
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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First Night Out

Three weeks have passed since Jaime left New Mexico and went to Jump City. In this short period of time, he has become a Titan and misses his family, but he will see them one day once his father accepts him and his powers. Now, we cut to a bank in downtown Jump City. Nothing special is currently happening. People are storing money, paying bills, or taking money out. Nothing special continues to happen until the doors to the bank fly off their hinges and into the walls. Four thieves dressed up as poker cards arrive on giant floating poker cards.

"What are those?" asked a banker.

"Trouble," said a security guard.

The three security guards fire at the thieves, but the giant one tanks all of the shots. He then picks up a desk and throws it at the security guards, sending them into the wall in the process.

"They're tough," said a patron.

"Yes, we are. We have come for your funds. Hand them over and there will be no trouble. King's Honor," said King.

"Don't reason with them. It never works," said Queen.

"I can't be a king and be rude," said King.

"Have you ever heard of a Russian Monarch?" asked Ace.

"Of course. I just want to be different," said King.

"Whatever. Jack, grab the money. We will keep these little bugs busy," said Jack.

"On it, sir," said Jack.

"It's ma'am," said Queen.

"Yes ma'am, sir," said Jack.

"He's defective," said Queen.

"You never not need extra muscle," said King.

"Well, you will need some now," said Jordan.

The thieves turn around and see the Titans standing where the doors once stood. They become nervous, but they keep their confident demeanor. They can't look scared and be scary.

"The Titans. What a surprise?" said King.

"You're far away from Metropolis, King. You Royal Flush Gang nobodies aren't supposed to be here," said Jordan.

"We go where the money goes, so we deserve to be everywhere," said King.

"Including a prison cell? Charming," said Connor.

"Let's take them," said King.

"What about we just jet? We can't beat the Titans. We can't even beat Batman," said Ace.

"Shut up. You're making us look weak," said Queen.

"We are," said Ace.

"Don't worry about that. Attack!" exclaimed King.

"Titans, go," said Jordan uninterestingly.

The Royal flush Gang charges at the Titans, but let's be honest. They are complete jokes. King is speared into a wall by Connor. He is then punched in the face once and knocked out. Queen is kicked in the stomach by Donna and sent into the wall and immediately knocked unconscious. Ace doesn't even try and just raises her hands in an act of surrender.

"I surrender. Don't hurt me," said Ace.

"Well, that was super easy. Where's the big guy?" said Jordan.

The big guy walks into the room with some cash but drops them once he sees that his masters have been defeated. He charges at the Titans enraged, but Blue Beetle just blasts him with his sonic cannon.

"Too easy," said Blue Beetle.

"Yeah. Too easy," said Jordan.

Back in the tower twenty minutes later, Jordan types on the giant computer while the rest of the team stands behind him. The pictures of the real faces behind the Royal flush Gang appear on the screen.

"The Royal Flush Gang is a gang of criminals. They are all blood-related and their MO is to go after tech, but for the past few weeks, they have been tackling giant banks. That doesn't fit their MO," said Jordan.

"Maybe they just need the dinero," said Jaime.

"They don't. They're rich. They must be working for someone," said Jordan.

"Why would the Royal Flush Gang work for someone? Aren't they egotistical?" asked Connor.

"Correct, but whoever they are working for must be big and scary," said Jordan.

"But we have to figure out who," said Raven.

"Back in my home, I was attacked by Black Spider, an assassin from the League of Assassins. Could it be them?" said Blue Beetle.

"The League has gotten more daring in the past few months. They have been making a lot of money and recruiting more powerful allies. Ras said that he would never cross paths with me or Batman after Jason, but he may be back to his old ways or it could be someone else," said Jordan.

"He has a daughter," said Cyborg.

"Talia. One of Bruce's 'old friends'. They go way back," said Jordan.

"How much way back?" asked Cyborg.

"Before he became the Batman. I have never trusted her. When I worked under Bruce years ago, he was taken by the League for around a week. We found him on Infinity Island in perfect shape. I don't know what happened when he was there, but I doubt that it was something good," said Jordan.

"They could be planning something and we need to bring them to justice," said Donna.

