
Chapter 11:Minotaurs

Getting up in the morning you look up and see Nymph and notice your using her thighs as pillows.

You:"good morning Nymph, do you need anything?"

Blushing* Nymph:"I-It's just that I had nothing to do and um you know, Angeloids can't sleep and Um it's just that you know... You were sleeping so well and I Um didn't want to wake you up yah know" puffing her cheeks and look away.

You:"It's ok Nymph you can come to my bed anytime you want" quickly getting up and giving her a quick kiss on the lips and Body Flicker out of the room leaving a red Nymph screaming Baka inside the room.

Walking towards to Inn you pass by some Cute Hobgoblins thanking you for the training books you left them last night, and the weapons you made them yesterday. Accepting their thanks you tease them by saying "If your really want to pay me back you can always give me a kiss"

Most of the Hobgoblins hearing what you said blushed while some nearby bold enough actually puckered up, leaning forward a little and closing their eyes. Not letting this chance go by you accept there thanks patting them on the head telling them to work hard.

Getting to the Inn you wash up in the Hot Spring checking on the Shadows progress while your at it before eating.


Name:(your name), Job:[Anime Dungeon Master], Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Vampire(Shinobu Oshino)








Sp. Atk:A



Ability:[Golemancy], [Synthesis], [Basic Monster Language], [Hand-Signs Mastery], [One Hand-Signs Mastery], [Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Sharingan](three tomoe), [Vampiric Regenerate], [Shadow Imitation Jutsu], [Summon], [Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Shadow Clone], [Reverse Summoning Jutsu], [(C) Swordsmanship], [(C) Archery], [(C) Taijutsu], [(C) Reishi Control], [(C) Chakra Control], [(E) Life Steal], [(C) Reishi Regeneration], [(C) Chakra Regeneration], [(F)Magic Blacksmith], [Body Flicker Jutsu Mastery], [Flying Rajin Mastery], [Basic Chakra Nature], [Chakra Kekkei Genkai]

Items:[Ichigo's Shikai], Upgrade Card, 50x[Flying Raijin Kunai]



Taking a seat to eat you look at your food and realized that the only meal you have in your dungeon right now is monster meat and water. While you did a wheat farm they still have about 4 months until they fully grow. "Maybe I can speed up the growth and maybe add more crops" checking through the store you found what you needed.

System:Ding! User has bought [Apple Seeds] for 1 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Red Maple Seeds] for 1 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Rice Seeds] for 1 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Carrot Seeds] for 1 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Gaia's Blessing] for 1,000,000 Dp

([Gaia's Blessing]:Triple all Nature Magic output, Lessens Nature Magic consumption by half, quadruple harvest speed, and double harvest output)

Using wood release you make an orchard of apple trees and red maple trees. Thinking about different types of trees, you could make rubber if you got a rubber tree but it wouldn't be that useful right now.

You tell the Hobgoblins that you can eat the apples and how to make apple juice, how to get maple syrup, how to plant rice and carrot seeds and when it's right to harvest the new plants you gave them.

Thinking; it would be nice to have elf's because they're the perfect farmers: they like nature, great healers, archers, and are beautiful. Thinking about it some more having a monster girl farm would be amazing, especially a cow girl farm; all you can want tits and milk.

Checking the system for cow girls for... cough* cough* only milking, yes only milking. You find the Minotaurs from Black Lily Ranch(Monster Musume), without hesitating you summon them.

System:Ding! User has summoned [Cathyl] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Mil] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Cream] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Cara] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Chizu] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Ruto] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Cheda] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Camember] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Katte] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Ementa] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Zora] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Ruiel] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Tilt] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Raclee] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Zarella] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Goda] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Ricotta] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Boone] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Balmino] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Quark] for 50,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has summoned [Regano] for 50,000 Dp

With big flash of light appears the glorious scene before you; 21 tall big plum cow girls that all have bigger tits than Ikaros. Although you'll never get tired of Ikaros you still fill a sense of accomplishment from this scene, like this is what life should be about.

But before you could have a taste of the milky heaven you summon you feel a dark and cold aura behind you. Slowly turning around you see Nymph with cold dark eyes and somehow a deadly aura around her.

Nymph:"MASTER would you care to explain what is going on here?"

Feel a cold sweat you answer her "Nymph cool down I was just thinking about of to expanding the diversity and quality of are meals don't you see the apple trees and maple trees I planted over there?"

Nymph:"Is that so? Then why is there a need to summon a group of meat sacks when you have Ikaros already in bed and hunter monster meat for you?" Somehow you feel she gotten a lot taller and emitting a darker aura around her.

Gulp* Sweating a lot, you look away answering "Um well, you see they can make milk, yeah milk, yah know milk the thing you drink which is also good for you. Plus I had to summon a lot of them since there are a lot of Hobgoblins living here"

Nymph gets close up and gives you a deadly stare "Oh really, don't you think it's funny how every Hobgoblins is a girl and somehow all the cows you summoned are girls?"

Your sweat increase "well male goblins were really aggressive and wouldn't listen and I could leave the female goblins all alone now can I? And only female cows make milk you know"

Nymph:"Really that makes a lot of sense but you know I can leave this place knowing there's some dirty dog here now can I?"

Having watch enough anime, you know where this is going to do you use Flying Raijin your shadow set up while hunting.

Inn the forest you try to think of how to fix your situation" but first since I don't know when I'm coming back I should my milk machines since I can't do it myself"

System:Ding! User has bought 21 [Milking Machine] for 105 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 21 [Metal Drums] for 315 Dp

You:"That should last them a day while I think of what to do"


Note:normally wheat takes about 4 mouths to grow so it'll take 1 month, carrots takes about 75 days so it'll take 18.75 days, and rice takes about 4-5 Months to grow so it'll take 1 month with [Gaia's Blessing]

Link to info of cow girls: http://dailylifewithamonstergirl.wikia.com/wiki/Residents_of_Black_Lily_Ranch