

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


"Ms Monica, do you really mind if I ask you how you manage to get this freshly warm human blood? It's such a wonderful choice", In good faith, Felix inquired.

Monica Yen didn't have any reasons for not telling him.

Besides Felix being a vampire like them, Monica Yen and Felix's late brother Franklin Baron were business partners way back before he died.

So, as a billionaire, Monica Yen knew Felix so well as a brother of a multimillionare business partner who even gave her a gift on their wedding with Jonathan.

Only that the two parties had some disagreements in terms of business conduct, where we saw on the ship at a certain point when Babara Yen as a CEO of her mother's companies advised Felix's brother.

Franklin Baron used to involve himself in other illegal businesses besides the ones that connected him with Monica Yen, which gave Monica hard time to do business with him.

Now, when Felix asked her how she manages to get freshly warm human blood Monica Yen answered him the following words;

"Sometimes you need to divert to illegal means for what you believe in. I buy this fresh humans blood on black market from illegal dealers in blood bank."

Felix told her, "It's really a brave move to take though instead of taking likes of the innocent. I wish I knew this from the start those young lady would be alive today."

"Am kinda embarrassed to be the one telling you that I have some illegal activities I engage myself into...", with a guilty face, Monica Yen spoke.

"Like a saying states," Felix responded, "never judge for you won't be judged... that's so true trust me."

"I can now understand why I was wrong to judge your brother especially after hearing your childhood story", she bonded along.

"My brother never wanted to go back into being poor again. He swore to make money whenever there was a chance and that's...," Felix told them.

"He was such a brave man to have achieved all those riches and also sacrificing his manhood to fulfil his vision in life, cheers to that," Babara supplemented.

"What do you think about Felix?" Monica Yen turned to her daughter with a calm inquisitive face and asked her.

Uh, mh... I think he is as kind hearted as you mother to be honest for as long as I can remember from way back when I started knowing him", complimented, Babara Yen.

"Do you think he can be a good husband as well?" wisely, Monica Yen started building her daughter's mind, setting her up in Felix's direction.

Unknowingly, Babara thought for a moment and said, "I believe he can make a very good husband, he is a responsible handsome young man any lady will ever need."

Felix smiled with gratitude and said, "actually..., you vampires are lifting me so high beyond imagination."

"My daughter will need a vampire husband and the only nice vampire I know right now right now is you Felix!" Monica added salt in the soup.

"Get out of here mom!" on a frowned jokey smiling face Babara Yen pushed Monica Yen's shoulder and gave her playful slaps on laps, "we all know Felix has got Tsunami!"

"Tsunami is just an innocent human being who just needs help and guidance! As you can see, right now she's dead asleep and very early in the morning she going to be up for work", Monica said.

"Felix needs someone they can properly bond with as his wife.... Am I wrong Felix?" she asked.

Words got stuck in Felix's mouth as he shyly failed to say something in his own favor. He kept staring in sideways and downwards.

"Don't allow my daughter to make you feel shy, you're a man for heaven's sake," Monica Yen stubbornly told him.

"Seriously mom you don't have to do this to us! besides, I am in love with someone you know very well!" Babara reminded her.

"It's alright you guys should we please stop there! I think I need to feed if you don't mind," jealously Felix cut the conversation off after Babara mentioning about being in love with someone else.

Monica Yen stood up and walked on to fetch blood packets so that Felix can feed but before she walked through that door, "your man is not a vampire like us as well!" she said and walked away.

"Am so sorry, I wanted to call you back by the time I found out that you called but it was already midnight and I thought to myself, it's not right to wake a princess of the land out of her beautiful sleep", Kevin Moore apologized to Pinky.

"It was a hell of a night few minutes after you had left. It sounds like demons where having a bitter wrangle outside", Pinky told Kevin.

"Everyone of us at home was extremely frightened, not until we heard police arriving in the area!" she added, that was I over called you to know whether you're safe."

"So, what did the police discover?" Kevin Moore asked inquisitively.

"Nothing at all however much a few police men had to spend the whole night around the area to provide maximum security," Pinky answered.

"Sweetheart," in a very romantic voice Kevin Moore called for maximum attention from Pinky and she indeed heard.