"I wish that we could just waltz in and blast them into a cell, but the Royal flush Gang won't talk. They never will. Their lives are on the line. Especially when they are working for Talia," said Jordan.

"Then, what can we do?" asked Donna.

"Training," said Jordan.

"I do not understand. How will training help us get to the League?" said Donna.

"We usually don't go on missions. We react and respond to threats. Connor. Donna. Jaime. You three are newbies and have none of the experience that we have, so you will need to learn on the fly. We're going on a stealth mission," said Jordan.

"Oooooh. We haven't done one of those in a long time," said Beast Boy.

"We leave tonight. Objective: find out what the League is planning and stop it," said Jordan.

"Sounds like a plan," said Connor.

"See you tonight. I have strategies to make and not much time,' said Jordan as he gets up and walks out of the living room.

"So, who's ready to be a ninja?" asked Beast Boy.

The Team doesn't respond and just annoyingly stares at the green shapeshifter. He gulps and laughs it off.

"Only me? Ok," said Beast Boy nervously.

Eleven hours pass. The Titans now stand in the back of a black dropship as they approach Infinity Island. Jordan holds a high-tech hologram projector in his hand that showcases a map of the island in his hand.

"This is Infinity Island. Not too big, but big enough to hold a base full of deadly assassins. There are eight of us so we will split into four teams called Alpha, Beta, Charlie, and Delta. Jaime and Vic will be Team Delta, Rae and Gar will be Team Beta, Donna and Kori will be Team Charlie, and Connor and I will be Team Alpha. We will quietly scourge through the island and work together to find out what the Leaguer is planning. Once we find out, we dip. Try not to get caught and make smart decisions. We can't let them know that we're here or our job will be harder. Am I clear?" said Jordan.

"Yes," said the Titans.

"Good. Now, one more thing. Each of you have stealth suits just for this occasion if needed. Use them wisely for extra protection," said Jordan.

"Sweet. We really are ninjas," said Beast Boy.

The Titans tap their suits and they all become a mix of grey and black. The dropship finally reaches the island and opens. The Titans hop out of it and glide or fly towards the island. They fall through the sky until they gracefully land on the beach. Jordan does some hand signals and the team splits up into their designated groups. Sorry to say, they have already been seen by Talia.

"They're here, my lady," said an assassin with a cat mask.

"Yes. I have eyes," said Talia.

"Shall we pursue them? I can take on their leader," said the assassin with a cat mask.

"Don't get too full of yourself. You're skilled, but not on his level," said Talia.

"Then, what do we do?" asked the assassin with a cat mask.

"Send our associates. We brought them here to do just this," said Talia.

"Yes, my lady," said the assassin with the cat mask.

Let's now cut to the perspective of Team Charlie. They quickly zoom through the skies. The suits stop the sound of their movement from being heard. They continue to fly until Donna finally decides to cut the silence.

"So, we go from heroes to scouts. Awesome," said Donna.

"This is a very important mission. The League may not be such a threat, but they can become one. As heroes, we have to complete any type of mission. No matter how boring they may seem," said Starfire.

"On Themyscira, we are bred to be warriors. Not lookouts," said Donna.

"Keep your urges to yourself. We can't do anything drastic," said Starfire.

"I know. Stealth," said Donna.

"Exactly. You're catching on. The quicker we finish this mission, the more bad guys you can beat up," said Starfire.

"Maybe you can beat up me?" asked a villain.

Out of nowhere, a cheetah-like villain pops out of the trees and tackles Starfire out of the air, and sends her to the ground. She holds onto her neck and tries to claw her face.

"Who are you?" asked Starfire.

"Cheetah. I just got the job. I have to make a good impression," said Cheetah.

"Cheetah," said Donna.

Cheetah looks up and sees the Wonder Girl hovering over her. A serious expression lays on her face but doesn't bother Cheetah.

"Who are you, girl?" asked Cheetah.

"Don't play stupid, Cheetah. You know who I am," said Donna.

"Are you an Amazonian? You seem like an Amazonian," said Cheetah.

"I guess that I will have to make you remember me," said Donna.

