
The New World of Demon "EN"

Demian, a young university student of tender age, awakens from a mysterious dream and finds himself engulfed in shadows, immersing into a new reality full of wonders and dangers. With each step in this unfamiliar world, he discovers that his dreams may not be mere illusions, but rather memories of a past life or a call towards a grand destiny. Demian ventures into a realm of fairies, dragons, and ancient powers. There, he faces challenges that will test his courage, determination, and wit. With each new experience, Demian learns more about himself and the world around him as he embarks on an epic quest in search of his true purpose and destiny. As he confronts formidable enemies and encounters unexpected allies, Demian uncovers the hidden power within himself and becomes a hero destined to change the course of history.

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With his heart racing a mile a minute, Demian ran without looking back, fearful of ending up as the snack of those imposing dragons. However, his attempt to flee was in vain, as the cunning dragoness sensed his presence and stopped him with a simple glance. With a resigned sigh, Demian was transported towards her, feeling his body trembling with fear as he begged for his life.

"Please, don't eat me! I don't taste good and I haven't bathed in a month!" pleaded Demian, desperately trying to appease the majestic beasts before him. But to his surprise, the dragoness noticed something familiar within him, something that reminded her of someone very special. With curiosity, she asked him.

"Who are you?" inquired the dragoness, while Demian, nervous but with a joking tone, replied:

"Wait a second! Can I understand you? Then you can understand me too? Wow, that's awesome! I can talk to dragons!"

The dragoness's offspring, laughing, commented on Demian's peculiarity, even suggesting the possibility of using him as a toy. Faced with this, Demian, with a nervous tone, said:

"No, please! I'm very important to my family!"

Intrigued, the dragoness asked if he had one, to which Demian, improvising on the spot, replied:

"Of course I have one! And it's Demon!"

The dragoness, amused by the choice of name, remarked:

"Demon? What a peculiar name. In my millennia of life, I've never heard humans use the name of those horrendous creatures."

With a gesture of astonishment, Demon paused, processing the information.

"millennia?" stammered, unable to believe what he was hearing. The dragons, jokingly, amused themselves with Demon's confusion, while he, with some disbelief, tried to comprehend the magnitude of the situation.

"And what are you doing here, so far from the capital? Did you come here to train?"

The dragoness asked, steering the conversation into more serious territory. However, Demon, still trying to process everything that was happening, responded honestly: 

"No, I just had an accident and ended up lost around here. I don't even know where the capital is."

The dragoness, intrigued by Demon's response, asked him about the type of magic he used. To which Demon, with a hesitant tone, replied:

"Um, I don't know..."

The dragoness's offspring, amidst laughter, suggested helping Demon in his training, although their mother doubted the wisdom of such a decision.

Curious to learn more about Demon's magic, the dragoness asked him to demonstrate some of his power. With concentrated effort, Demon attempted to cast a spell, although his efforts resulted in a more comedic spectacle than a true act of magic.

Amused by Demon's performance, the dragoness decided to intervene and help him understand and control his magic. Thus, Demon began to explore his magical potential, proving to be a talented and promising apprentice. Meanwhile, the dragoness, with a hint of recognition in her gaze, pondered the strange connection she felt with him.

The dragoness began to talk about the training they would undertake to reach their full potential. As in six months, the tournament would begin, a grand competition held once every two years. This legendary event brought together the most outstanding mages from all the capitals of the kingdom, summoned by the opportunity to demonstrate their skill and power. The winner would not only be recognized as the supreme mage but would also have the privilege of challenging a bearer of the guardian spirit who ruled over that territory.

With the tournament only six months away, Demon was excited at the prospect of facing the most powerful mages in the kingdom. He was filled with excitement and his blood boiled with eagerness to demonstrate his abilities in this new world. He decided to approach the dragoness's special training with renewed determination. The dragoness declared:

"If you can endure these six months, you will prove yourself worthy of my power."

Demon, surprised by the mention of "her power," asked in astonishment:

"Your power? Do you mean I'll be able to use your powers?"

Only once I had it, and I couldn't do anything to help. This time, I want to do things better."

Inspired by the challenge, Demon expressed his desire to become the strongest and be admired for his deeds. However, his arrogant attitude provoked a negative reaction from the dragoness.

"No, with such a mediocre mindset, I won't train you," "It seems I was mistaken about you."

Embarrassed by his attitude, Demon quickly apologized and promised to change his approach.

The dragoness continued with seriousness.

"The power I will give you at the end will be for you to help others," "You will guide the weakest and be their light in the darkness. And one more thing, don't call me 'dragoness', call me 'Dracarys'."

Demon nodded with understanding and determination.

"I understand, forgive me, Dracarys. I will be worthy of your power, I will help those who cannot defend themselves, and I will be a hero to them."

After this revealing conversation, Demon committed to approaching his training with humility and determination. With each passing day, his bond with Dracarys strengthened, and his magical abilities began to grow impressively. Meanwhile, the tournament drew closer, bringing with it the opportunity to prove his worthiness to the most powerful mages in the kingdom.