"Something important I want to trust you with... my heart, body and soul believe you won't disappoint me!" he talked to her.

"You know you're the last person I can disappoint if at all it is un avoidable", Pinky said to him, "be free with me doubtlessly."

He recalled a moment with his best friend Suxes, who was seriously giving him tips of how to convince a woman to stay with you.

"Kevin!" Pinky called him after noticing he had already lost focus, "if you don't trust me enough it's okay... I can actually understand."

"Oh, no! That's not case sweetie," said to her, deep in my heart I trust you more than you will ever imagine."

Since they were sitting in a left hand drive car, Kevin Moore opened a compartment right down, next to the gearbox where he had kept a tiny red box.

He picked it up and said to her, "This is how best I can prove my trust in you."

He opened it carefully, inside it was a bright shining diamond ring which he picked out decently and turned to face her.

"Please give me your hand," in total politeness Kevin requested.

As joyful as her face looked, Pinky didn't not waste a single second to lift up her smooth hand and give it to Kevin.

Gently Kevin Moore pushed the diamond ring past the pinkie shaded finger nail on the middle finger upto where it settled comfortably tight.

"My heart tells me you won't remove it even in the hardest of times," he stated.

"I won't I promise," Pinky replied happily in joy.

As quick as Pinky alway was, especially when it came to something she really liked, without minding she pulled him by the t-shirt too close and served him deep kisses of appreciation.

For quite sometime they kissed inside one of Kevin's super cars. Afterwards, Pinky looked at him with shy eyes and asked for forgiveness for her uncontrolled bad manners, to kiss him like that unaware.

"You know it always happen when am super happy, I run crazy following the mood", she said to him.

"I've actually liked it, I've never involved in a kissing like this before," Kevin Moore said.

"You're the man I shared my first love kiss with, and kissing so wet like this, still you're the man", Pinky proved her innocence and love to Kevin.

"One more thing Pinky", from a smiling face, Kevin's face drastically changed to a serious one.

"Okay!" she paid attention to hear what he had to say.

"It's not that easy or something you can bond with too fast," he said to her in a very serious voice tone.

"You've now started scaring me with that serious look in your eyes," Pinky felt a little bit uneasy.

Kevin went ahead to tell her, "this is a secret that only a person I trust all heartedly can know. If I don't tell you now, then I will never have guts anyother time."

"Kevin, I want you to know I love you so much that I can bear with anything concerning you. Feel free to tell me anything," she urged him looking straight into his eyes.

Kevin Moore has never been weak in body and soul before but to open up what was at heart to Pinky was really a hard task for him.

He took a deep breath and turned to face Pinky in a passenger's seat where she was sitting, facing him as well.

"I d-don't actually belong to the land", he nervously stuttered.

"Don't you think you need to calm down first and then make it clear for me to understand what exactly you mean!" she advised him.

He composed himself out of nervousness to deal with a heavy burden of revealing who exactly he was for his girlfriend to know.

Kevin: "Alright, okay...! My name is Kevin Moore.."

Pinky: "Yes, I know you full names!"

Kevin: "My mother was Meg, she died."

Pinky: "Oh! I didn't know, so sorry about that."

Kevin: "My father was called Sean Moore!"

Pinky: "It sounds obvious you lost him too!"

Kevin: "True, and more so I've never had a chance to meet him when he was alive."

Pinky: "I am so sorry Kevin!"

Kevin: "That's not what is important Pinky! I am not a human being like you Pinky! you need to know!"

Pinky: "Okay, to be honest with you.... fact is you don't know how to make funny jokes."

Kevin: "Am not joking Pinky, I am a creature from the sea... I mean the largest water body you know."

Pinky: "Okay! but I see you're a human, and for all the time I've known you, you're nothing but human."

Kevin: "There's nothing else I can do except proving it to you."

Pinky: "The day of lies is not today Kevin... and if you think I can fall for this joke am sorry to disappoint you, you've not got me."

Kevin Moore understood that Pinky was not going to be moved whatsoever only the words of mouth. He started the engine and drove the super car away.

"You've not been answering me Kevin however much I kept asking where we were heading to," Pinky was so anxious about her lover's current actions.