Donna zooms towards Cheetah while Starfire punches her off her. Donna then grabs onto Cheetah and body slams her to the ground. She then punches Cheetah a few times before slamming her fists on her stomach, making her cough up blood.

"You hit hard, kid. I won't lie," said Cheetah.

"Why are you here?" asked Donna.

"Money," said Cheetah.

"Typical, but you won't be getting paid in Belle Reeve," said Donna.

"You think? Let me try something different," said Cheetah.

Cheetah pulls out a syringe from the inside of her pants and stabs it into her neck. The liquid in the syringe enters her veins and turns them purple. It then starts to transform her body into an uglier and bulkier version. Her voice deepens as she evilly laughs and grows bigger.

"Now, kid. Do you think that you can beat me now?" said Cheetah.

"Next time, I will stop talking," said Donna.

Let's now cut from Team Charlie to Team Beta. Beast Boy and Raven sneak through the forest as all they can hear is nothing but nature. Beast Boy transforms into a rabbit to blend in better with the environment.

"Why would you do that?" asked Raven.

"What? I am being stealthy," said Beast Boy.

"You're green. Even here, I don't believe that they have green animals," said Raven.

"You don't know that," said Beast Boy.

"We have stealth suits anyway. We don't have to do things that bring suspicion," said Raven.

"I have watched many martial arts films. This is what they do," said Beast Boy.

"Fine. Act dumb. I will just carry us to the finish line," said Raven.

"I can carry my own weight," said Beast Boy.

"Is that why you were a sidekick your whole life?" asked Raven.

"Jordan was a sidekick," said Beast Boy.

"And he became a leader and a hero who doesn't need someone older to protect him," said Raven.

"I can protect myself with ease," said Beast Boy.

"No, you can't," said Raven.

"What's up with you? You act like you hate me," said Beast Boy.

"I don't. You're just annoying," said Raven.

"I'm not annoying. Everyone loves my jokes," said Beast Boy.

"You're delusional," said Raven.

"No, you're just a-," said Beast Boy.

"Bitch? I get that a lot," said Raven.

"Look. I'm sorry. I'm just angry," said Beast Boy.

"I understand. I'm a massive dick and you're not a kid anymore. We both need to grow up," said Raven.

"Wait. Are you apologizing for being mean to me? Impossible," said Beast Boy.

"I've grown, Gar. People always change," said Raven.

Raven receives no answer and becomes worried. She turns around and Beast Boy is laying on the ground.

"Gar? What happened?" asked Raven.

"Are you afraid of your friend's condition? Don't be. He's just taking a little nap," said a villain.

"Who is speaking?" asked Raven.

"Me, sorceress," said a villain.

A grey-skinned man with his giant brain exposed steps out of the shadows. Raven notices the man and remembers fighting him years ago above the Atlantic Ocean.

"Psimon," said Raven.

"That's my name. I'm surprised you remember," said Psimon.

"Wake him up now," said Raven.

"No. Ask politely," said Psimon.

"Do it now," said Raven as energy appears on her hands.

"No," said Psimon.

"Fine. Azarath Metrion Zin-," said Raven.

"Sleep," interrupted Psimon.

Raven stops chanting and just falls to the ground. She starts to snore once she hits the warm ground. Psimon steps up to her and looks down on her.

"You were no fun. I'm unimpressed. I should have warned her about the enhancement drug I took. Well, I can't do anything now," said Psimon.

We now cut from the unconscious perspective of Team Beta to the conscious perspective of Team Alpha. They jump through the trees like actual ninjas as they get closer to the base. No words are exchanged until Superboy decides to chime in.

"Why did you choose me?" asked Connor.

"Why do you ask?" asked Jordan.

"Wouldn't it make more sense for you to go with your girl? You guys have great chemistry," said Connor.

"Have you gotten into contact with Superman?" asked Jordan.

"No. He's ignoring me," said Connor.

"That's why I chose you," said Jordan.

"I don't get it?" asked Superboy.

"The day when that beast attacked, I went to talk to Clark. He doesn't want to be your father, but I don't have a problem with being your mentor," said Jordan.

"You want to be my Batman?" asked Connor.

