy fish if not at your lousy shop?

Pinky: My shop doesn't sell fish with gills in it. Removing them is the first thing we do before displaying because they are usually heard to wash.

Woman: Don't tell me nonsense... If you don't refund my money now, I am going to sue you!!

A customer who was quietly watching asked for her fish and opened the gill rack. The fish never had a single gill inside.

As always, if any chaos clicks in the ghetto, one by one people gather until they form a crowd to watch, judge and defend respectively.

Everyone around knew Pinky as a responsible young lady with a good customer care. All mummers from the crowd defended her.

"What's going on here?" the ghetto police arrived on the scene. Bitterly the woman explained her side and then Pinky pleaded against the allegations.

Police: Did she buy fish here yesterday?

Pinky: Yes she did, but I remove the gills before displaying.

Police: Don't you think you may have forgotten to remove gills from this one fish?

Pinky: But, Sir....!

Police: Refund this lady's money and you'll have to close the shop so that we conduct research on how healthy the fish you sell to people is.

This was so painful for Pinky to handle. However she had no choice except to abide by the policeman's order.

But after handing cash over to the woman, "Why did you steal my dog's food?" A lady come in and furiously busted.

"I watched you from the window putting my dog's fish into your bag... You're a thief!" The lady continued to accuse this unkind woman.

The crowd was watching as the woman's face looked guilty and shy.

"Whatever you say right now will be used against you in the courts of law," the policeman told the woman," you are free to remain silent or even get yourself a lawyer."

The policeman instructed the woman to give back the money to pinky and handcuffed her there and then. The lady got back her dog's fish and the crowd dispersed away.

The incident made Pinky so exhausted. She sat down and got her mobile phone in the hands. Her mind was not settled yet. She turned the phone on and clicked into fashion model links to divert the mind with something she loved.

As she scrolled, what she saw made her to look amazed. She gazed intently into the phone to get clarity. This gave her a smile and cleared her mind completely away from the crazy woman's chaos.

During free time at home, Pinky chatted with her grandaunt. As they shared a conversation she remembered and said;

Pinky: "Guess what grandaunt, something very interesting is about to go down in the city."

Grandaunt: "Okay! What could that be?"