"Tell me why we're here now!" At hotel OCEAN, that's where Kevin Moore drove the car to and Pinky kept questioning.

"You said you trust me, right?" Kevin stated.

"Of course that's why I've not yet made an alarm to call for help! Otherwise you would be on your way to jail," she replied freely.

"Now maintain muximum silence and follow me, Okay?" He asked her.

It was day time and the climate was so calm. Kevin held Pinky by the hand and walked her in shoulder to shoulder towards his personal elevator.

Smoothly the elevator lifted both of them up to the luxurious penthouse on top of the most expensive hotel in Capricon city and the whole nation at large.

Still tight hand in hand, Kevin Moore walked Pinky to his private swimming pull which also acted as bed where he sleeps at night.

"Are you ready to see proof of what I've been telling you?" He asked her as soon as they reached right at the wide swimming pool with very clean blue water.

"Don't tell me you stubbornly drove me to your home to prove a point! hahaha... it's so funny now," Pinky laughed our loud, still taking his words for a joke.

He looked at her laughing, quietly he started to unbutton his green shirt off, throwing, aside and then his pair of white trousers respectively.

Suddenly when Pinky was still laughing, he jumped into the swimming pool and as soon as his body fully immersed in water, the fish tail developed.

Kevin Moore rotated in the pool waters, swimming in all directions like a big fish in water to prove to his fiancée that whatever he said to her was the truth and not jokes like she thinks.

"Wow!" Pinky exclaimed in delight.

His tail was blue in color and it glittered under pool waters whenever he waved it around.

Funny enough, the matter of Kevin Moore forming a fish tail on his body never scared Pinky at any single point, it instead made her excitedly surprised when she saw it.

All the worries to fear Kevin Moore had were in vain. When he popped his head out of the water as he was swimming, it was unbelievable for him to see Pinky smiling gape-jawed.

He jumped out of the pool water and landed on his legs right next to her. Confusion occurred all over Kevin's face where he was standing, looking closely at Pinky.

"Why are you looking like that? Is everything okay with you?" It wasn't at all satisfying to him to see Pinky in this kind of mood.

"Wow, Kevin!" Pinky exclaimed louder in his presence with an unbelievably excited smile, "absolutely this is ridiculous... I can't believe I am engaged to a merman!"

"You mean...you're not scared or.... something...! after what you've seen?!" Kevin Moore wondered in total confusion.

"Can you swim for me just once? I want to see the blue colour gilterings on a big fish tail, please!" Pinky looked straight into Kevin's eyes and politely asked.

Kevin Moore grabbed and hugged her so tight with very great passion. It was unbelieve for him to know his abnormality didn't scare the love of his life away.

After spending almost a minute squeezing her tightly in his naked chest, he jumped back in water to showcase his uniqueness so that he can impress her more since she loved it.

Pinky nearly ran crazy. She squatted and watched him swim around as he pokes out infront of her, gives her a kiss and dives back in water playful. Kevin did it several times and it was a blissful moment in between the two.

Kevin swam out partially and relaxed face to face with his fiancée. She asked him how he feels in the merman body and he answered to her that he feels more alive every moment he happens to be himself.

Kevin Went ahead to say, "It has been hell of time lately, thinking of how I was going to inform you about the real side of me... Only a thought of loosing you intensified my anxiety."

"I don't know what to think but, I let me give you back your ring because.... !" Pinky set her eyes up in the air pretending she to be stuck in thoughts.

"Because what?!!" Worriedly Kevin Moore asked.

"Of course you know I can do it because I love you so much!" she laughed at him, proving it was just a joke, then pecked him on the forehead.

"You!!" Kevin uttered passionately, looking embarrassed on the face. He grabbed her by the legs and pulled her into the swimming pool waters where he was.

He started playing heads in and out of water while Pinky screamed and shouted on top of her voice in fun. It was a blissful moment between the merman and the human.

Within the dark sky at night, here arrived the ten skilled vampire bats, which Jelly Spatters ordered to come to Capricon city, to join him on a mission to terminate Monica Yen and Babara Yen.

Right outside the warehouse, here stood the leader himself Jelly Spatters in full black outfits and his one subordinate, to welcome the colleagues who started landing on the ground one after the other.


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