"Yes. You could say it like that," said Jordan.

"My answer is yes. You can be my father," said Connor.

"I didn't say anything about being your father, but ok," said Jordan.

"Dude, I wear a hoodie with a green Superman logo. You should have seen this coming," said Connor.

"I did, but it is still unexpected," said Jordan.

"Sorry to ruin your little family time, but I have a job to do," said a villain.

Superboy and Jordan turn their heads to the right and see a tree being thrown toward them. Superboy pushes Jordan out of the way and gets hit by the tree. He grabs the tree and trees to throw them back at the villain, but he isn't there anymore.

"Where did he go?" asked Connor.

"Behind you!" exclaimed Jordan.

Connor turns around and his face is grabbed by the purple villain. His powers start to be drained as the villain gets stronger. Jordan throws a few Explosive Claws at the villain, but he tanks them and drops Connor. Connor hits the ground and creates a small crack.

"I love some good young Kryptonian DNA. it makes you feel good in the morning," said the villain.

"Parasite," said Jordan.

"We parasites aren't all bad. We're good for the environment and the world," said the villain.

"Come and take my powers," said Jordan.

"You can't trick me, kid. You have no powers," said Parasite.

"Come and find out," said Jordan as he gets into a fighting stance.

Let's now cut back to Team Charlie. A few minutes have passed since the fight has started and the fight isn't going too well for our heroes. Donna is punched into the trees while Starfire is smacked away into the air. Cheetah starts to laugh at the heroes' weakness.

"I've always wanted to beat on Wonder Woman, but I'll take her sidekick and a Tamaranian instead," said Cheetah.

"I'm not her sidekick," said Donna.

"Don't care," said Cheetah.

"Then, start to care!" exclaimed Donna.

Donna zooms toward the mutated Cheetah and tries to punch her in the stomach and then in the face a couple times, but none of the punches affect her. Cheetah just grabs her and smashes her on the ground. She then steps on her and creates a large crack in the ground.

"You're a little ant from down here," said Cheetah.

"Stop smashing my teammate!" exclaimed Starfire.

"Phrasing," said Cheetah.

"Phrase this," said Starfire.

Starfire punches Cheetah, but she is no longer holding back and sends Cheetah flying back. She then sends multiple Starbolts at her and sends her flying back even more.

"Come on, Donna. Don't you want to be a warrior?" said Starfire.

"Yes I do," said Donna as she gets up.

Donna and Starfire no longer hold back and dart towards Cheetah. They start to combine attacks as they push Cheetah back even more. They combined powerful strikes, powerful kicks, and even powerful headbutts to the cat lady. The cat lady loses more and more blood and starts to lose consciousness before getting hit with one more combined strike. This strike completely knocks her out cold and she falls to the ground and her body returns to normal. A smile grows on the faces of the two warriors.

"Maybe this mission isn't as boring as I thought it would be," said Donna.

Now, let's cut back to the perspective of Team Alpha. Jordan pulls out a few smoke bombs and drops them to hide from the purple villain. He then hops from the trees and runs on the ground.

"I have X-ray vision. I can see you, hero," said Parasite.

"I know," said Jordan.

"Then, what is your plan?" asked Parasite.

"Come and find out," said Jordan.

"I won't play that game. I'm smarter than I look," said Parasite.

"Catch this," said Jordan.

Jordan launches a Claw at Parasite and he just catches it. He just laughs at the hero throwing such a meager weapon at him expecting it to hurt.

"I have the powers of Superman. This thing won't kill me. It won't even hurt," said Parasite.

"Look inside," said Jordan.

"Huh?" asked Parasite.

"Look inside," said Jordan.

Parasite looks inside with his X-ray vision and sees Kryptonite. He is surprised but he doesn't get rid of it in time before it releases a Kryptonite gas that starts to make him fall out of the sky. He lands on the ground in only a few seconds.

"What was that?" asked Parasite.

"Superman's weakness. You should know that. You must have tangled with him many times. Wait. I forgot. You're an irrelevant D-lister. Good night," said Jordan as he steps on Parasite's head to knock him out.

