
Chapter 10:Golem Improvement 2/2

Working hard making Golem swords for the Hobgoblins, giving the sword Vibrating and Wind Cutter functions.

After making 128 Swords, you try to think of what to do about the 22 Mages and 43 Archers.

For the Mages you make a golem steel staffs with Magic circles inside them depending what the Hobgoblin specialist in, and a mana stone at the top to increase casting and mana capacity.

For the Archers you make compact bows or cross bows, and Golem arrows; adding wind magic to speed up the arrows, fire magic to light up the arrows, and vibrate function to power up the arrows.

While you were passing out the new equipment you see the wolves don't have anything; thinking about it you make tell the Hobgoblins to make saddles while your make Vibrating and Wind Cutter claws.

Think about what you can do with Golems you remember how in 'Lazy Dungeon Master'

The MC make thin metal wires to defend his dungeon. Going the 5th floor you use Golemancy and make thin vibrating steel wires around the core.

Thinking about it you add more traps leading up to the core room; by making the floor a golem and using fire magic for a fire pit, a golem that's use a giant flaming steel ball enhanced with wind magic and fire magic, and the 4th floor is just a wall moving maze filled with traps.

After you finished setting up the traps it was already late at night.

Seeing Ikaros and the Shadows never ending massacre on your map, you head towards the hot spring.

In the hot spring alone you notice the Hobgoblins are half way finished with the Inns construction.

After washing yourself you go into the Spring, soaking in the blissful feeling you could never get daily in your past live.

Bored you check your stats.


Name:(your name), Job:[Anime Dungeon Master], Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Vampire(Shinobu Oshino)








Sp. Atk:A



Ability:[Golemancy], [Synthesis], [Basic Monster Language], [Hand-Signs Mastery], [One Hand-Signs Mastery], [Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Sharingan](three tomoe), [Vampiric Regenerate], [Shadow Imitation Jutsu], [Summon], [Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Shadow Clone], [Reverse Summoning Jutsu], [(C) Swordsmanship], [(C) Archery], [(C) Taijutsu], [(C) Reishi Control], [(C) Chakra Control], [(E) Life Steal], [(C) Reishi Regeneration], [(C) Chakra Regeneration], [(F)Magic Blacksmith]

Items:[Ichigo's Shikai], Upgrade Card

Dp:886,270 Dp


You:"I should either buy now skills to synthesize or should I wait to get another shadow"..."first I should help the Hobgoblins"

System:Ding! User has bought 2 [Basic Magic Book] for 500 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 10 [Basic Swordsmanship Book] for 1,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 3 [Basic Archery Book] for 300 Dp

You:"I'll give them these books to study tomorrow, ok next I should buy skills or equipment to increase my Shadows hunting speed, I'll my Archer Shadow the better bow I made today" looking at your inventory you see the old equipment the Hobgoblins used "system can you sell all these useless equipment"

System:Ding! User gained 18,234 Dp

You:"Ok I probably need something to increase my speed so that my Shadows use less time running looking for monsters"

System:Ding! User has bought [Body Flicker Jutsu Mastery Skill Book] for 25,000 Dp

You:"Now I can be like Shisui Uchiha, I should also get Flying Raijin since that's probably the fastest way to travel"

System:Ding! User has bought [Flying Rajin Mastery Skill Book] for 85,000 Dp

You:"hmm, I'll hold off getting the Mangekyou Sharingan since I don't want to be blind. I should get the basic chakra nature and synthesize chakra kekkei genkai."

System:Ding! User has bought [Fire Chakra Nature] for 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Water Chakra Nature] for 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Earth Chakra Nature] for 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Lightning Chakra Nature] for 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Wind Chakra Nature] for 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! Skill compression [Basic Chakra Nature]

System:Synthesizing [Fire Chakra Nature] and [Water Chakra Nature]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Boil Release]

System:Synthesizing [Fire Chakra Nature] and [Earth Chakra Nature]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Lava Release]

System:Synthesizing [Fire Chakra Nature] and [Lightning Chakra Nature]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Explosion Release]

System:Synthesizing [Fire Chakra Nature] and [Wind Chakra Nature]... Successful

System:Ding! User has learned [Scorch Release]


System:Ding! Skill compression [Chakra Kekkei Genkai]

Getting out of the Hot Spring, you place the Books into the Hobgoblin training ground, wait until your Dp gets to 1,000,000 buy another Shadow, and then go to bed.