
The New World of Demon "EN"

Demian, a young university student of tender age, awakens from a mysterious dream and finds himself engulfed in shadows, immersing into a new reality full of wonders and dangers. With each step in this unfamiliar world, he discovers that his dreams may not be mere illusions, but rather memories of a past life or a call towards a grand destiny. Demian ventures into a realm of fairies, dragons, and ancient powers. There, he faces challenges that will test his courage, determination, and wit. With each new experience, Demian learns more about himself and the world around him as he embarks on an epic quest in search of his true purpose and destiny. As he confronts formidable enemies and encounters unexpected allies, Demian uncovers the hidden power within himself and becomes a hero destined to change the course of history.

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7 Chs

The Origin of the Legendary Guardian Spirits and their Bearers

In the dawn of the world as we know it, four ancestral entities erected their dominion over the land, undisturbed guardians of the planet's balance. Mortals revered them as the Living Legends, the Guardian Spirits whose mere presence instilled reverence and fear. These deities guarded the destinies of mortal realms, whispering wisdom in the winds and forging the path of destiny with their immortal hands.

These creatures were: "Luminthar, Spirit of Light and Darkness," "Terraviento, Spirit of Earth and Sky," "Dracarys, Spirit of Fire and Ice," and "Oráculo, Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge."

These spirits shared a common purpose: to find a worthy bearer of their power, mages capable of facing them and channeling their immense energy. Throughout the ages, the guardians observed from the deepest places of the world, patiently awaiting the emergence of those whose spirits resonated with theirs. In the mortal realms, some were born with the potential to become the chosen ones of the legendary guardians, endowed with exceptional abilities and skills that set them apart from their peers. However, only those of pure heart and unyielding will would be considered worthy to bear the weight of the responsibility that came with being the bearer of a Legendary Guardian Spirit.



In the vast lands of Arkadia, where ancient secrets hide within the shadows of time, a young man emerged whose destiny resonated with whispers of greatness.

Arianth Celestius, master of dark magic, was born with a fiery flame in his soul and an insatiable thirst for power. Driven by legends that spoke of the Legendary Spirits, whose mere existence stirred the depths of his being, Arianth embarked on an epic journey in search of a being whose magnificence equaled that of the gods.

Crossing shadowy valleys and imposing mountains, defying the dangers lurking at every corner, Arianth forged ahead with determination toward his destiny. Finally, he reached the summit of an ancient fortress, where the air vibrated with the promise of a legendary encounter.

Only the bravest and most powerful could aspire to reach this sacred place, and only one could make it to the end: Arianth, the chosen one.

In a confrontation that defied the limits of reality, Arianth found himself face to face with Luminthar, the Spirit of Light and Darkness, whose divine and shadowy radiance eclipsed everything around him. With each spell cast and every word of power uttered, Arianth proved his worth and determination, ending up severely injured but with a smile on his face, feeling the sensation of having unleashed all his power before a legendary being.

Forging a strong bond, Arianth and Luminthar, the Spirit of Light and Darkness, became one, destined to face together the challenges that awaited in the vast world.


In the vast plains of the ancient land of Rynoria, where nobility and magic intertwined in a delicate balance, emerged a young man whose destiny was marked by the power of the earth itself. Darius Elucidus stood out among his peers from a young age, with an unfathomable power that drew the attention of the sages and monks of his kingdom.

According to ancient prophecies, among the inhabitants of Rynoria would arise a mage gifted with a unique magic, capable of mastering the elements of the earth with unmatched skill. This mage would be chosen to confront the Guardian Spirit of Earth and Sky and be recognized as the worthy bearer of its power: Terraviento.

Darius, humble and reserved by nature, kept his power hidden from his masters, reluctant to draw attention to himself. However, when the sages revealed his destiny to him, Darius accepted his calling with determination and courage. Armed with the prophecy in his mind and courage in his heart, he embarked on an epic quest to find the Guardian Spirit awaiting him.

His journey took him through the most dangerous and challenging terrain of Rynoria, facing nightmare creatures and malevolent mages seeking to stop him in his tracks. Finally, he arrived at the Crater of the Dead, a place of dangerous renown where the earth itself seemed to twist in pain and fury.

There, at the precise moment he came face to face with Terraviento, the battle erupted with indescribable ferocity. The ground trembled and the skies roared as Darius and the Guardian Spirit clashed in a battle that defied the limits of imagination.

Despite the forces arrayed against him, Darius fought with impressive bravery and skill, proving his worth to the powerful guardian of earth and sky. And when he finally knelt before Terraviento, exhausted but triumphant, the earth itself seemed to sigh with relief, recognizing in him its worthy protector and bearer of the power of earth magic.


In the ancient domains of Cataras, lands where time seemed to stand still among the shadows of ancient trees, a young woman was born with a destiny marked by the relentless pursuit of the deepest knowledge. Elysia Sapiens, possessor of an inquisitive mind and a heart eager for wisdom, longed to unravel the secrets hidden in the most remote corners of the world.

From her earliest childhood, Elysia listened to the stories her father told her about the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge, a legendary being whose existence seemed to resonate within the depths of her being. Each tale ignited the fire of curiosity within her, awakening an unyielding determination to find the being whose magnificence equaled that of the gods.

When the time finally came to embark on her quest, Elysia felt a surge of excitement and hope course through her being. With firm and determined steps, she made her way to the capital of her ancestral land, determined to obtain answers from the wise men and elders who guarded the oldest secrets.

There, within the walls of wisdom accumulated over the centuries, Elysia sought counsel and guidance on how to find the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge. The elders, in their infinite wisdom, revealed to her the existence of a mysterious place on the outskirts of the kingdom, an enclave where reality and madness intertwined in an ethereal dance.

Only one who was truly worthy could traverse the boundaries of this forbidden place and face the judgment of the Guardian Spirit. For Elysia, this challenge represented not only a test of her worthiness but also an opportunity to demonstrate her fervent desire to obtain the knowledge she so yearned for.

On her journey to the enigma of knowledge, Elysia not only faced the physical adversities of the world around her but also the mental trials that challenged her wit and perspicacity. As she crossed the threshold of the forbidden place, an ancestral force was unleashed, causing the awakening of the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge.

As she advanced through the dim corridors, Elysia found herself immersed in a whirlwind of intellectual challenges. The trials presented themselves to her in the form of encrypted riddles and intricate puzzles, challenges that would test even the most erudite of sages.

However, for Elysia, these trials were nothing more than a path to her destiny. With an agile mind and a heart full of determination, she plunged into the labyrinth of knowledge, trusting in her innate gift to assimilate information with astonishing speed.

Each question was a new challenge, but for Elysia, knowledge was her most powerful ally. With each correct answer, her confidence grew, and her determination strengthened. Test after test, she proved her worthiness to the Oracle, whose amazement could not be contained before the magnificence of this young seeker of truth.

At the end of her intellectual odyssey, Elysia found herself face to face with the guardian of knowledge, her sharp mind and insatiable thirst for wisdom had conquered the very Oracle itself. In that moment, the Guardian Spirit recognized in her not only a mere mortal but also a worthy bearer of its immense power and knowledge.


The Bearer of the Spirit of Fire and Ice remains an enigma, a mystery shrouded in the veil of time.