He then walks over to Connor and puts him over his shoulder to help carry him. HE isn't unconscious, but he needs assistance to walk. He doesn't have enough energy. Jordan carries Connor until he hears rustling in the trees. Someone is there.

"Come on out. I know you're there," said Jordan.

"I wasn't trying to hide from you, old friend. I just wanted to chat," said the assassin with a cat mask.

"Jade?" asked Jordan.

"You remember me? I'm surprised," said Jade as she walks out of the shadows.

"It's been such a long time. I'm surprised that you're still alive," said Jordan.

"Do you think that I'm that weak?" asked Jade.

"No, but the last time that we sparred, you got dominated," said Jordan.

"I let you win, so you wouldn't feel bad about yourself," said Jade.

"So, you flopping after getting hit with a two-piece combo was just you acting," said Jordan.

"Exactly. You're so smart," said Jade.

"Why are you here?" asked Jordan.

"I just wanted to see you. Haven't seen you in years," said Jade.

"What's your real reason? You never tell the truth in the first response," said Jordan.

"You know me so well. I'm actually here to kill you, but I don't want to. See, I don't like my boss very much," said Jade.

"Talia?" asked Jordan.

"Yes, Talia. She is really bitchy," said Jade.

"I can tell," said Jordan.

"I'll tell you where to go, but you will need to do a favor for me," said Jade.

"What do you want?" asked Jordan.

"Come see me in Miami. I have an apartment and I would like to get to know you better," said Jade suspiciously.

"I'm good. I have a team to run and missions to complete," said Jordan.

"Wow. Such a sourpuss. Just like your father," said Jade.

"Where's the compound?" asked Jordan.

"If you won't accept the deal, then you get nothing," said Jade.

"Come on, Jade. Don't play these games. Not now," said Jordan.

"I don't play games, sweetie. I'm a businesswoman at heart," said Jade.

"Come on, Jade. We have to take her down before anything bad happens," said Jordan.

"Let me see your face," said Jade.

"Why?" asked Jordan.

"You could be a fake for all I know," said Jade.

"Fine," said Jordan as he removes his cowl.

"Wow. You look good," said Jade.

"Now, tell-," said Jordan.

Jordan's talking is stopped once Jade makes her move and presses her wet lips on his. He is in a relationship, yes, but he won't refuse a nice kiss. They kiss for thirty seconds until Jade backs away.

"It's a few clicks behind me. Don't tell her that I sent you that away. I need this job," said Jade.

"Or you could quit and become a hero," said Jordan.

"Become a hero? Nice joke," said Jade.

"I'm serious," said Jordan.

"Yeah. Yeah. You told me that years ago and you received the same answer. I like what I do. I'm a bad person and you should stay away," said Jade.

"Jade," said Jordan.

"Toodaloo," said Jade as she leaps into the trees.

"Who was that?" asked Connor.

"A friend," said Jordan.

Now, we cut to the perspective of Team Delta. They haven't gotten interrupted by any villains or goons, so they have made it to the compound. Blue Beetle and Cyborg walk up to the surprisingly unguarded entrance.

"This feels like a trap," said Jaime.

"Obviously, but we have to enter. This is our mission," said Cyborg.

"Fine. You first," said Jaime.

Cyborg enters the compound and a flashlight pops out of his body to light the way. Jaime walks a little faster to make sure that he doesn't fall behind from the metal man.

"So, how does it feel to be ninety percent robot?" asked Jaime.

"Why do you ask?" asked Cyborg.

"I am attached to an alien weapon, so I just wanted to talk to someone who gets me," said Jaime.

"I've been like this for years, but I wasn't always like this. I used to be a rowdy teen. I was an athlete and a damn good one. I had girls, money, and a scholarship, so all I had to do was not mess it up, but I did because I'm a fool. I was speeding down the streets with my mother after winning the national championship. She told me to slow down, but I didn't. We were then hit by a truck and she didn't make it. I almost didn't make it. I was just scarred, burnt human flesh until my father saved me, but turned me into a metal freak. That's my story," said Cyborg.

"That's tough, hermano. No one deserves for that to happen to them," said Jaime.

"But, it does. All the time," said Cyborg.

"You called yourself a metal freak. My father called me a freak the night I left Albuquerque. Do you still think that?" said Jaime.

"No. Back then, I had no purpose. I was just Frankenstein's monster to the world, but I then found friends who were like me and we decided to become heroes. I'm no freak. I'm special," said Cyborg.

"I'm special too," said Jaime.

"See. You're getting there. This is a good start," said Cyborg.

"I already feel better," said Jaime.

"Well, we're here," said Cyborg as he shines on a large door.

"Blast it down?" asked Jaime.

"Read my mind," said Cyborg.

Cyborg and Jaime aim their sonic cannons at the door and destroy it with one combined blast. On the inside are the unconscious bodies of Raven and Beast Boy.

"What happened here?" asked Jaime.

"They must have been attacked. Stay on guard," said Cyborg.

"Back to back," said Jaime.

"Right," said Cyborg.

Cyborg and Jaime go back to back and aim their sonic cannons in every direction, looking for enemies. They continue to aim their weapons until they hear a noise. They instantly hear this noise and prepare to fire until they see their allies.

"What happened in here?" asked Jordan.

"I'm glad it's just you guys," said Cyborg.

"What happened?" asked Jordan.

"They must have been attacked by someone strong, but we don't know what or who," said Cyborg.

"What're their conditions?" asked Connor.

"My systems say that they are good. Just knocked out," said Cyborg.

"We need to find who hurt them and bring them down. I doubt that they will let us leave," said Jordan.

"No, I won't," said Psimon.

The Titans quickly look at one of the entrances. The big-brained villain stands there menacingly. They immediately get in fighting positions, ready to face the villain.

"What did you do to her?" asked Jordan.

"Your friends are just sleeping. They aren't dead. Yet," said Psimon.

"Titans-," said Jordan.

"Psimon says rest," said Psimon.

Jordan and the Titans drop like flies and nearly instantly fall unconscious. Psimon starts to smile and taps the communicator in his ear.

"Yes?" asked Talia.

"They've been dealt with," said Psimon.

"Good. Have you armed the building?" said Talia.

"Yes. It will blow in a few minutes," said Psimon.

"Leave them and go. They will be killed in the blast," said Talia.

"On it, boss. Let me just-," said Psimon as he turns around.

"Hi," said Raven suavely.

"Dammit," said Psimon.

With one blast of magical energy, Psimon is one-shotted to the shadow realm before anyone can blink. She then turns around and wakes up her teammate with one magical chant.

"That hurt," said Beast Boy.

"No time. We got to go," said Raven.

"Then, let's go," said Jordan.

The Titans run or fly at top speed out of the building before it blows to smithereens with the big brain inside. They watch the fire behind them and breathe hard.

"Well, that was a good mission. Not very stealthy, but exciting," said Jordan.

"Let's not do that for a little while," said Beast Boy.

"Agreed," said Beast Boy.

From a building miles away from Infinity Island, Talia scowls. She throws her glass of wine at the wall and stares at the monitor.

"This is a disaster. They should have been dead, but let's learn from this failure. We won't have many of these ever again," said Talia.

"We won't, mother," said the boy.

"Correct, Damian," said Talia.

Guess who's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, you're probably wondering why I'm back here. Well, I have returned permenantly. I will return to being Mr. Consistent from now on. So, what happened? Well, after I told you guys about my internet going out, it went out again for a few more days. Once it came back on, I could have went back to uploading chapters, but I decided to focus on my writing. I finished the AOT story. I didn't like it, so I rewrote most of it. After doing that, I was supposed to start uploading chapters again, but I got lazy. I'm not going to lie, but I have returned on this April Fools Day to continue this story. The schedule will stay the same and we will get to the end of this massive tale. It's going to get good. Also, because of my laziness, I have been able to work a lot on my original novel. I have planned up to 80% of the second arc. The entire first arc is done and I want to give you guys a little gift. This is still a rough draft, but I will give you guys the first 4 chapters of Part 1 of the first arc. It will be out by the time that I go on Spring Break, so around a week from now. You guys better wait because you will enjoy it! Enjoy the chapter and have a good night!

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